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About arizona

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    On the Coast
  1. arizona

    Zombies after patch

    For me it's not really a solution! If you stand back now, you draw back your whole life ;) Seriously I approach the game with a certain mindset to the extreme presence detection zombies and in my opinion a mistake (history of personal taste) I confess that even I would like a version property Dayz coop to 8/10 players, no PvP, on private server with a target waiting time for evacuation of the island complete with transitional goals before the final
  2. arizona

    Zombies after patch

    V1.7.1.4 Hi all, Honestly I really do not like the new release ... I give up the servers until a future update ... My reasons are: we detect the zombies too easily crawled and be running slow or permanently remove the side too fun and dynamic. Dayz should not become a simulator lying position ... For me a zombie must be slow, large group and kill me to wear by lack of bullets or physical exhaustion and not doing sprints at the Carl Lewis or reacting like homing missiles at the slightest flatulence If the purpose of this upgrade was a hindrance to meter PvP abuse its not working ... Always so much psychopath who kills any humanoid present in their field of vision Keep in mind the reference to the moment the way forward: