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About Blakorr

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  1. I haven't played in about 6 months and was considering starting up again. how have the devs not taken care of that issue by now?
  2. Blakorr

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    great concept, terrible execution.
  3. Blakorr

    First nade kill

    i use them to clear out packs of zombies when they spawn at chopper crashes. makes it much quicker to loot the crash site.
  4. Blakorr

    Ammo troubles.

    just switch to another gun. sometimes you gotta sack up and downgrade your weapon to something with more ammo.
  5. Blakorr

    Is this what you call a bandit?

    thread starter is mad
  6. Blakorr

    Your favorite weapon?

    mk 48
  7. hey let's take a running joke seriously
  8. Blakorr

    Car and Equipment giveaway! Right now!

    yeah that's not how the server is meant to be run. quit being such a crybaby and accept defeat.
  9. neither, i go straight to solni and loot my way up the coast to berezino.
  10. Blakorr

    Mountain Dew bad luck?

    staged. you probably had another buddy just off camera shoot you both
  11. bicycle autofixes too. i think it's better than the moto because it's a lot quieter to other players
  12. oh yeah that reminds me of the time my friend killed me by walking through a doorway while i was standing in it
  13. Blakorr


    thread starter is a bad troll he should be beaten with sticks and thrown to the lions.