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Saul Weinstein

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About Saul Weinstein

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Saul Weinstein

    2-3 month Day Z break, what is it like today?

    It's nice that people are more willing to not be dicks, but a few months ago it was barb wire and dead soldier bodies that caused glitches.
  2. I stopped a 2 month long Day Z binge a few months ago due to work, grad school, and new games that have peaked my interest. Has anything changed since then? If so, what?
  3. Saul Weinstein

    Hearing church bells?

    Every so often in the game I hear church bells or some sort of bell ringing. What is this noise? What triggers it?
  4. Saul Weinstein

    Vital Things Missing from the DayZ Apocalypse

    Don't forget: Diabetes AIDS Cancer Obesity Stubbed toes Hangnails Pink-eye Scurvy Hemorrhoids Diarrhea Botulism Insanity Schitzophenia Blindness Deafness Limb amputations Sexual frustration STDs Male Pattern Baldness Menstrual cycles for female characters Unplanned pregnancies The common cold
  5. Saul Weinstein

    Weight Tiers

    To make it ultra-realistic your body type should be randomized at respawn. You can be a fat diabetic who needs to find insulin or you will slip into a coma, or you can be a fit, athletic person. Or something in between.
  6. Saul Weinstein

    Ability to Heal Bones Over Time

    To be super realistic it should take 6-8 weeks of game time to fully heal.
  7. Saul Weinstein

    Laggy during night?

    Night in game, not peak hours or anything like that. The game used to run fine at night for me, but now it is so choppy/laggy that it is unplayable. What is going on?
  8. Saul Weinstein


    If "bikeys" is your super mature way of saying bicycle, then you are wrong, there are bicycles.
  9. Saul Weinstein

    More Realism please

    There is a random chance to get botulism when eating canned food. There is a random chance to get horribly sick when drinking water. All water must be boiled at a campfire before consumption. Weapons jam. Zombies can run full speed indoors. Your shooting/aiming skill is on par with someone who has never held or fired a gun before. Hardcore realism. Deal with it.
  10. Does the game get really laggy at night for people? Servers that run fine during their daylight hours run very slow for me at night.
  11. Yup, I found it, and three others just like it.
  12. Saul Weinstein

    Rocket - Improvised splints for broken legs?

    Don't know if it was mentioned before, but how about either a mophine shot, or 4 bandages will heal a broken leg? If you break your leg without any morphine you better hope you're in one of the few places that spawn morphine. With the four bandage method, you get a penalty with reduced pistol ammo, and if you break your leg you'll have a slightly better chance finding the supplies needed to fix the problem. Perhaps also make it take a set period of time or so to fully heal where you cant move or shoot.
  13. Saul Weinstein

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Two cowards have logged off to keep me from killing them in the past day. One idea would be to implement a 10/20/or even 30 second countdown timer to log off. If you alt-f4 quit, your character will remain on the server for a minute.
  14. Saul Weinstein


    I believe that is the case. Arma II has no melee option as far as I know. You would think they would HAVE to implement some sort of melee weapon system for the final version of the game. Melee weapons have been a key part of the canon of zombie apocalypse movies/games/literature since the beginning. Day Z without a melee weapons system would be a bit of a failure in my opinion.
  15. Saul Weinstein

    nightime servers?

    Not true. Admins roll back the time on their servers quite frequently. A majority of servers probably don't even have a full night/day cycle ever.