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Sedated Dreamer

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Everything posted by Sedated Dreamer

  1. Best vid showing abuse I have seen. Good job catching the abusive, semi retarded admin :D
  2. Sedated Dreamer

    Combat logging: Am I guilty or innocent?

    I cant say I blame you at all. I would still feel a bit dirty, but I imagine most playing this game have done something considered cheap at one point or another :)
  3. Sedated Dreamer

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    Details.....we all really want details. Even a tentative date would be fun :) Also, dayzgame.com is one of the ugliest sites ever. Give me one hour (or another talented fan an hour) and we can put something together that is functional and looks good. ;)
  4. Sedated Dreamer

    WTF Lee enfield owns?

    Agreed. Still love the Lee
  5. Sedated Dreamer

    Can'T run anymore

    It could have something to do with StickyKeys. You may want to make sure they are disabled. I had the same issue a couple of patches ago.
  6. Sedated Dreamer

    DayZ on mac

    I play on my iMac. I use Boot Camp to boot into Windows 7, and Arma2 and DayZ run phenomenally. I have nothing to spectacular on the iMac, but 16gigs of ram. Don't listen to the haters. Both OS's are great, and I see no reason why you can't have the best of both worlds (albeit at a cost $$$). I am not trying to start a fanboy fight either :P
  7. Question on this, do they spawn into another server hurt or dead, or neither? I guess, I just don't see a benefit to dc'ing.
  8. Sedated Dreamer

    People are assholes

    And you expected them to play nice in an end of days scenario? You will get used to this mechanic fast, or you will die repeatedly. Good luck! :)
  9. Sedated Dreamer

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I don't understand this' date=' fog actually dampens noise IRL... thought we were going for realism here. :huh: [/quote'] After reading your post I did a little research brought on because of personal experiences. This is an interesting article that conflicts with your statement and supports Rockets decision in this change. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_does_sound_carry_better_in_the_fog :D
  10. I cannot count the times that I have run up on another survivor and shot them in the face, only because I was scared, and dont trust anyone. Do you survivors ever also feel guilty for these "oh shit" murders?
  11. Sedated Dreamer

    How to Fix Barbed Wire/TankTrap/Sandbag Problems

    My biggest frustration isn't being able to get to decent loot, it's logging into my server and being boxed in, then having to server hop... I understand that I could log somewhere else, but I like to role-play it just a bit. I wouldn't sleep outside with zombies, I would find shelter and avoid the elements. If the barb wire slowed zombies, I believe players would find it a little more forgiving. Right now it is mostly used to strategically grief players..
  12. Sedated Dreamer


    I really like the idea! One canteen could be 2-3 uses, and would spawn much less. It would also be better if soda cans counted for a 1/2 use....Just a thought.
  13. Sedated Dreamer

    why do people have difficulties starting w/o weapons

    I find this mechanic much more exciting and easier to role-play. I dont want to be spoon fed like so many existing games today. Be patient, die a bunch, and ask questions. The community has been really kind, and is always willing to point a noob in the right direction (dont turn your back on them though) ;)
  14. Sedated Dreamer

    Dear DayZ DevTeam

    I am a new player and frankly am terrible at the game. With that said, I love the game, and thank Rocket for creating a strangely awesome and unique experience for all!