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About Wolffie

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    On the Coast
  1. PVP isn't bad at the moment, except for the fact you no longer spawn with a pistol. I don't understand why everybody is bitching.
  2. Wolffie

    New Spawn Gear BREAKS THE GAME

    I actually did' date=' that was my longest time alive. But I went up into the tower, then fell through the floor, breaking my leg. I tried to crawl to the nearest town, but got shot by a bandit for my Lee Enfield. [hr'] Don't use the American flag, America is not a democracy, it is a republic. Shows what you know.
  3. Wolffie

    New Spawn Gear BREAKS THE GAME

    There needs to be defense from bandits. There has to be.
  4. I think the ability to add players to a friendslist is mandatory. I think that you should be able to go on the same server as them, and spawn next to them if you so choose. Trying to find your friends on a 225 SQ KM map is impossible, and I really think this feature should be added. Obviously, if there was just a spawn on player feature, bandits could prey on any and all. But this is a good system. Battlefield has a similar way of doing things.
  5. The new spawn gear is pathetic. I am getting spawn killed by bandits and zombies, hell, I haven't been able to survive five minutes since the change in spawn gear. "Oh, the new spawn gear is designed to make players a less target to bandits." NO IT DOES NOT! Bandits are still killing me just for my bandages and painkillers, only now I can't fight back. "It discourages new players from becoming bandits." It also ENCOURAGES bandits to prey on the new players. This needs to be fixed, bring the Makarov back with the starting gear.