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Everything posted by primal1985

  1. idc what the real problem is but there was a problem so move on there's got to be something going on, whatever it seems fixed your kind of an idiot aren't ya? DDos attacks aren't even hacking. All it is getting the IP address (easy to get, just check the connection) and spamming it. Reddit does accidental DDos all the time when people post a link to a private website and it makes the front page. Do you know what the fuck you're talking about? It doesn't spam, it sends excessive amounts of Packets. I highly doubt it was a **DDoS**attack anyway mate:) Just on the information I have received in the last 6 hours:) This is the second time in 3 weeks:)
  2. primal1985

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Now what I gather from this, as since the patch didn't go live on monday (the 25th), it will be tomorow (saturday (the 30th, which is the saturday after monday if you want me to dumb it down for you) which he posted LAST WEEK, on the first post on this thread. edit: I put the quote in red for those with reading difficulties. That was a week ago. Don't post if you don't know what you're talking about. It was posted on FRIDAY the 22nd of june, announcing the update for the following monday, with a backup scheduled for off peak time saturday (30th) if monday went wrong, which clearly from what rocket posted it did. Don't tell me not to post when i'm right, if you have a problem with my post report it, otherwise shut up ok? Your wrong :D Had you been following the thread from page 1 you would of known the quote from rocket has been unedited from 22 june, besides the new fixes he has added over the days etc. I understand why you could get it confused, however I also understand why rocket has held the new update off for a week since this current version has been the most playable and enjoyable, sure there are issues etc but only time will fix that! Also don't write back and argue the matter unless you have a quote from Rocket saying the Saturday (30th) or the Monday for which there is none! Your fake predicted dates will mislead the greater community:) Cheers mate
  3. primal1985

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    btw rocket that fly noise where bodies despawn isn't actually fixed it:) Encountered it alot today during
  4. primal1985

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    No. Now go back to the pond where you are shunned by the other ducklings. haha gold!
  5. primal1985

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I'll make this short and sweet. Take the 1.6 sound Mechanics along with the zeds ai and you have a really good build. Also I'm not sure what's up with food(Can) drops. If I kill a few zeds I get a few here and there, but general villages etc I only seem to get the odd soda can or empty water bottle and of course a plentiful amount of empty cans:)