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Everything posted by walou

  1. There is a script that make this possible, now convince rocket to add it to the mod.
  2. People thinking every problem is going to be solved with standalone, they amuse me.
  3. walou

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    That's the R-dash 5000!
  4. walou

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I'd love to be a part of this!
  5. walou

    Cheater Plague 2.0

    Play on alt. database servers in the meantime.
  6. I know that feeling bro. Also war Z is war inc. with zombies, don't even bother trying it.
  7. walou

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Yeah brony for ever guys, we'll bring magic to the wasteland! Count me in! :D
  8. walou

    How can you even call this a game?

    Youre just arguing with yourself. If you don't like the game, please go.
  9. I didnt read your post but ill say one thing. We dont give one shit and your tears are delicious.
  10. walou

    DayZ on consoles

    This entire thread
  11. walou

    Golden AKS

    Do you know how retarded you sound?
  12. walou

    Why did you shoot me.

    It is and will always be like this. Deal with it.
  13. walou

    5 ways to die in Day-z

    Roughly. I just tought i could illustrate these, if you have more ideas i can illustrate, feel free to suggest here.
  14. I don't think this has been suggested before, but it's really simple. I'dl like to see the server name i'm in on the debug monitor for a few reasons: - be able to tell people your server for them to join - remember the server you left vehicles or tents I once found myself trying to remember the server i was just in that crashed where i was driving a very rare vehicle. And i couldnt remember it.
  15. Yes, definitely, its worth a try.
  16. walou


    Bashur already bringed all the noobs he could find, there wont be much left of this scum. I bet hes responsible for most of the idiots that landed on dayz.
  17. Blame bashur. Blame everyone that shared this game and made non-arma players join it to ruin everything.
  18. walou

    More russian/warsaw pact weapons!

    You forgot one. Edit: Nevermind, missed it. This with the mosin are my most wanted rifles.
  19. Have you seen cherno after a dozen a10 bombs were landed on the buildings? Well it's gonna be just like that.
  20. walou

    Map is too big?

    You dont see a lot of people, but it feels great to think there may be people watching you.
  21. Hell yes, i was going to suggest it. If a sks could come in too that'd be the pefect combo.
  22. walou

    m16 or m4a3 cco

    Heres a quick damage chart: I don't know if this apply to survivors, but every headshots with any caliber instantly kills.