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About lowerplains

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. lowerplains

    If the standalone came with a new map...

    id like a mix. smallish towns etc along with a few big metro's. and of course, some decent outdoors.
  2. because the mere play style of "survivial" gets annoying after a few play throughs. there is no other excitement once you learn the zombies or places where loot spawns the most etc. the game just needs more to do. and alot of good ideas are in the suggestion forums. so it pretty much boils down to a deathmatch type of arena game. it is what it is at the end of the day. thats the end result of this "anti game". give more stuff to do and people will keep playing happily. as far as my personal in game experiences, i could care less if a bandit gets me. i know where to go to avoid most of em, lol they ALWAYS go to the same spots/towns. usually if im nabbed by one im in one of those places and am barely even geared, they waste their time with me. easy peasy.
  3. lowerplains

    Why Day-Z Fails

    after a month or two of playing i would have to agree to an extent. the game desperately needs something else, and its NOT more interviews about rocket's "vision", they need to get moving with the updates and fixes. i have found powerful weapons and lost em, no biggie to me. nor being killed by a bandit is a big deal either...hell, half the time they do me a huge favor by sniping me, as i hate the constant aggro of zombies. i cant count how many times this has been addressed, im guessing at this point it just CANT be fixed or whatever. just when he gets it a bit correct...it falls back into silliness again. and yes i realize its alpha, and NO i dont give a flying shit if it is. i agree with the OP that its broke, and that barely any progress is being made. the melee weapons, altho bugged, made me smile...but now its as if theyre forgotten too. 1 step forward, 3 steps back . there are indie games out there FAR more polished in alot less time than this game. the reason i dont play em at all is cuz im tired of fucking elves and dwarves and oddball counterstrike/battlefield clones. this game IS something different....but its gotten too mired within itself at this point. if the zombies are jus meant to be window dressing and the players themselves as the over all threat, im out. i can play deathmatch in alot of other titles and PRETEND there are zombies running around. if this was the 'experiment' then its a failed one. weve seen this type of crap a zillion times alrdy. an entire army gets wiped out, but you can only find a winchester...please. big deal if you can outright loot an AK or M16 and boatloads of ammo, add more fucking zombies and itd still be a blast to play even with the deathmatch element. entire platoons of soldiers get beat down by the walking dead and this is what i find nearby...matches. yeah, thats just dumb. you know whatd be HARDER to find out there? MEDICINE. youre more likely to pick up weaponry of any type than a fucking blood bag. oh heres another little thing...youd more likely run into a deserted tank and military supplies than a friggin downed heli. yeah i said it. about the ONLY thing done exactly RIGHT is the music. its just weapons grade awesome. fix this game please, stop the interviews.
  4. lowerplains

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    i could care less personally if it was implemented. its a zombie kid, and its a video game...big deal. if not, just add more zombie types, women, elderly etc. or just 'teen' lookin ones...
  5. lowerplains

    the case for roving military death squads/hordes

    yeah i know, ive even mentioned it in other posts myself, just not like i have above. i figure it might be okay to keep this flame burning, lest it smolder under the other topics for too long.
  6. as of now, day z only has two real dynamics- the players and the zombies. and at this point the zeds are being looked upon only as an obstacle to maneuver around, a nuisance easily dealt with if people group up. weather the group is large or small, their survivability rises considerably. when two groups butt heads, it becomes nothing more than a big team-deathmatch....with a few walkers here and there. lets face facts, the players have adapted and theyve adapted quite well. theyve hoarded weaponry, rebuilt helis and land vehicles, some even wantonly just hunt other players. the zombies have become nothing more than background scenery in a game where they should be the main concern. because of this, i highly encourage another aspect to join the game, that of the roving military and zombie hordes. survivor/bandit camps can easily avoid most confrontation just by tenting up in the woods or holding up in some building. this is smart gameplay no matter how you slice it, it doesnt matter if theyre out to kill other players or just rampage thru zombies to grab the loot. the mechanics in the game are there for them to operate with. but when a new type of menace enters the fray, what next? imagine the bandit camp huddling together knowing that a large zombie horde has them surrounded and are getting closer? or a military clean up patrolling the area? maybe have a limited time with which they can assemble their gear etc until they either split or be threatened with zombie/military mania. the same goes for the lone wolves, stop in one place for too long and its a certainty SOMETHING is gonna happen. NO im not saying ALL the time but it should be of concern to all players alike. maybe bombing runs to move people along...in order for the game not to stagnate quickly, which is what is rapidly happening. its in alpha, so this is time to at least try it out, i think it could work wonders. why not at spawn have the player decide if he wants to be a random survivor or JOIN the military squad? in joining up with the army, that player has NO other contact with other players. just his NPC group. this might eliminate clans becoming heavily armed soldiers destroying everything in their path. and maybe the friendly fire for these squads are turned off, so as the particular player doesnt fight the soldiers from within their ranks. and the army has to be VERY deadly. if a group wants a clash, they better be ready for a long day ahead. helicopter fly overs and bombing runs could scatter players even further. instead of cherno and elektro steadily being a slower version of counterstrike, the jets overhead dropping payloads will have people scrambling for cover or just simply leaving the place altogether. of course im not suggesting continuous bombing but SOMETHING has to keep people moving along. im sure these suggestions have been more in depth before but i just dont see this game progressing much further if something else isnt added in. flame on...
  7. let's face it, the number of bandits in this game has skyrocketed. and while i myself have tread in those muddy waters, has this game turned into a deathmatch with 'zombie obstacles'? are there enough things to do that can lure players away from ever increasing murder counts? after gearing up in cherno i made my way inland towards novy sobor, luckily i found an AK, 3 mags of ammo, 3 cans of food and plenty of drink and bandages. instead of running roughshod into towns and villages i decided to simply scout around novy/stary sobor for equipment when i ran low. i barely ran into other players, deciding how and when to dip into town for a fast search here and there. going to the NEAF is tantamount to a death sentence at this point as my goal in the game is to survive and live for as long as possible. i find a knife, wood and matches and begin to hunt food to sustain myself. i hear the odd gunshot once in a blue moon and NEVER investigate because we ALL KNOW what will happen. some consider this playstyle boring, i consider it careful. ive found my sweetspot on the map and im sticking to it....but what now? sure it can be fun and intense to lonewolf it for hours upon hours scrounging for gear....but can there be more to this? i have learned how to kite and kill, sneak and prone, scout and hunt etc. but i wonder if there shouldnt be other 'events' or 'goals' people can work towards. i get the 'point' of this game and love it to death...maybe i just want more, am i wrong for that? are other players feeling the same way and instead of just scavenging they just go at it with PvP and big gunfights? is this what rocket envisioned? are MORE zombies needed? MORE weapons? the questions can be quite endless really. i wonder sometimes if rocket bit off more than he can chew lol the game is centered around the zombie apocalypse, but its getting to be that once youre able to adapt to their numbers/pathing/kiting all thats left is murder. i dont think its only mechanics with the zombies which need worked on...but their threat level. im understanding more and more why those 'rushes' in L4D were so much fun.
  8. lowerplains

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    i think what sucks for alot of people is that they dont have, nor can afford good rigs in which to run the game at a playable rate. too often game companies make awesome looking and fun stuff but it can melt even the best of computers during play. theres a reason blizzard makes a shit ton of cash, their games can operate with ease on an atari.
  9. lowerplains

    Recommended DayZ - Bad Experience

    some people just dont care for the scenario. my roomie loves military shooters, but just cant get into zombies etc. he finds the idea of 'survival' tedious and boring, i find it fascinating. to each their own i guess.
  10. lowerplains

    Zombie aggro behavior when shooting?

    its been a mixed bag for me. i shot 1 zombie on a hillside outside of a small village, that one shot attracted nearly 5-6 of em from the town up ahead. i used my enfield, and altho i realize its loud..cmon. i was in a house in stary and nabbed one in the doorway (dont know how he saw me) using my revolver. this aggroed maybe 2 of em....dunno. all in all my exeriences with this update has been FAR superior than the last version. weapons are more available if u take a minute to look, they spawn at decent time rates also. some may think this makes the game too easy, but you can still get wrecked just as easily. bandits have gotten dumber with this patch also. one tried to get me in a barn with an axe....i had an AK....didnt work out too well for him.
  11. lowerplains

    Zombie Sprinting

    the zombies have long been a problem in this game, which is funny seeing how theyre what attracts people to the mod. i like this game, and i really hope it gets fixed and fast. the way i see it, its pretty much unplayable as it is. im not going to take the time to sneak into any town for loot with the chance that aggroing ONE ZOMBIE could mean the end. if you could outrun them, fine...but they NEVER stop following you. i like a hard game sure, but it gets pretty ridiculous after a while. the glitching thru walls, leg-breaks etc need to be fixed asap also, but this has been discussed before. im positive rocket and co. will do it though and everything will be jus dandy. until then, im out.
  12. lowerplains

    Axe Murders

    @outback zach, that mighta been me who got you in electro. that is, if this happened within the last 3-4 days. i experimented with the bandit routine as ive never done so before. was it gratifying? ehhh its whatever i guess. hey, at least you didnt have anything on you right?
  13. lowerplains

    Dreams of S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    never played stalker myself but yeah im glad this game has been made. for YEARS ive read various game forums where fans foamed at the mouth for a game like this...and NO development team took notice. it literally boggles the mind as they crank out loser titles which end up as coasters on ur desk. DayZ is out for a MONTH and sales of ARMA2 get jacked lol i hope rocket and co. earn boatloads of cash from this 'experiment'.
  14. lowerplains

    Will Arma 3 actually be optimized?

    the game does need some fine tuning, its getting there, jus not yet. ive seen indie-mmorpg's with better polish out there. the reason why blizzard games make mega millions is because of their smart programming, quality games that can run on most ANY machine...that means ALOT of money. and in my opinion, DayZ has UNDOUBTEDLY launched BIS to the top. the last game with this much fervor was counter-strike. we may laugh at that game these days, but years ago that mod took computer gaming by storm. im sitting here eating microwave burritos and the CS-creators are prolly all up at hong kong sushi straight chillin right now. so yes, DayZ has opened the door wide open. these cats at BIS seem to get it though and im sure everything will get worked out. jus takes time is all.
  15. lowerplains

    Is dayz worth it?

    well for the money, its worth it as you get two games, its just that one of them is in alpha stage. day z is a great game but very buggy at the moment, its primary problem are the zombies themselves as they move thru walls and can detect you from the next valley over. all in all however, theres no zombie game out there quite like it. you're basically dropped into a hopeless situation with no quests, no weapons and surrounded by zombies and player-bandits. the game is designed to frustrate you but the more players there are, the better it will be for rocket and co. to fully develop everything. go for it.