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About chiks

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  1. chiks

    Cheat report

    ...omg... unbelivible!!!
  2. plz check my profile, why we waiting so long! Name: Volodja ID: 3165956 dayz 1715 arma 16093965
  3. hello again! i waiting third day, no answer from stuff, i cannot play, cannot connect any servers, good job stuff! Name: Volodja ID: 3165956
  4. hello again! I reinstall the gam, follow all instruction but no change i cannot play and conect to any servers, i dont now wat is wrong its my problem or server, Dayz stuff we all waiting for fix this problem, Name: Volodja ID: 3165956
  5. one day left and this conection bug not fixed! fine!
  6. Hello yes i have too this problem, i play in EU server in morning its okey but avternoon i canot connect any server write " This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction. You cannot play in this server. If you admin contact DayZ stuff". I tired for this last week fix and bugs.