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Gordon Axeman

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Everything posted by Gordon Axeman

  1. Gordon Axeman

    Pending Update: Build

    Plz add the "Flip ATV" option in mouse wheel menu when targeting a fliiped ATV. Maybe thats off-topic but many ppl would like to see it. Keep up the good work, Rocket!
  2. Gordon Axeman

    Flip ATV or bikes

    Yeah, that's bloody annoying when a bridge finishes your atv ride... +1 We lost three in three days, one in the berezino docks, another near gorka, one more near mogilevka... Sometimes its just an unlucky turn, but flipping them manually is a good and necessary option.
  3. I think the theme author is right. Haters gonna hate, but i will give one single answers to "people will always kill". If you shoot, you will consume the rare ammo. Plus you will get a whole place attacking you. Zeds hordes attacks may lead to injuries and death. That shot player may survive and revenge. PEOPLE WILL KILL SHIT. BUT THEY WILL BE LEARNED NOT TO DO SO AFTER THE KILL.
  4. Gordon Axeman

    Melee Weapons Ideas (Megathread) Post your ideas

    I would say no to katana and trench knife. There are enough military firearms. It would break the atmoshere. About dead island: melee weapons will really boost the atmosphere, but firearms spawn rate (or their ammo spawn) should be decreased along with melee addition, or they will be just useless. I would like to add: 1)Hammer (medium dmg, civilian loot spawns) 2)Baseball bat (knockdown, little dmg) 3) A piece of wood (found nearly everywhere, knockdown, no dmg) 4) Sickle (found in barns, medium/high dmg) 5) Scythe (found in barns, instant kill, low attack rate) 6) Oar (found at the broken boats on the beach, knockdown, medium dmg, low attack rate) 7) Piece of pipe (found at the industrial areas, medium dmg)
  5. Gordon Axeman

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    an atv disappared... it wasnt a player, tents with weapons and loot were untouched. plz fix
  6. Gordon Axeman

    LU193 Admin abuse

    Damn, we had a camp there...
  7. Gordon Axeman

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Dont have an opportunity to test(( Now, if there are no severe bugs, i want the unlimited ammo bugs fixed. And nothing more lol!
  8. Gordon Axeman

    Pending Update: Build

    About the respawn button: I have a solution. If you die from natural reasons (bugs, zombies, bullets, explosions, cheaters etc.), your spawn is chosen randomly. If you press Respawn, you spawn at the same point where you spawned previously. For example, I spawned in Komarovo, went to Cherno, was shot at the church, got broken legs, killed the enemy, but had no morphine. So I respawned and here I am in Komarovo again! As said later, the button will be removed to prevent players triyng spawning themselves in a place they need. My solution can also prevent them from this, but in some situations, when respawn is necessary (also stated above), you can do it. What about this?
  9. Gordon Axeman

    Not so Enjoyable.

    Zeds are easy to lose now, just run around a building and fall prone. Then slowly crawl away. Dont be afraid of losing loot. Its a game. If spawned near Balota, go past the village, and behind it there is an airstip - raid it. If even you are shot, you have nothing to lose. Go to cherno and elektro, hit supermarkets for tools and packs, town-houses for a weapon, dont stay in the village outskirts of the cities (many zeds, little loot). You will find plenty of food, keep 2-3 units of eat and drink with ya constantly, if gonna travel, get more. When you have at least a winchester/enfield, go hit a firestation for military gear and a hospital for medical supplies. When done, leave the city. Now it's a good time to find a group and hit the NWAF.
  10. Gordon Axeman

    NWAF Loot

    Barracks, deer stands
  11. Gordon Axeman

    Several questions from a noob...

    1) kill armed ppl on sight. They are rarely friendly. Go away from unarmed, if they find a weapon, they will kill ya. 2) Try more, you are just unlucky. Spawning is random, ya have no choice. 3) Cherno, Elektro, both Stary and Novy sobor, all airfields. Also Zelenogorsk and Berezino, but they are less of a threat then Cherno/Elektro. 4) Broken chain is bad connection. A lock? Dunno.
  12. Gordon Axeman

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Everything works perfect, zombies are okay. But: 1)Broken bones seem not to be fixed, me and my friend got broken bones with the first zombie strike. 2)Also not full magazines are filled up after reconnecting. 3)Something has to be done with "Setup complete, please wait". It makes player exposed when he can't yet control his char. 4) Friend shot from enfield, and no zombies aggroed. They were max 100m far from him, they just behaved as usual. No more shit found. Keep up the good work, Rocket! :thumbsup: B) :thumbsup: P.S. Using the latest beta, updated through 6updater. No loading trouble...
  13. Gordon Axeman

    Make it harder, less loot

    Another solution: uberweapons spawn rate should be the same, but ammo spawn rate should be greatly lowered. It's realistic - soldiers have spent lots of ammo on zeds, though lots weapons are left by dead soldiers...
  14. Gordon Axeman

    Vehicle spawn idea (NO WINE)

    Holy shit, not in lada... On my feet... I haven't slept the whole fucking night, man.
  15. Gordon Axeman

    Vehicle spawn idea (NO WINE)

    They have a monopoly on vehicles, that's why ppl begin to form squads, not to be like them, but to blow up cars and destroy tents. Clans are hated by half the community, glad to see an adequate man. I have never played wow and I'm never gonna to. I'm not an individual, we have a group of three. And you are speaking with the wow principles, where a single man can't pass an instance. That's shit in DayZ, because no group should ever think they're better them others. Even a single survivor can use such a mistake and strike a powerful blow. Once I took out the entire group. You know the nw cherno hospital? There are also three 4-store houses opposite the hospital. I was lying at the one in the middle. Suddenly a Lada flies up to the hospital and stops. Three get out, one inside. Two head for the hospital, one looks for the 4-storys. I throw a grenade to the car, blow it and the guardian up, the other couple run up to the car, I shot one with AKM, the other quickly runs inside with zombies on him. He runs up, where I had put a steel hedgehog. He gets one floor down and begins to shoot zombies! So he's done too. The only bad thing was that when I was already leaving Cherno, I got shot from m107 while sitting in the car...(
  16. Gordon Axeman

    Vehicle spawn idea (NO WINE)

    I'd like... lolol
  17. Gordon Axeman

    Vehicle spawn idea (NO WINE)

    Damn it man, you are selfish. Why large clans need cars, and small groups not? I lead a group of three and we had only found a bus once. We raided all the north. Just yesterday I was at the lake near Skalka, found four tents - empty tents. So you are not the only witty man. And why do you think EVERYONE will have a car? I suggested for future, when servers will have more space, and existing will be more fiiled. I talked not about COLOSSAL AMOUNT UPGRADE, I talked about randomizing the spawn points. On every new server people immedilately go to the known spawns. And that would really boost the interest of searching a car.
  18. Gordon Axeman

    Vehicle spawn idea (NO WINE)

    Good idea, I appreciate! I've mentioned that there are too many destroyed vehicles, it's illogical. What made them trashed? They should be repairable, not all of course, about 15%.
  19. Gordon Axeman

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    Rocket is a good, creative guy, and he listens to bug reports and suggestions. That is a part of why I like the game. You won't find such support in any mmo. But for now the main problem is bugs. Every new update needs a lot of fixes (1.7.1 needed five). Thats why the dev is slow - there is no time to bring on features - only enough for bug fixing. I dunno why there are such lots of bugs. Duping, killer doors, texture bugs, spawns, loading bug... Damn, not all people want to wait - they don't understand the word alpha. The bugs should all be dead till beta, or public will go away. IMO, rocket should stop tweaking infected, balance weapons etc. for a while. Leave it all like in - stable and not buggy. Iron the fuck out the fatal bugs in 1.7.3. Get the old bugs breaking every new update gone, and then add new stuff. Better for everyone.
  20. No f2p. Rocket said that it will be a Minecraft like model. Find a proof. Thats true.
  21. Gordon Axeman

    [HOW TO] Not Get Shot By A Player

    Right. I have buddies on Raidcall, and I need nobody more. I never shoot unarmed people (simply keep an eye on them or run away). And the opinion about airfields/cities is a bit wrong. There you will find gun, bag, food and water. Just dont break into hospitals and stores without observing. The same about houses - a camper with a hatchet killed the whole group of armed guys in there, me watching that from the bushes. I killed him while he was looting, but thats not the point. Don't scream "friendly" to everyone - you will be either shot because the human you met was bandit/he thought its a trap. Look at high places like Cherno factory, cover behind buildings, distract zombies with cans and then do short runs from house to house. At airfields the same rules act - look to probable sniper points, move only inside forests (espesially at NWAF), go there in groups - some loot, some cover. And everywhere there is a single rule: after looting gtfo asap. This always saved my butt in all these places. They are not deathly if you know their rules.
  22. Gordon Axeman

    Experimental test patch

    Old bug. Relog should help.
  23. Sorry for my bad english. Everyone knows the wiring problem: some maniacs (server hoppers?) put barbed wire/tank traps every here and there, making it hard to get into buildings. They block off even the airport buildings, that makes people angry. I have recently met (per day): 1) Two blocked Elektro firestations 2) Blocked Balota building near hangars 3) Two deer stands in Balota blocked 4) The industrial complex in Komarovo blocked partially This is annoying. This is on every server. I am not first experiencing this. So, the suggestion: 1) Walls should NOT let barbed wire to be placed. It has some standard length, hasn't it? So, barbed wire should only be able to place if NOTHING STANDS IN ITS WAY. This will partially solve the problem. (For now wires pass through walls like through textures) 2) The spawn should be nerfed. The most strange is that all this stuff spawns in industrial locations. It is often farmed at the Cherno construction site. THERE IS A LOT OF WIRES AND TRAPS THERE. So, let it spawn at military locations only, or at industrial at very small rate. This will make people keep the wire for their camps etc., and not having excessive for trolling people. That's all. Comment on it, leave suggestions and opinions. Hope the devs will get it.
  24. Gordon Axeman

    Can't run.

    Sorry for my English. I have experienced a problem that I can't run. A relog solves the problem until the first pose changing (going crouched/prone etc.). 2xShift didn't help, so what?
  25. I found sats at NWA. That's not a cheat.