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Posts posted by kilonk@hotmail.com

  1. +1 from me.

    Its very difficult to accomodate for the fact you may need to use your torch in certain situations. The torch becomes superfluous, there is no need to use it or equip it once you have a pistol, I find myself regularly neglecting the torch just because I don't have enough room in my bag for my pistol. A holster would be an excellent idea, just for the pistol, to switch it out and bring out the flashlight. Maybe the pistol ammo can stay where it is and its just the gun and torch that move around.

    An easy solution would just be change the pistol to a "tool" so its equipable on your belt, or i guess you could model a holster and have it as a pickup?

  2. I've played the new patch and love it, although ive noticed that graphical tearing and artifacting seems to be affecting my game. When i use my right click zoom looking at certain towns my game will glitch and I can't see anything due to stretched textures or nothing at all, this only ever happened very rarely in previous patches. I couldn't figure if this was just me and my setup or if it was something that had changed in the patch, either way it was worth a mention.

    EDIT: I'm on the outskirts of stary sobor and just tested my binoculars and DMR scope, all giving the same effect, making it pretty difficult for me to scout towns before going in.

    • Like 1

  3. If always suprises me to see the shear number of no life fanboys on the forums. Someone posts one thing they don't like and everyone cries. Probably the worst community I have ever seen.

    Everybody is a "fanboy" of something in this world... Don't be so childish.

    People enjoy this mod and will defend it because they happen to think that what is happening is fun and exciting.

    I wan't Rocket to carry on with the good work, and by god.. the man DESERVES some praise!

    He made a MOD go big time in less than 4 months. Do you realise the effort and work that takes!?

  4. Its Djshauny again!!!

    Back from the depths, I've had a face off with this guy before... Criticism is good if its prevelant and has meaning. However you are spouting gibberish AGAIN!

    Dont play the game, you haven't like it for months now...

    If you bought arma2:CO just to play Dayz... then you are a muppet.

    Granted its an amazing mod and im glad i spent the money for it, but arma2 is a massive game in itself.

    Stop acting so butthurt

    • Like 2

  5. * [FIXED] Tents and items with ID's above 1 million don't syncronize (now it should syncronize, players to confirm)

    Shut up, Idiot.

    Oh so you DID read the notes? Well done, no need to continue this any further.

    Always read the first page before posting shitty repetitive questions/statements.

    If its in the notes, its in the patch...

    Not hard brew...

    • Like 1

  6. bring back the maklarov at spawn rocket.

    theres no reason to not include it.

    we dont need the makarov on spawn. i like the way ppl have to be careful at beginning' date=' and don´t kill other players in DM.

    its good like it is now.

    only 3 words: deal with it !!


    DJshauny1 has been crying about this for 3 days now, he's incredibly butthurt about the whole ordeal.

    There is no spawn pistol to stop people from just spawning and killing each other, the game isn't about that! From experience, it has been removed for very good reasons.

    Stop crying

  7. No not this.

    come on rocket let us have a gun at spawn please.

    Please Rocket do NOT give us a gun at spawn. You have such a awesome feeling of accomplishment when you earn what you have. Your level is your gear. This game is about loot and survival. There are plenty of guns on the map and very assessable. You have to learn to take your time. Its laughable to think because you have a gun from the beginning will make you a better survivor.

    I've started with a gun and without and believe me I'm a better survivor having learned how to survive until I can defend myself.

    Let me ask you this' date=' what would you ever do if you some how ran out of ammo?3

    I guess next people will be asking to start with the alice pack too.


    Nobody ever said the better survivor is the one with the better weapon. New players at DayZ won't stand a chance to play the game until a week at least (yes,a week,cause a lot of people are buying ArmA just to play DayZ),without counting the inumerous zombie changes in the hotfixes.

    People need at least a melee weapon to start off. I already learned to walk from the zombies without being noticed,but thing is that zombies still aggro from inimagible places (because it's an alpha).

    In one of rockets recent interviews he talks about games like LFD and how you go about the game not really caring if you die. He wanted to combat this and make you invest into your character, he wants you to have an attachment to what you achieve and to feel a sense of loss if you end up dead. He wants the game to be tough, if he wanted to churn out another mindless "shoot at everything" zombie game then he wouldn't have chosen ARMA as his mod platform. I think having nothing when you spawn is great, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Take your time, sneak around and head away from the coast! :D

  8. THIS

    come on rocket let us have a gun at spawn please.

    are you some sort of 5 year old GIRL!?

    Man up for the love of all that is good in this world!

    are you some sort of idiot?

    weapons hardly spawn.

    and man up? its a video game

    It was a light hearted joke' date=' calm down big boy.

    As for the gun, Rocket has said "never again" or words to that effect I believe.


    WHEN did rocket say he would never put a gun in the spawn again?

    He said it on the forums a while ago after one of the recent patches, loads of people crying about not having a gun, i could find the post but it would take me ages.

    Its an alpha, just accept what you are given for now, its nothing game breaking. Line of sight is a huge advantage and avoiding zombies isn't too taxing.

  9. meh' date=' nothing new for players, good fixes though, not enough reverts, we need reverts rocket



    come on rocket let us have a gun at spawn please.

    are you some sort of 5 year old GIRL!?

    Man up for the love of all that is good in this world!

    are you some sort of idiot?

    weapons hardly spawn.

    and man up? its a video game

    It was a light hearted joke, calm down big boy.

    As for the gun, Rocket has said "never again" or words to that effect I believe.

  10. I hate to be this guy but.... Is it possible you could do something about the barbed wire spamming? It drives me crazy when i cant access a fire station or church or any lootable area in general because of the 6 spools on barbed wire that lay in the way. Moving through the already tricky back rooms of a shop is becoming impossible and it seems people are just placing it to be annoying rather than it serving any defensive purpose. It stays on the server for days and makes it really hard for anyone to get to the good stuff. Even if you have a toolbox, finding the dismantle option can be tricky and will almost certainly get you shot whilst you fumble around the middle mouse-wheel menu. Any chance you can change any of the mechanics a little?

  11. Is it possible you could do something with the barbed wire?

    Ive found myself being locked in/out of rooms due to barbed wire blocking a doorway. Is it possible you could make it vault-able by players yet still blocks the Z's. There's good loots that I cannot haz because of some selfish mugs barbed wire placement.

    Find a toolbox and dismantle it

    I was expecting this response' date=' fact is, toolboxes are pretty rare and finding one is a huge task. If I spawn inside a building after logging on and I'm locked in I either have to server hop or kill myself. Toolboxes are great, if you have one.


    They're aren't that rare, i've found 2 in the same city no more than 10 minutes apart, luck? maybe, but i then ran to cherno only to find another one.. so eh

    Lets put it like this: Players who find toolboxes can setup and dismantle wires and traps as they please, anyone else is left to suffer the mess of those who can build. A player could completely block off certain areas using wires leaving them to enjoy all the re-spawn loot and safety of certain goodie buildings. I walked through Cherno and Elektro and noticed people were blocking off the entrance to the church for whatever reason. There was no-one inside or around, meaning this wire wasn't being used for any purpose other than to block others in or out. Its very well to just say "find a toolbox" but fact is, not everyone on a server is going to find one. They are pretty rare, yes you did get lucky. I'm not asking for anything game breaking, I thought the barricades were there to fend off Z's, not to grief those who don't have the required items. Its quite annoying going from town to town to find the best loot spawn areas are blocked off to those who only have tool kits.

  12. My friend and I vaulted over wire rolls to get in a building last night' date=' we vaulted to get out as well..... so I take it that we should not have been able to?


    I have had no joy in vaulting wires, my friends who play have also vaulted a couple which I find odd, maybe its due to placement. Either way it would be nice if this was looked into so we could know for sure.

  13. Is it possible you could do something with the barbed wire?

    Ive found myself being locked in/out of rooms due to barbed wire blocking a doorway. Is it possible you could make it vault-able by players yet still blocks the Z's. There's good loots that I cannot haz because of some selfish mugs barbed wire placement.

    Find a toolbox and dismantle it

    I was expecting this response, fact is, toolboxes are pretty rare and finding one is a huge task. If I spawn inside a building after logging on and I'm locked in I either have to server hop or kill myself. Toolboxes are great, if you have one.

  14. Is it possible you could do something with the barbed wire?

    Ive found myself being locked in/out of rooms due to barbed wire blocking a doorway. Is it possible you could make it vault-able by players yet still blocks the Z's. There's good loots that I cannot haz because of some selfish mugs barbed wire placement.
