A little bit disillusioned with the game tbh. It's been one of my favourite games for the past 18 months but I think I'm going to have uninstall as it's a little bit unplayable if you're playing it solo. Almost every player you meet on this game beyond starting out (i.e. geared players) you meet in clans of 3 or 4. The only part of the game you can actually play are is starting out, move around a bit before getting killed by a group of players before you can get yourself in a semi-strong position and even when you do, you lose because you can't compete. Always in clans of 3 or 4, always with vehicle with shed tons of loot and always looting bases during unsociable hours. Due to the elements of the game, which I actually quite enjoy, it's virtually unplayable unless you're willing to play only parts of the game or join a massive group of players
Think it's time to uninstall the game which is a shame because I actually quite enjoy the challenging nature of it and even enjoy having to start over again with zero resources and the elements but I think until they improve base-building or base-building defense or create solo/duo servers I don't think I'll be re-installing the game. I've played in several servers, both busy and quiet and even the quiet servers you just get a group, enjoying monopolizing a server and make it impossible for the majority to actually enjoy most aspects of the game. I know many of you will react negatively to this but I work full-time and I'm more than happy to expect players who put lots of time into it to have more loot and be better equipped than me. Even as a duo, when I did played the game with someone else before they decided to quit for the same reason I am, we struggled to really get into a position to compete due to big clans.
I think until the game is updated to give options to those who are flying solo giving options for them to protect their loot and gear beyond burying it in several parts of the map, it'll only ever really serve big clans