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Posts posted by hairyman

  1. Hi guys, just a quick Q.. far as i have read that dayz servers must be unlocked! and that server admins cannot kick players for friends etc

    as me and a few friends were thinking of tryn to get a server but decided against it as obviously as far as i knew locking it could get us banned... so can someone explain this pic i took though steam :)


  2. Hi guys, iv been playing dayz for last few weeks... with free version of arma 2 and arrowhead, but a week ago i purchased combined operations on steam, and have not had a single problem but i noticed tonight that when im in eg showcase the character textures are extremely low yet everything else looks great, i also noticed it says in expansions i have british armed forces and private military LITE... is this from the arma 2 free i had installed, but have un-installed ? causing low textures, or is it all correct an my pc is not powerful enough, again none of this has caused a single problem, i was just curious.


  3. EDIT: second Q...

    as i have read all the best weapons etc seem to be in the army barracks' date=' airfields.. could this ever be changed as trying to get there is one thing let alone once making (not hat i ever have..yet!) it being killed by vet players who constantly hold players back by never allowing them to get anytime game time,exp with anything but a hand gun, im not complaining, just asking.


    Try finding deer stands as opposed to the barracks at the airfields. Deerstands drop military loot. Firestations in Cherno and Elektro also drop military loot, but are heavily camped usually. There are also some military tents on the northwestern side of Berezino that have decent drops. I wouldn't recommends Balota airfield or the nearby military compound (southern most airstrip) as that is usually a pvp hotspot. Though at night on a low pop server any of those options are feasible with some careful scouting and patience.

    Thanks for the advice... Cheers

  4. ANZ7' date=' ANZ8 are hosted by Internode

    ANZ10 by armaderp.com

    The others are down or out-dated. The ones also take a day usually to get the latest update, so with 3+ updates in the past 3 days they haven't been available most of the time if you've already updated.

    Try "Six Launcher" and the auto-queue feature. People connect and disconnect every minute, or don't support your local servers at all and just go play on US ones.


    Thanks for the info, i do prefer anz 1 or 3 but just very hard to get in, as i play from 11 at night..


    Play US West coast servers. problem solved.

    protip' date=' they load faster and you don't notice the lag.


    Cheers :)

  5. first off, HI... second i have only been playing for a short time, and i agree with most everything you have said, how it plays with your emotions, what would you do to survive

    yet 9 out of 10 players iv come across try to kill me, and like yourself i dont want to shoot at anyone, yet im to afraid to be near anyone, so my mentality at the moment is shoot first, you cant even trust a simple typing of 'friendly' in the chat bar as the person typing could trying to distract you as his friend sneaks up behind, but these are the things that make dayz so special,

    the constant uncertainty, do i.. dont i.., will he/she.. wont he/she.. ???

    im sure with time i might hold back from shooting on sight... but at this stage the fear has taken hold. :)


  6. You'd also need another PC. The game goes from the key that's in your registry. A new copy wouldn't do anything because you'd never be able to play it. The game would always recognise the key in your registry.

    Unless you put your second copy on a second machine.

    thanks for that, maybe just maybe my laptop could run arma 2 with dayz but id assume..not a chance :(

  7. Can anyone tell me of any australian servers other than the ausarma ones, as obviously there full all the time... plus very strangely a few nights ago they kept droppong in and out of being locked, so any good servers for aussies out there any info would be nice.


  8. hi guys.. just a quick Q, but i have been playing with a coupla mates last few nights, and as they are both soft :) an im a night owl, i was just wondering is it possible to have two characters as obviously id like to stick with my group, as not to get lost and stay together, but when they log off i still WANT to play!!.. so is having two characters do-able, prob not but thought id ask as waiting to the next session when we are all on is killing me :)


    EDIT: second Q...

    as i have read all the best weapons etc seem to be in the army barracks, airfields.. could this ever be changed as trying to get there is one thing let alone once making (not hat i ever have..yet!) it being killed by vet players who constantly hold players back by never allowing them to get anytime game time,exp with anything but a hand gun, im not complaining, just asking.

  9. hi all, iv only been playing for just over 2 weeks, an il be honest im a console gamer!!....and yet iv have not touched my ps3 since i first played dayz, but im trying to understand why anyone would want to cheat/hack...whatever you guys call it :)

    as to me dayz represents constant fear, uncertainty of not knowing whats around the next corner, for every person you encounter could be friend or foe, so why would anyone want to ruin that and take away the aspects that draw you in.. in the first place, survival is part of the game so a total stranger you have looted with for 2 hours could turn on you in a sec, i understand that... but cheated or hacking, i just dont!! cheers..

    ps.. thank you rocket and team for making me enjoy a pc game (mod) since the orig stalker
