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About Cartz

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  1. Cartz

    Infection 1.7.7

    Razor, any thought to having a healthy player be able to fight off sickness without antibiotics? I.E. if you're sick but above 75% blood, then each tick your character has a 2% chance to fight off the sickness? (Perhaps make warmth another requirement of this spontaneous healing?) How about having infection deal a maximum amount of damage before your body fights it off? (maybe 150% max health?) Maybe instead of having some plant based loot to slow infection speed, it could be based on the health of the player in general. I.E. if you're cold, thirsty and starving you take a lot of damage from sickness, however if you're warm, well fed and hydrated, the sickness does practically nothing? I think that sickness as a mechanic is a good thing, however in its current state it is essentially a guaranteed death sentence. It is frustrating mechanic to know that your character is both revealing himself to other characters, and quickly dying, and that the loot required to fix you up is only realistically attainable by server hopping. I don't think upping the drop rate of antibiotics is a good idea, lest you trivalize the entire mechanic. I also saw in another thread where you stated that if you're sick you're not being careful enough. I believe if you play enough of your own game you will notice that with the current zed spawning engine, you can approach areas that seem 'clear' only to have a zed pop out from behind a corner that you've temporairily lost LoS on. One hit, whack, infected, essentially dead from a zed that had no right behing where it was. I think allowing a player to heal infection without antibiotics has to be considered a requirement of
  2. Jesus, I've never seen more people happy to be willingly bent over and fucked in the ass. People on here defend rocket with the rabidity usually reserved for American politics. Its totally a fair criticism to say that it seems like he's disinterested... after missing his last patch deadline by nearly two weeks, and the results of that patch making things worse rather than better, why blindly defend him? Take a look at the reality of what is going on in this game, instead of whats being forced down your throat. NOTHING of substance has been added in months, people scream 'ITS ALPHA' and then chide people for not knowing what it means. When the definition is looked up, and then compared with the reality of what is happening in development, you defend him by saying he's not a real developer? You know what kept people coming back to CS, even in those early days? Stable releases, developer communication, and constant improvements to a fundamentally sound game concept. Dayz has the concept, but there is next to nil developer communication, and progress is seemingly going backwards. Whats worse, he's surrounded by rabid fanboys who scream 'its alpha!!!' to every valid complaint or expression of frustration, this is doing as much to put people off as anything else. The few emphatic voices that say 'I know, we're all dealing with the bugs, but hang in there' here are drowned out by the window licking retards chiding him for daring to question their idol. Also, if you could get rockets cock out of your mouth for long enough to form a critical thought, you'd notice that I never once said I wasn't playing anymore, or even upset with the problems. Its in development, and rocket has other priorities and is willing to let the mod suffer for them, I get it. Hell I've been there.. What I'm saying is, a lot of people are upset, and some sort of positive development momentum would do a lot to sway that. We haven't seen anything positive since June. What is currently happening is that a lot of people that aren't technical are trying this game, (which requires them to BUY ArmA2, so in their minds they've paid for it) realizing that its a total turd, and not seeing any movement on the development to make it less of a turd. They are therefore NOT going to put their money down and buy the standalone and this brilliant concept will not see as widespread an audience as it deserves.
  3. According to wikipedia: 'Alpha software can be unstable and could cause crashes or data loss. The exception to this is when the alpha is available publicly (such as a pre-order bonus), in which developers normally push for stability so that their testers can test properly.' In conclusion, you're a fanboy idiot. From the same article: 'The alpha phase usually ends with a feature freeze, indicating that no more features will be added to the software. At this time, the software is said to be feature complete.' So, what are the new planned features preventing the alpha from ending? This game IS feature complete, hence, should be in beta.
  4. Sorry, but this excuse is not cutting it anymore. This is an alpha in name only, and is simply an excuse put forth by rocket and his apologists to explain away the nagging bugs in the game. There have been 0 major feature releases since I started playing in May. Absolutely nothing of any substance has changed in the game in months. Sure, there have been minor tweaks to zombie behaviour and detection levels, and he took away the starter gun, but these are balance issues generally addressed in the beta stage of the game. Where are the broad sweeping changes to game mechanics? Where are the new features? What has changed is game crippling bugs such as the beach spawning that has caused several of my friends to quit playing for the time being, and the graphical corruption which has seriously hindered the enjoyment of myself and others. These bugs aren't taken seriously because of the 'its alpha' mentality which is 100% completely undeserved. Compare this to any true alpha and look at the changes introduced in the same timeline there. Huge sweeping mechanics changes, feature additions, new maps, new items, models, and textures. Hell, even DotA, when it was a a full release mod for war3 underwent far more changes, far quicker, without brutal game breaking bugs... And that was one fucking guy doing it in his spare time. You know how he handled it? He made a solid release and then experimented with that as a backup. Sorry, this isn't an alpha, its a broken ass beta and has been for some time. Its far past time a stable release is given to the community. At this point, Rocket is risking doing damage to his credibility. I develop for a living, and this project has recently started smelling like some guy who's got his paycheque and is now phoning it in.
  5. Ok, Look, I'm not saying that admins shouldn't have the right to administer their servers as they see fit. But you are just lying through your teeth here and its obvious to anyone who's done ANY sort of research on hacking within Arma2/DayZ. I mean really?? Refusing to post logs so that the 'hackers' can't find out how to circumvent your 'detection methods'?? Look buddy, the way the hacks work in ARMA2 is by hooking into battleye and using it to execute scripts that should never get executed. (Don't get uppity, you can find this on google in 5 seconds, I'm not letting the cat out of the bag here) So, your log files likely don't show what you are accusing these people of doing; they certainly wouldn't give away any secrets to the hackers because the secret to hacking the game is the method that you use to hook into BEye. So, if their hacks were so bad that the scripts that they used showed up in the logs, posting those scripts would only tell us what they spawned, how they teleported, etc.... It wouldn't reveal anything about the hook used. I.E no reason to hide it. A quick google search will show you all you need to know about scripting in ARMA2, you can learn how to spawn just about anything into the game, move yourself around the map, etc... Of course, it will get you banned by BEye within DayZ for your efforts, because said scripts are restricted to ARMA2 for the means of setting up scenarios for people to play out. Finally, most hacks I've heard of use Guid spoofing and name spoofing as well. Its quite possible you DID have hackers on your server, spoofing some of these guys in order to cover their tracks. I think the fact that they've come to complain, and kept at it for so long when they could just go hack another server should provide you with pretty compelling evidence that they're not hackers. If you are a respectable admin, you should at least entertain the idea that these guys are legit, do it through PM if you really feel strongly about keeping it out of the public eye. Somehow though, I think you're both snot nosed little 13 year olds being internet tough guys, and won't do anywhere close to the respectable thing here.
  6. The ammo is absolutely 'fixed'... There are still latency issues that can result in ammo being replenished from time to time. But if you notice if you fire off some rounds and log out and log back in, you will have a clip in your inventory with less ammo than the rest, the problem is that ARMA decides to load you up a fresh clip on load.... Soon enough you will have multiple half used clips in your inventory. Now 60 STANAG bullets can take up 6 slots of inventory instead of 2!! ITS A FEATURE.
  7. Sad Panda, the only problem is, this isn't intelligent discussion. Its 2 or 3 interesting ideas couched inside a 3000 word rambling (your words, not mine) post. In the future, if you want to have an intelligent correspondence with anyone about anything and you find yourself actually writing the words 'I am rambling' then go back and fucking edit. Don't waste everyones time with 3000 words when 300 would have done the job. This isn't 12th grade english class.
  8. You might not be an idiot, but 99% of people here who post are... Sorry I didn't research your entire post history, to me you were just another 'I have no issues, you suck' person who logged in on the coast and deemed all to be right with the world. In the future, some context with your test results would be ideal. Just so you know, you're in the vast minority of people for whom this has done anything. I, like all of my friends are still unable to come anywhere close to any military spawns or locations with dead solider bodies. It has gotten to the point where the game is unplayable because we refuse to dupe, and are running out of ammo for our weapons.
  9. Hey Rocket, I know you've got gamebreaking graphical glitches, tents and vehicles are currently buggy and not working well, zombies that run through walls and hackers running rampant everywhere. But can you put fixing all of those aside to completely rewrite the inventory system in ARMA 2 to one that I like better?
  10. What is your location while doing this 'test'? If you're not near the sources of the problems, of course you wouldn't have issues. Fact is, everyone I know that had the graphical problems before, still has them now. I'm doubting that you've tested rigorously enough.
  11. The glitches are still present rocket, different, but still present. Interesting... the Shift- flush command now makes it worse, every single time. If its not too late to change things before SU goes live, just take out the offending objects until they can be exhaustively tested and fixed, they add nothing to the fun value of the game, and until they're fixed its disastrous to gameplay.
  12. ITT: Guy wants to trade easy to find items for rarest items in game. Also, he will shoot you and just take your stuff... You know this.
  13. For those of you just joining us: ITT: 1. Admin gets caught abusing his powers to protect his loot, abused posts pics that provide the absolute best evidence he can provide in his given situation. 2. Abused's story does not completely add up the way he told it. Although the major events in the story are still relevant and proven. 3. TKG Members or admin himself on smurf accounts rake Abused over the coals for his simple mistakes, completely ignoring the previous history of accusations of abuse and the extremely suspicious series of events that led to this accusation. 4. Actual admin disappears from thread, never posting any proof to back up his story. Up next: This thread falls into obscurity and the admin continues his abusive ways. If this server isn't blacklisted after two seperate accounts of similar abuse, wherein the admin refuses to even post logs to back up his story, then this game is truly effed when it gets to release.
  14. Hate to break it to you here Aaron, but these things DO need to be addressed. Just because you've known about them for years doesn't mean a thing anymore. In case you haven't noticed, Arma2 is one of the top sellers on Steam now. Its player population has probably increased tenfold, and it is generating revenue for BI, as well as many 3rd party hosting companies. Additionally, BI is publishing beta patches weekly. There is absolutely no justification for why the issues the OP mentioned don't deserve to be addressed in these patches... Except of course for the few crusty old salts like you, who are the Arma2 equivilant of the old bearded shirtless dude sitting on his porch in a rocking chair, beer in hand, rambling on and on about how things were in the 'good old days'. Times have changed, BI got a crap ton of money and are actively developing their game again. There is now money and resources available to fix the problems, and they could be fixed. The reality is, the patience people will have for a hardcore game with permadeath is tried enough as it is. We don't need them experiencing the equivilant of an 'ACME Anvil' falling from the sky to take them out everytime they try to crawl through a door, open a gate or fix a car. As for Zed's contribution and the rest of your rant, which was quite frankly nothing but drivel. I don't find someone losing his shit on someone else and resorting to personal insults funny, actually, wait, I do... It's just that this wasn't funny, it was straight up meanspirited and I don't think many people were laughing. As for the hostage bit taking you may want to, y'know, read what I wrote. Then, read what you wrote. I think the comparison is pretty valid.
  15. Find a hatchet, matches and knife and kill a cow. Cook the meat up, 800hp per steak.