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Everything posted by matticinyoattic

  1. matticinyoattic

    DayZ streaming issues; black screen

    I use OBS to stream, I've streamed DayZ many times. I don't know why but recently I went to stream DayZ and it's a black screen. I have no idea why, I've tried replacing the game capture multiple times to try and just hope it fixes itself within OBS, but it won't. Has anyone ever run into this issue?
  2. well it'll always have zombie problems, the point is that you DON'T make the zombies stronger when they are so problematic. It's very stupid. It's like asking, "who has a really dumb idea to implement into the game today?" "Let's make the zombies harder to kill and better at killing you...before we fix them"
  3. yep. I'm 100% positive hitting them with a crowbar only makes them stronger.
  4. yea i know its in alpha, I just don't expect updates that are so stupid. Just the idea to buff such glitchy zombies and not have it fixed by now is pretty absurd. games unplayable to me currently, unless you go on a full pop server so there's zero zombies....
  5. how are they a non-issue? They see you from 10 miles away and hit you while running, going in buildings is a bad idea because they'll just hit you from downstairs. or you'll rubber band back to a corner and not even know you've been getting hit the whole time. the game is sold as a zombie game and its probably the worst zombie game I've played.
  6. why would they buff zombies out of nowhere? Is that what they think the problem is in DayZ? Buff something that can run through walls/jump at you through walls, not sure how that is thought of as a "good" idea. Just keep adding clothes and buffing the terrible zombies, that'll fix it. "hmmm maybe if we make it so the zombies can just kill them it'll be a zombie game again"
  7. matticinyoattic

    So... I just broke -1,000,000 humanity.

    I have. you should show the fact that you have a helicopter sitting on the roof behind you before you ask me that question, unless you just fly up there on some low pop. server and server hop on a building nobody can get ontop of lmao. Regardless, a worthless thread. I'm positive anyone could reach this level of humanity, just play long enough and shoot at people in cherno. actually, landing a helicopter on that roof takes more skill than sitting there sniping noobs, so i think if you make a new thread with a picture, it should just be on that helicopter. enjoy explaining how you aren't a hacker...with a hacked weapon and a helicopter lol. oh and I know..the hacker, he gave you the helicopter.
  8. matticinyoattic

    So... I just broke -1,000,000 humanity.

    i got banned from a server for using a hacked weapon..same exact one, actually..and more to support the fact that you could be hacking is that you're on the hotel? I didn't read any of your thread but I'm assuming you'll say you got tele'd up there lol.
  9. matticinyoattic

    The Scariest Thing in the Game

    the scariest thing in DayZ is when the server your on reaches 35+ people, because now you know it's a matter of time when the hacker kills you and the entire server. I might sprint down the streets of cherno just to know what its like to die to another player...
  10. matticinyoattic

    New War Z screenshots

    DayZ isn't a zombie game right now for me. I have a 1% chance of dying to "zombies" currently. if this game has proper AI for zombies then it will easily overtake DayZ imo.. At most, zombies are used to expose other players---making them shoot, running after them, etc.. in DayZ, that is.
  11. my friend and I O_o http://www.reddit.co..._tree_climbing/
  12. matticinyoattic

    So... When did they add tree climbing?

    I'm the guy in the ghillie suit, I had an Alice. 60 zombie kills 3 murders...but we both had AS50s. What we were on was a knocked over green tower, the NWAF is surrounded by them..this one was randomly in the forest, we attempted to climb the ladder just to see what would happen, and that's what happened lol
  13. matticinyoattic

    So... When did they add tree climbing?

  14. matticinyoattic

    Cant find any servers?

    update your arma2 through steam if you haven't. update came out for it last night.
  15. i serverhop once i see the server im in is close to 45-50 players, because that is the type of server a hacker takes aim at. I don't want to be trapped in a server waiting for a hacker to just kill everyone in it.
  16. matticinyoattic

    Finding guns = WAYYY too easy

    I agree, also the ammo needs to be much more rare for high-end weapons. I find more DMR ammo than I do winchester ammo :/
  17. is it in the game? so many hackers on this game i never know..and for some reason i never saw they added a weapon list for the new update
  18. matticinyoattic

    Hackers have gone too far

    most MODS never do leave 'alpha', considering their needs for continuous updates..So that excuse doesn't really work well for me as to why this game has a lot of shitty components. It wont be made into a stand-alone soon enough imo. and rocket wasn't the first one with this idea, i feel like there's a DayZ bandwagon....I don't care who does it right, I only care for the game, not rocket..not arma 2..
  19. No proof or anything, he spawned on us in the woods in a ghillie suit and we all shot him...not sure if that makes this a pointless topic or what :/ just letting people that use that server know, i guess.
  20. matticinyoattic

    US256 Kansas; Zoidberg538 (playertags on)

    yea this game is a joke..it was some stupid little kid too, because he talked in direct. Trolling 12 year olds -____-
  21. matticinyoattic

    Hackers/Dupers Have Taken Over

    past three deaths have been from being teleported by hackers, all three times I had a sniper/NVGs/RF/Coyote... I'm going to stop playing for awhile, I somewhat understand why clans feel the need to shut down their servers sometimes.
  22. matticinyoattic

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    more people is good..find a server you like and play with your friends. Plus won't more players make BI/Rocket more inclined to focus on DayZ? I think so..Most noobs/"morons" play in sidechat servers anyways.
  23. matticinyoattic

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    this has probably been said, but when you get hurt by anything at all you shouldn't be able to dc or log until 5-10 minutes after. Would get rid of the people that dc when shot, and when the morons are too lazy to sneak through cities and they just sprint and take all the zombies into a building and log out. I also agree about the player killing...not being able to log out after killing someone, though i've never really felt like logging out after sniping someone. Just wait and bait the body, unless of course the player i shoot dc's...I usually DC right after to avoid having him try and spawn behind me -_____-
  24. matticinyoattic

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    how do i go about reporting someone?
  25. matticinyoattic

    Im invisible in 3rd person and spawn in wildie

    I have the same issue, also, the betatracker or whatever it is in the top right corner is no longer there. I've tried using the sixupdater, DayZUpdater, and reinstalling some things...none of it worked. I nearly dread each update, knowing that getting the game to run is going to become a challenge. The most challenging thing about a zombie survival game; getting the game to run.