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Everything posted by bascal

  1. Get this error message: "you were kicked from the game. (battleye: admin ban (w4d9b2182 0x0f44d938))" Apparently while I was gone the community made a ban list and somehow I got added to it? I'm sure people say this all the time but I honestly did nothing wrong. The only reason I can think that I was banned was about a month ago I randomly logged in out of nostalgia and the fact that I was selling my gaming PC. My character has some pretty nice gear when I left him; ghillie, rangefinders, nvgs, SVD Camo, etc (I played with a large clan before I got sick of hackers.) So I log in, run over to Elektro, pop a couple fresh spawns from 600-800 yds out just for shits and giggles and some weird shit happens with all the birds flocking around me. I'm like wtf? Well this is making me hella obvious. I run into the woods, the weird bird glitch thing follows and I'm like well fuck this shit, games still buggy, I'm out. Now I see Origins update and want to play again but my $30 I spent on Arma II is down the shitter because I've been falsely added to some community ban list, which from what I read, isn't maintained anymore but still used... Wtf can I do? Please tell me someone here can help? I've never touched a hack in this or any game. I quit playing for like 8 months BECAUSE of hackers and now this? Sorry to rant... Spent all day downloading and setting up a new PC to play and am very disappointed. :( Somebody please help!
  2. Need to fill completely to stop leaking after fixing it up. Also despawns after reset and spawns back in the original spawn, broken after server restart.
  3. Choppers seem currently bugged. They spawn back at their original spawn, missing all the parts when the server resets. I can confirm dc'ing in a chopper will put you safely on the ground where you spawned but more than likely the chopper will spawn fresh completely broken.
  4. Video of me and all the other CQF members who were on the server trying to get back in after the ban: Basically we were on the server last night, found a couple camps up north, as well as 3 vehicles. Geared up and stole the vehicles, hiding them somewhere else on the map. We were playing today after the server went down for a few hours. I was helping a clan mate who was injured heal up and recover another vehicle (the dirt bike) when somebody took me out with an AS 50 and my clan mate (Christian) took out the sniper. A while later (after the bandit we took out logged off the server) I'm running back from the beach and we all get banned from server at the same time. None of us hacked, cheated or exploited in any way. If you know CQF you know that that would not be tolerated at all. We suspect we were banned for raiding their camps.
  5. bascal

    helicopter gas...

    I think you also need to fill the gas all the way up to full after repairing or else it will still leak.
  6. bascal

    helicopter gas...

    Seen this happen as well. Very annoying.
  7. EDIT: Some other clan members were caught red handed duping items at a camp we never went to... They will be dealt with and the admins are apparently lifting the bans for me and my group who were not involved in the duping camp.
  8. Because it's all a one hit kill to begin with... Now I'm just confused how a .45 hits as hard as a 9 mil. I thought this game was supposed to be realistic, not balanced?
  9. Bump. This kids' ignorance has spoken for itself.
  10. Unacceptable. People like this need to be made examples of.
  11. You can answer your own question, ya know... Not trying to be mean, just pointing out the obvious. Sounds like you got sniped and then shot through a window. I've never just fallen over dead before... Is this really even a bug? As for the first random death, I think you got sniped from far away.
  12. bascal

    1911 now a 4 shot kill?

    1911 should always be one hit kill in the chest to a zed. Either you're hitting their fingers and toes or the server is lagging. Sounds more like the server to me.
  13. Now with twice the "once!" Sounds believable...
  14. bascal

    We don't need patches, Rocket.

    You are severely mislead. I agree hacking is a much larger issue but, 1 - Players who have taken PvP damage and log out are knocked out for 3 minutes upon logging back in. That's in the game already, Rocket has said he's looking at more. 2 - This can be a bug caused by the female skin. Some players experience it, and when they do, they can't see anybody using the female skin. 3/4 - I'm, sure they're looking for fixes... this is alpha. 5 - There are no hitboxes in ArmAII, and therefore aimbot hacks DO NOT EXIST! Hacking in gear and vehicles do, as well as many others but aimbots do not exist. I know CQF's servers have taken the brunt of hackers and rest assured, Rocket knows about it. I can't even play on my own clans servers anymore because hackers love to shit on the "good guys."
  15. What about the teeny tiny island way off the coast to the East-Southeast.
  16. bascal

    Ghillie Suit. where? WHERE?

    http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html Ghillie = Skin_Sniper1_DZ In short, they can spawn in any residential, office or church (ya, I know...) area but have the best chance (2%) to spawn on crashed heli's. Welcome to crashed heli farming...
  17. But seriously, that stick breaking noise that occurs all the time for no reason needs to stop.
  18. Something really does need to be done. Battleye is obviously not doing their job here and how can I be expected to test anything, besides starting cities, without sufficient protection from hackers? It's getting so bad on some servers that they're just being avoided. Hackers have way too much power in this game. We already have over a page of hacker reports in this forum today and it's not even prime time yet... not to mention we just had a ban wave the other day. Honestly, I would rather have dev's forget the bugs, forget tweaking zed, forget everything but how to stop this rampant hacking because it's killing the game for anyone who's done with the starter cities. If that means servers have to be Bohemia property, so be it. We need to fix this because the hackers in this game, have so much power it's ridiculous. I don't even want to log in anymore.
  19. bascal

    What would be your song?!?!

    Everyone is Guilty by Akron/Family The lyrics have just always reminded of the zombie apocalypse and the thought that everyone is guilty and can't avoid judgement just makes your death eerily unavoidable. But god damned if you aren't going down without a fight. Good track, seemed to be on all my friends Zombie Apocalypse mixtapes.
  20. For those experienced with tents and storing gear in them... How often do they delete your gear? I've got a good life going, gathered up a bunch of decent gear, NVGs, AS50 and a tent. I'm wanting to dump my NVGs and AS50 in the tent at a good spot and go farm some more but from what I read they will often delete your gear as of If this is the case I'd rather contact a clan mate and see if they have a safe place. Thanks for the help.
  21. Cool, this is pretty much what I ended up doing. I set the tent up at a remote location no one should ever find, dumped some food in there and will return after a restart to see if my beans are still there. Luckily I have a good clan who can evac the AS50/M249 SAW I've been carrying to their vehicles.
  22. Great group of people to play with, always people on and active.
  23. bascal

    New Zombie Textures

    Brilliant! I've always been bothered by this and especially by how the Zed's hands are also prestine while their faces are done up right. It's definitely weird and I'm sure it's something they'll address before launch. I hope Rocket gets these and puts them in soon!
  24. Fuck the zed, I don't want to use my flashlight because every bandit in within miles with know where I am.