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Cosmic (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cosmic (DayZ)

  1. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Haha thats ok, i got over it

    Rule number one.
  2. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Teleport Hacked

    Same thing has happened to me way too many times.
  3. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Need help in terms of new maps

    Check out Namalsk and Panthera. I personally hate Taviana. To me it feels like a "toy city." Everything is all perfect and neat. It doesn't feel post-apocalyptic at all.
  4. Of the most recent updates for Namalsk, I think this one caught my eye the most. As if zombies weren't enough to fear, the most recent Namalsk update has introduced the Bloodsucker. New PVE challenge - introducing 'bloodsucker' - fast, mostly invisible & deadly still a bit human-like creature (I heard, they like helicrashes and barracks, be prepared to be hunted down!) Source: http://www.nightstal...u=en_dn_changes You ready for the Bloodsucker?
  5. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Something to be aware of

    This is bull shit. Admins have way too much power. Every time I ago into a game with a few buddies, we usually end up takin out a majority of people on the server, usually the server admin as well. Every time we end up killin the admin(s), we end up getting killed by said admin with an AS50/Railgun/M107, 5 minutes after their death. There's no way you just happen to be geared up, and then just happen to run into me or us, just after we killed you. Why can admins spawn anything on themselves when they log out? Why can they see where everyone is and what they have? EVEN when logged out? I already knew they could do all of this, I just think it's garbage.
  6. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Are you Ready for the Bloodsucker?

    Isn't it great?
  7. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Are you Ready for the Bloodsucker?

    Just experienced the EVR event. Shit was crazy. Dunno exactly what happened, but went from full health to about 4k and was passed out for a few minutes. Saw many names of people who were killed. Have yet to run into a bloodsucker.
  8. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Are you Ready for the Bloodsucker?

    It's already there if you upgrade Namalsk to .72 on Commander... That's what this thread is about... I don't even...
  9. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Are you Ready for the Bloodsucker?

    Not sure. Maybe it will provide an actual challenge to kill, because as it is now, zombies are no more than a nuisance.
  10. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Are you Ready for the Bloodsucker?

    It was an accident... I've already attempted to correct the situation.
  11. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Pssst. Com'er

    Lol ... My friend! My friend!
  12. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

    These guys shot me and came up to me and started talkin shit. I thought the guy on the left had interesting attire, so I decided to take a pic. They proceeded to kill me :lol:
  13. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

    Sorry. To busy enjoying DayZ :P
  14. Cosmic (DayZ)


  15. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Bullet zone tracking system.

    But OP and others in other thread are talking about gore. If I shoot a zombie in the chest with a .50 cal, it should explode. If I shoot them in the leg, that leg should no longer be attached.
  16. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Dynamic water level

    When it's raining, it's harder for zombies and other players to hear your movements.
  17. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Dynamic water level

    This is already implemented.
  18. Cosmic (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] The New AH6X Chopper Overview [VIDEO]

    I like that chopper, I just hate the continuous high pitched whine that it has. Good video though.
  19. Cosmic (DayZ)

    Unable to connect to this site for the past hour.

    Ya the server for the forums suck ass. It's always laggy and crashes a lot.
  20. Cosmic (DayZ)

    New news

    Am excited for SA.
  21. Cosmic (DayZ)

    How BUNKERS should look and how to impliment SLAVES

    For real! There's another thread somewhere on the forums about someone wanting Rocket to implement cannibalism. I feel the DayZ forums harbor some odd balls...