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MadHatter (DayZ)

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Everything posted by MadHatter (DayZ)

  1. Well hurry up and post it. I cant wait to see you destroy a camp that isn't even mine and blow up a white truck which again isn't the one I have. It is amazing how all of our other vehicles were taken again with you all on the server. Oh and also the members that a hacker teleported in front of a shot. Simply Amazing.
  2. I still suggest you find another server to play on as you are still not welcome on our server.
  3. I will unban you this time although I shouldn't because you are all full of shit with your stories of where the weapon was found and how you recorded the camps for a later raid is also crap. I have never seen a player resist taking a vehicle when it right in front of them. The server has all the scripts updated and the first time I see anything suspicious with any of you I will ban you all. I really can't wait until this game comes out as a stand alone and server admins won't have to put up with the BS rules that favor all the hackers.
  4. I never thought you said I put it there. I only know because I just checked the Ural right before you all took it and it DID NOT have that weapon in it. I could really care less that you guys took our vehicles as I know it's part of the game. I do have a problem when any one person or group of people coming in the server and magically knowing where all the camps and vehicles are. You guys took a vehicle from the far north east and the far west area of the map in the matter of less then an hour. Plus another one of your vehicles that we still have not been able to find. No one ghosted you we had 4 of us total on that hill. If the Dayz Devs want to blacklist the server that is there decission. I will not allow a server that I pay for be a place for hackers to come and ruin a great game for players that just want to play fair. I really don't understand why you have to come to the forums and complain for being banned. There are alot of other servers to play on. I have been playing games online for over 15 years and I have been admin on many other servers and games. In my experience is usally the hackers that get mad when they get banned and run to the forums to cry about it. You will NOT be unbanned!!!
  5. You will not be unbanned!! We had been following you while you all were systemactically taking the vehicles on the server 2 of which were mine and I know you didn't stuble upon them by chance. In no more then 1 hour you had found 3 vehiles that were well hidden. I was checking on the Ural when you all took it, that's how I found you. You claim the Ural had the hacked weapon in it which I know 100% is not true. Don't try to threaten me with the server being blacklisted, there are several hundred servers to play on I suggest you go to one of them. There were not banned for using the hacked weapon. I didn't even know they had it until after we killed two of them and Nevermind ALT F4'd
  6. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Confused about Locked servers vs. hackers

    So tell me what are the Devs learning? We can't get through an hour of play without a hacker coming in and ruining it. I would think the Devs would want us to be able to play and report back with our finding. I really liked how when Rocket was doing an interview with a live feed and the game gets hacked his reply was "this is why we should be using PRIVATE servers for live feeds". Then he said we maybe we should allow locking the servers but nothing ever came of that statement. Now they have again taken away a valuable tool I was using to determine who was hacking (DayZ Radar). Now I don't want to here that server admins were using to cheat because im sure some were. Anytime you put a server admin tool out some immature admims are going to abuse it. The way to solve that problem is to not play in their servers. Don't get me wrong. I really enjoy playing Dayz and that s why I decided to get a server and help support the game but I feel like we should be able to password our servers. It just seems to me that Rocket cares more about the hackers then he does getting good accurate feedback and improving the gameplay.
  7. MadHatter (DayZ)

    US 1033 Player kick

    Ok first of all if your going to post a complaint use your real in game name Teri. You and Inc came in the server and spawned that helicopter as our servers only real helicopter was destroyed 3 days ago. Also I happened to be watching the chat log when you and Inc were talking about a "different guy on the same bike was come straight at us" and something about seeing him on your "Radar". How could you know it was a different guy with the same bike? There was about ten of us if the same group and we were following you. I am the only admin on that server and I would gladly give any Dayz Dev any log file they want to look at if you want to persue your complaint.
  8. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Attacked by 2 hackers... (Video)

    Sorry to see you had a problem while you were in our server. I believe I was in the server during that time frame but I can't see anything thats going on. I know I'm going to get flamed for this but here it goes anyway. I wish I could fly around the map like in COD and be able to find and ban some of these hackers.
  9. I have noticed that all the hacked vehicles respawn with the exact same things in them. I don't think in this case it was admin abuse. I have my own serer and have never hit the restart map button. Now if you steal my stuff I will search every grid until i find you and gut you like a fish :D . But seriously it's part of the game to lose stuff.
  10. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Duping: 3/4 of High Level Gear is Duplicated

    Now wait a second. I will understand when all our stuff gets wiped but an AS50 if NOT hard to find. I can find at least 2-3 a week if I search for helicopter crash sites. The only thing I have not been able to find on my own is a range finder which a hacker is the server gave me when he gave everyone in the server a AS50 and gear. I did keep the range finder because when we got hacked I also lost everthing else that was in my bag inwhich 1 item was my L85. So I guess I'm saying wait until it's patch because not everyone is duping.
  11. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Soldier Clothing

    I found it in a tent, thats why im thinking hacked.
  12. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Login to server as admin

    Can someone please explain to me how to login to my server as the admin? I would really appreciate it.
  13. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Information Needed

    Is there any way I can get the name of the person who started this post. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/51071-to-the-guys-with-the-ural-motorbike-on-us-1033/ ? That was my stuff he took which really didn't bother me until I noticed (Like Everyone Else Did) that he is a hacker. I would really like to ban him. And I'm also wondering if he was banned from the forum for be a hacker?
  14. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Information Needed

    Well when I get home and find his info in my logs I will post so everyone can ban him.
  15. MadHatter (DayZ)

    A Talk to All server admins

    I shut off my server last nght because it had already been hacked 3 times and it was past my bedtime. I didnt want players to keep coming in the server and have thunderdome happen to them. I do not blame Rocket or any of the Dayz staff for the issues i am having with the server. I need to do some more research to find out how to figure out which of the players are hacking and how to ban them.
  16. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Server wipe

    I also was thinking about a server wipe. our server was hacked 3 times yesterday and now the north west airfield looks like a junk yard with all the broken vehicles in there.
  17. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Server keeps getting hacked

    My server keeps getting hack since yesterday afternoon. Yesterday they changed everyones primary weapon and today they teleported everyone to one place called battledome, then after i restarted the server everyone spwaned at the airfield with all the vehicles on the map. Is there a way to reset the vehilces without completly wiping the server?
  18. MadHatter (DayZ)

    A Talk to All server admins

    My server is already turned off as it been hacked 3 times today alone. I was agianst locking the servers but it's impossable to give any kind feedback when you really can't control anything.
  19. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Server keeps getting hacked

    What server was you on?
  20. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Server keeps getting hacked

    Dude why do you need some video proof. You can't just take someones word. Really.
  21. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Server keeps getting hacked

    "Thunderdome". I really don't know. It was a fenced in area and only the hackers had guns. I managed to diconnect before they killed me.
  22. Earlier today I was riding a bike around in the server. I had a L85 on my back then all the sudden it changed to a AS50 and my bag was empty so I know i had a hacker in there. My real question is, for the past 2 day i have noticed every time I get near the NW Airfield i get really bad graphics glitches. Is it possible someone has hacked something to cause this? I could also use some advise on how to send messages to players so when we resatrt the server I can warn everyone ahead of time. Thanks, MadHatter
  23. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Question about my server (HFB hosted)

    Ok I now have seen other are having the graphics issue's. Now how do I send a send messages.
  24. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Servers being updated?

    everytime I spawn I end up off the map. I was playing earlier without any issues. Is there a new beta version?