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Everything posted by sisirk

  1. Come check us out at ugN Gaming, we have a few other DE players also. http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21656 No-one should walk this map alone :) you are more than welcome to join us.
  2. sisirk

    Looking for UK group/players

    Hi, come check ugN Gaming out: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21656 We have groups of Survivors all over the map, you are more than welcome to join us.
  3. That sounds strange, if you PM me your email address or IP I will check for multiple accounts although I dont believe there is one for you. I can manually set one up for you also and PM you the details, you can change them at another date.
  4. sisirk

    DayZ survival Group

    Fancy something organized and community orientated, check us out: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21656 We currently have groups of Survivors scattered throughout the map. We even offer Bandits a home, you are more than welcome to join us.
  5. Just join the forum, select your group :) Only problem is we dont have a whole lot of Bandits on-board just yet.. They seem to keep to themselves xD http://ugn-gaming.com/dayz/index.php?PHPSESSID=6b5dbdaef48b9821031c9f647f39a907&action=register
  6. It appears you bandits are a shy bunch of creatures, we are still looking for bandits.
  7. Check it out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21784&pid=192497#pid192497 We are looking for more bandits
  8. Drop on by and considor joining us: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21784&pid=192497#pid192497 We are still looking for more bandits, you guys seem to be very shy :D
  9. sisirk

    DayZee or DayZed?

    Dayzee here :)
  10. sisirk

    Looking for a group.

    Hey check this out, you are more than welcome to join us: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21656 We have many players in-game and have managed to successfully raid lots of chopper crashes, airfields etc... We have some US players & even have our own medics :) Our Website: http://www.ugn-gaming.com Our DayZ Community: http://www.ugn-gaming.com/dayz Steam: rawkrisis Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ugndayz/
  11. sisirk

    Need a group

    Come join us: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21656 Join us on our TS server and have some fun,
  12. Yeah, it sums up quiet nicely how we all feel in-game somtimes :) Big thanks to Kirkers for it ;)
  13. We are just waiting on whitelisting for the server, it will be set to timezone GMT -6hrs or there abouts. We are setting it to have sunset at about 2am UK time as many of our members play late into the night.
  14. sisirk

    The usual story in DayZ

    Lol, I hate dying from things like this :) Or you spawn where you logged out previously and get shot the second you spawn.
  15. sisirk

    Want to form group US servers

    We have some US players in our clan/community, you are welcome to join us Website: http://www.ugn-gaming.com/dayz Steam: rawkrisis
  16. sisirk

    This made me raaaaaaaage

    Lol, been there for sure xD
  17. Either get into a building to shoot them as they come in the door, Run up a steep hill and shoot them as they approach Run up a steep hill and try to lose them as they fall behind a bit Try to run around a building and then find cover, this sometimes works
  18. sisirk

    Good teamspeak hosts?

    We use alpha-networks https://alpha-networks.co.uk/billing/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=0
  19. sisirk

    Looking for EU group

    You are more than welcome to join us: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21656 We have over 30 members playing dayz We play most days and evenings in groups, mainly from 8pm CET to 2am :)
  20. sisirk

    Longest time you've stayed alive?

    14 days for me, then I went on a drunken joy-ride with some clan-mates and while leaving a town with 4 of us in a car we got shot at and the car blew up.. such a LMAO moment xD
  21. And welcome aboard Bohun, it's beginning to take some shape now. ;)
  22. I forgot to mention, if anyone would like to add me on steam - my addy is: rawkrisis
  23. sisirk

    Looking for EU ppl to play with

    Hi, Come take a look at this post: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21656 We have different groups of players all over the map :) You are more than welcome to join us.
  24. >>>--- GMT -6 Hours ---<<< We are looking for people wishing to purchase a UK server with time offset GMT -6 hours. Without paying the added cost of a dedicated server, simply so we can enable our DayZ server to offset the time, we need x3 more server admins to join us to rent out an entire box to run at GMT- 6 hours on High Quality UK servers! What you get: * 40 Slot Server * GMT -6hrs * Free De-branding * Exceptional server performance * Free setup * 24/7 uninterupted accessibility * Unlimited gaming bandwidth * No unplanned downtime * Free high quality support * Free fast map download redirects * 5 Free IRC Bouncers * Full FTP access * 100mb free Cpanel website hosting (subject to domain) * Servers are public or private (no additional fees) * Full control over your game server via our gaming control panel * Machines are NEVER overloaded with too many game servers! COST: £40 p/m If you are interested in one of these servers, reply here, PM me or contact me on steam: rawkrisis . . .