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About VF29Durandal

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. VF29Durandal

    Hackers RUINING This Game Completely

    the amount of "deal with it" from players here is disgusting, even worse when people use the "b..but its just an ALPHA!" the mod is an ALPHA, the game engine it runs off is not that being said, OP I'm not going to say "deal with it", but "expect it" even when there are only 5 people in the server treat each moment like anyone of them is a potential nuker/hacker/etc.. I'm just surprised no one in coding has decided to switch the offset indexes of item and weapon spawning, this alone would set the hacking community back and making the game call for these new offsets generally only takes an hour or so
  2. VF29Durandal

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Now I'm not here to beat a dead horse even further rocket, but unless you script a method of detection for time outs vs actual D/C R/C abusers you're going to be looking at unhappy people should be straight forward, script checks to see if a given player is getting a signal from the host or if there is a greater than X (with X denoting time) amount of seconds with no response from the user's computer
  3. VF29Durandal

    Islam Jihad, server nuker

    for more specified info Dayz zombie RPG Chicago 28 time around 4:30pm EST and it was him as he owned up to it shortly after wards in a rather gloating way
  4. self explanatory, Chicago 28 server was nuked by a player named "Islam Jihad" wish i could provide more details but thats the best i can do, steam was refusing to screen shot and print screen wasn't working