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About Seeloe5417

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    On the Coast
  1. Hi all, I go by Seeloe5417, and I'm an admin for a Dayz Xbox server that brings and holds players of all experience levels on a daily basis, with my role as admin, player feedback/criticism is something ive handled in abundance recently, received from long time, die hard players, plus brand new players to the game. One of the most commomn questions i get come from either brand new players, or PC players who've come to console to join their friends or try a new experience, that question always falls along the lines of "Why is the inventory so hard to use" "how do I equip this", "how do I put that away to inv" or "why cant i equipt/take to inventory this item?" and my response is always the same. "Its just DayZ's inventory UI, its incredibly complex and impractical" It's quite well known how difficult efficient inventory management is for console players of DayZ, from storing and sorting items, to simple things like picking items up to hands/Inventory, DayZ's console players have always struggled to productively manage their belongings because of the complexity of the Inventory UI since its release, and these mechanics often leave players in a . Here is a list of issues stopping players from being able to smoothly manage their inventory. DAYZ CONSOLE INVENTORY ISSUES Items cannot be dropped whilst sprinting Items that are picked up whilst running past or over the item often do not pick up. instead, the animation shows as if it had worked, forcing players to double take There's no button to transfer items from right to left (from player inv to storage container) making for painstakingly long periods of time spent storing items via the current tap n hold method With no auto-sorting when picking up items, players are left unable to put away their weapons/equipt items when space is in fact creatable by moving some things around in the inventory. Minimal help, tips, hints, guides or ease of access when it comes to managing inventory UI on console DayZ! resulting in the mauling of many new players as they fumble to get their items/inventory in check before a hoard of zombies demolishes their chances of a good first experience! Console players of DayZ have dreamt of fast, smooth inventory UI since its release on console back in 2019, and I, alongside dozens of hardcore console players that I game with and converse with on an almost daily basis, would love to see DayZ's inventory UI mechanics adapt and compliment player efficiency in such a way that 'keeps up' with today's fast paced PVP (and sometimes even PVE) gameplay. To simplify things, players find it near impossible to traverse and utilize the inventory and their items in high stake situations, and this is evidently due to over complicated UI mechanics, and buggy pickup prompts. Now please correct me if im wrong as i am not a game developer myself, however based on the minimal programming and game development knowledge I have- I also believe the fixes needed to resolve this issue could be rather easy to provide, a couple hotkeys, a bug fix for dropping and picking items up whilst sprinting or running, and some on screen tips/hints that can be toggled on or off, guiding players through a simplified Inventory UI system for DayZ console For the DayZ Community!- Do you agree? do you disagree? please share your knowledge and opinions as id love to see what others think and potentially see a fix, change or overhaul in the future! For the Devs!- You guys are doing so well lately! the past few updates over the last 12 months have each been bigger than the last, with each most recent update often being the biggest and most impactful of its time, and the fixes, changes and new content just keeps coming! It would be a literal game changer to have these queries heard and maybe even acted upon sometime as the DayZ console community has become vast and incredibly active since day 1, and will only grow bigger the more the development team interact with their players. P.s Join me over at our Customised Chernarus DayZ server for Xbox, ran by myself and 5 other incredibly devoted people! -Join the Discord by clicking here: 100X 616 Saviours ! -Simply search "616" in the community server browser and favourite the only result that shows up! Cheers Seeloe5417 Severity Major Resolution Open Operating System Version Xbox One Category Inventory, UI