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Everything posted by Ev3nflow

  1. I have to put my word in here. I "admin" 462 and I use that term loosely considering my "adminstration" consists of keeping the server updated for other players to use my server for free that I pay monthly for. If someone comes in and spawns what my server refers to as "time bombs" (which they did last night) all I can do is..........nothing. "Oh hey cool guys some script kiddies joined my server! Let's let them have fun and possibly kill everyone!" No. If I am forking out money for a server every month for a growing mod I expect to be able to have some kind of rights. Yes, I knew about the rules when I started a server. No, I didn't think it would be a big deal. But it is. Hacking has become rampant. Scripting/spawning has become rampant. I am not going to stand for it any more. Fix the rules or I fix my server.
  2. SBA Gaming has been around for quite some time (Since around '02) but we've been a closed, tight-knit group. We've recently become part of the DayZ world and we are loving every minute of it. I am considering expanding to a full-fledged gaming community and I am looking for volunteers and assistants who may be interested in getting in on the ground floor of the operation and being part of the foundation for a safe, mature community (which I know will not always be :heart: ). I am looking for people who may be willing to act in the following roles: •Staff Writer - Write news and content on the website •Advertising and Promotion - To help get word out there and grow the community •Forum Moderators - Will act, in part, to police threads and keep it civil, but will also be responsible for attracting attention to the forums to also help in growth. I respectfully request that all responders be at least 18 years of age. If you are interested in this, please send me a PM or add me on steam (Icettiflow) so we can talk. Thanks for your time in reading this!
  3. In all honesty, I worked for a webhosting company a while back. We were entitled to, of course, free hosting and domains, etc. I didn't know what to get so I picked that one up mainly because it wasn't taken. I expected all domains of that "caliber" to be registered already.
  4. Ev3nflow

    Looking for a group

    Exclusively? No. I try to get on Seattle 44 when possible because i'm used to the names there (and some of their play styles if you get my drift) and it is of course the server i'm paying for but in actuality my community members are nowhere near Seattle lol.
  5. Ev3nflow

    Looking for a group

    Love it. Adding you to steam as well.
  6. Ev3nflow

    Looking for a group

    We'd be glad to have you too Tim. We also have a home in Seattle that I host. Seattle 44.
  7. Ev3nflow

    Looking for a group

    I tried adding you on steam but it said you didn't exist. Probably my error. Add me on Steam: Icettiflow. We'd be glad to have you join the community.