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MadHatter (DayZ)

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About MadHatter (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I would really like to see DayZ.st do the Overwatch Mod. I see a lot of people asking for it and and after all it is in commander.
  2. I got a new sever from Dayz.st yesterday and it won't let me login. I hope this isn't the beginning of a bad situation. I emailed them right away but no response. Anyone have any idea of how long it takes for support to respond to emails? I would really like to get in and start using it and so far I can not find it in the server browser either. It should be running Breaking Point.
  3. Does anyone know if Dayz.st has the Overwatch mod available on there servers?
  4. MadHatter (DayZ)

    (Bandit group) Looking for place to play

    you can come play on our server. we are trying to get it built up. There are 3 noobs playing everyday. server name is DeathBeforeDishonor.
  5. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Are you looking for a server to play on?

    The server is in Atlanta. The server is on a private hive which means you will have to start over when you join. This will not affect your character on the main hive.
  6. The 9TN clan has a PRIVATE server setup and we need players. The server is and will remain passworded until there is a solution to cut down on the hacking. If you are intested in playing on the server we would love to have you as long as you don't break the 1 rule we have which is NO HACKING OR SCRIPTING. Right now we have the server on the Lingor Island map which is subject to change (we may play alittle of both). If you are interested please go to our website http://www.9tnclan.net/forum/ and signup. After you signup go to the DayZ section and post your name and tell us about yourself, we will pm you the password when/if we accept you. This is not an application to join our group and you will not be asked to pay anything (Donations will be welcome and appreciated). MadHatter
  7. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    My suggestion to everyone is to find another game to play until the standalone game comes out. Rocket has more important things to do and deadlines to meet then continue to work on this MOD. I'm not saying this mod is dead but if you're bored with it there probably won't be any new content. I really like playing it but it is starting to get stale.
  8. MadHatter (DayZ)

    Rampant hackers on HFB servers

    I have 2 HFB servers are there is no problem banning on either server. Dart is what I am using to admin. And BTW hacker are rampant on ervery server not just HFB. If you had 15yrs experience you would understand this is not the server hosting companies issue.
  9. MadHatter (DayZ)

    player "Groomp" banned from server

    I think my post has something to contribute, what is your point?
  10. Banned for scripting. 20.08.2012 16:14:45: Groomp ( 563b8fb7bf60683dfaa52b62b3d03cb9 - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [2157.23, 2283.43, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10248.7, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objec" 20.08.2012 16:14:45: Groomp ( 563b8fb7bf60683dfaa52b62b3d03cb9 - #1 "7.23, 2283.43, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10248.7, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objectUID; _object setVariable ['ObjectUID', _uid, true]; _object s"
  11. MadHatter (DayZ)

    huge blow to hackers with beta 96061?

    My server has been running 96061 for several days and I still had this script last night: _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [2157.23, 2283.43, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10248.7, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objec" 20.08.2012 16:14:45: Groomp ( 563b8fb7bf60683dfaa52b62b3d03cb9 - #1 "7.23, 2283.43, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10248.7, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objectUID; _object setVariable ['ObjectUID', _uid, true]; _object s" Now I was not in the server to see if there was an actual UH1 flying around but i know at least there was an attempt to create it.
  12. MadHatter (DayZ)


    Ok now for the stupid question. How do i ban him. I have been usung dart and did not have it running when this player was on. Can i edit the Ban.txt and just add his GUID like the rest of the entries in there with a reason? Should I report him? Thanks Mad Hatter