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Everything posted by Cyberkitten

  1. I would like to knwo the same. I have 4 restarts per day at the moment and more visibility for the players would be awesome.
  2. Cyberkitten

    Stuck at server Loading, just me?

    Hi, our server was not updated to and 95883 until 30 Minutes ago. Mayby that was your problem? Regards, Cyberkitten.
  3. Hi, we just had a hacker. Now I need to sniffle through the log but I need help to identifie the right things. I found this for example: _id = player spawn spawn 07.08.2012 12:12:54: HeLLRaiseR ( b5d8aff9357dfaaa3ec78fe19633890b - #97 qs']; player addAction ['Boost TP', '\scripts\teleport.sqf']; player addAction ['Mass Kill', '\scrip 07.08.2012 12:13:02: HeLLRaiseR ( b5d8aff9357dfaaa3ec78fe19633890b - #1 #line 1 "scripts\FULL.sqf" player addBackPack "DZ_Backpack_EP1"; player addweapon "M4A1_AIM_SD_camo 07.08.2012 12:13:05: HeLLRaiseR ( b5d8aff9357dfaaa3ec78fe19633890b - #52 t [format["Click on map"], "PLAIN DOWN"]; onMapSingleClick "[_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _pos sele 07.08.2012 12:14:16: Sebastian ( 0648df6b239b6cf9f8d68dcb9a2a53a3 - #27 awn player_alertZombies; Or this: _id = player spawn spawn 07.08.2012 12:20:41: Penisbaum ( 968b34aa31d0d3b868869270b94afa9e - #1 eCargo [_x,100];} forEach _dayz_mag; {_heli addBackpackCargo [_x,2];} forEach _dayz_bpk; Anyone can help me with that?
  4. Cyberkitten

    Need help with script translation

    Thank you. 15:11:10 BattlEye Server: Player #13 HeLLRaiseR ( connected 15:11:10 BattlEye Server: Player #13 HeLLRaiseR - GUID: b5d8aff9357dfaaa3ec78fe19633890b (unverified) 15:11:10 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (b5d8aff9357dfaaa3ec78fe19633890b) of player #13 HeLLRaiseR Thats his GUID. Thanks for your help.
  5. Cyberkitten

    Need help with script translation

    Anyone else?
  6. Cyberkitten

    Server admin commands?

    Just type -> #login password
  7. I am the Admin of LU28 and I say that Suito is no Hacker. He is a long time player on our Server and does nothing against any rules.
  8. Cyberkitten

    Need help on LU28!

    I am the Admin of LU28 and I say that Suito is no Hacker. He is a long time player on our Server and does nothing against any rules.
  9. Cyberkitten

    hacker on lu28 with video

    I am sorry you had this bad experience on our server. I will rifle through the logfiles and get this guy banned on my server at least.
  10. Cyberkitten

    Attn Server Host: Update your Mission Files

    Got the same question. Do I have to do something or does Vilayer do the job?
  11. EDIT: I delete this post, after I was falsly accused to have kick abused a player. The Player now corrected this and so I edit my post aswell.
  12. I had the same problem yesterday, I canot connect to the server in the acp... So I canot start, stop or do anything with it. What TS do you speak of? The Chernarus something Guild TS?
  13. Heyho, I am the owner of LU 28 and my Server is still down and I cannot connect to the serverconfiguration. When I click on Game Services it tries to connect forever but never gets done. Can someone at Vilayer boot our servers up again please?
  14. Cyberkitten

    How to warn people for a reset?

    @ Dante-shawn: I do have different passwords for InGame Admin and for BERCon Admin.
  15. Cyberkitten

    How to warn people for a reset?

    As InGame Admin you should be able to use the Global Chat.