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Everything posted by bascal

  1. Even with the gamma and brightness at 100% it's already near impossible to see anything in a storm or in heavy clouds. The only time the gamma and brightness "exploit" really works is on a clear night with lots of moon light shining through and even then you can't see much other than outlines. Is that not exactly how it works in the real world? I don't understand the change at all, the current system is perfect but because people label adjusting your settings an "exploit" now we're having something even less realistic implemented. Our eye's naturally adjust to low light situations. If you walked out into pitch black in the middle of the night and waited for 5-10 minutes you would eventually be able to see, unless something was blocking the moon. This is a needless change that totally ruins night farming, something I personally enjoy. Oh well, we'll just have to throw more chem lights/flares I guess... thanks for ruining a great mechanic whiners!
  2. HAHAHAHA! Now the real question is, how long were you waiting for somebody to find your tent?
  3. bascal

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    So I know Rocket has talked about how he thinks DCing out of zed aggro is an exploit but more frustrating than that is when you get the jump on somebody only to have them Alt+F4 the second they start taking fire. Just today, I tracked down somebody in a Ghillie suit with an enormous sniper rifle without them knowing I was on their tail. When I opened fire with my AK he hit the deck, DCs and then switches servers to avoid death. The fix is really simple, just add a 20 second timer to disconnects where the character remains in game and able to die, much like WoW which has this exact feature to presumably prevent the same problem. Obviously you can't implement WoW's no DCs while "in combat" rule because combat is much different in DayZ but the basic idea of having your character persist in the game world for an extra 15-20 seconds would cut out a lot of this DCing to avoid death. If players chose to DC to avoid death they'd only come back to a body ravaged by zed and bleeding out or a corpse filled with lead and being looted. In the end, players would start thinking more about where they log in and out. Most would find some safe shrubbery just off the path from their loot spots to wait out the log out. As a side note, I personally believe if this were to be implemented the zed need to be nerfed/fixed a bit. They either need to be easier to lose, less glitchy or they need to stop breaking our legs and causing us to bleed out on every other hit. I get that they should be hard to deal with and I respect that because it makes the game more interesting. But people are DCing to avoid zed for a reason. If you're out of bandages just one hit can end up in death, plus they're difficult to shoot due to glitchy and unpredictable run animations. TL DR - DCs to save from impending doom can easily be fixed by adding in a 15-20s timer were your character still persists in game after a DC. Before implementing this, fix the zeds glitchy/unpredictable run animations, ridiculous bone breaking and/or frequency of causing bleed outs. Everyone is aborting to avoid zed for a reason.
  4. Hey guys, as you can guess from the title I'm looking for a regular group of bandits to play with. You don't necessarily have to be on the East Coast US, that's just to give you a general idea of the hours I'm most active. I may be new to the game but I'd consider myself a gaming vet. I've been on many teams/clans, participating in competitive ladders and clan matches for games like R6, CS, BF3, WoW and SC2. I also have lots of experience with just about every VoIP program out there. If anybody is interested both my Skype and Steam names are Runawayambulance and I go by Bascal in game or you can just post in here. Look forward to hearing from people, can't wait to get started with some real group play.