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About lukasforeals

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  1. lukasforeals

    Rocket does the Croquet

    My beans, have them all!
  2. lukasforeals

    Pending Update: Build

    The thing i'd like to see put back in is, in the debug monitor, the 'last saved' timer, so that you don't log out after picking up a good gun, before it has saved that you picked up said gun.
  3. lukasforeals

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    you won't have the l85 next time you log in, so make the most of it while you have it :)
  4. lukasforeals

    'Riot mode enabled'

    Was playing on US 160 last night, when everyone in my group (and i assume everyone else on the server) got some red text come up on their screen that said 'riot mode enabled' a mate looked into it and it has something to do with forcing other clients to run your scripts? can anyone shed any light on this and why someone would be using it on a dayz server? cheers, Luke
  5. lukasforeals

    Atlanta 83

    Me and a mate i play with where both shot by a person with a silenced weapon, using an army soldier skin? about 2:00-2:30 GMT+9.5hrs no player tag came up so i can't give you a name sorry
  6. lukasforeals

    People...WTF is wrong with you?

    hahaha thats excellent. im not trying to whinge, i'm not that bothered by it in the sense i lost nothing really, it was more a post trying about trying to understand the mentality behind it :)
  7. Ok, so firstly, I understand, that at this point, there is no real reason to team up with people, BUT, what just happened to me, is stupid, and pointless. I spawned on the beach, started running for the nearest town, i just get into town, and get shot in the back with a shotgun, i dive for cover, get on direct chat, and tell whoever is shooting me, that i have just spawned, have no gear...they proceed to walk upto me, and shoot me while im proned, for what? my bandage and painkillers? all they did, was force me to re-spawn somewhere else, they gained nothing...what's the point? can someone please explain this mentality to me?
  8. Hey all, Firstly, I just found out they don't stick around if a server crash's/restart's the hard way! (was planning to hit one with a couple mates, all of a sudden 'session lost' server was down, go on once it was up, no chopper D: ) Is there spawn location's random? Do they respawn? Do they always have loot? Are they bugged? Can we get some definitive answer's as to what is the current situation of crashed helicopter site's please. Regards, Luke
  9. lukasforeals

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Find a toolbox and dismantle it I was expecting this response' date=' fact is, toolboxes are pretty rare and finding one is a huge task. If I spawn inside a building after logging on and I'm locked in I either have to server hop or kill myself. Toolboxes are great, if you have one. [/quote'] I had a toolbox earlier, ran into a wire fence, couldn't for the life of me work out how to get rid of it with the toolbox... :(