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Everything posted by Stooby

  1. After playing for almost 2 months, I am done for now. Hackers have completely destroyed this game. My friends and I spent about 8 hours today trying to play, and we were able to enjoy roughly 1 hour of actual gaming. If we joined any server over 30 players there was a hacker ripping shit up. You successfully made one of the most addictive, engrossing, and fun multiplayer games ever. Right now the only priority should be stopping hacks or the game is in serious trouble. Good luck to all the legit players out there. Hopefully the cheating kiddies will get bored before too long.
  2. Bullshit. Rocket works for BI. They could do something about it if they wanted to dedicate the time to it. They should be dedicated to it since I am fairly certain Arma 2 sold many more copies as a result of DayZ than it did as a result of itself. However, they probably don't care because DayZ is going standalone and Arma 2 will be obsolesced in a few months when Arma 3 comes out. I am just annoyed, now. This is one of my favorite multiplayer games ever, but it is unplayable now if you want to PvP since you have to join a full server and that is the same thing that attracts the hackers. As much as I would like to spend my entire weekend poopsocking DayZ, I am going to have to find something else to do. Fuck off SadPanda. There will be new threads about this issue until it isn't the defining issue of the game anymore. Just skip over them if you don't give a shit.
  3. Stooby

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Another thing that would be interesting on our profile page is the average life expectancy of players we have killed.
  4. I can't see anything in some areas due to graphical glitches. It isn't on my end. Never had the problem before, all my drivers are up to date. I tried switching texture memory to all the various options it didn't fix the issue. In Balota, for instance, if I look in roughly 180 out of the 360 degrees I can see absolutely nothing. Additionally, the removal of the ability to respawn has killed grouping. At least if we get Kamenka we can climb the lighthouse and jump to our death. However, when our group was killed we all pretty much are playing solo for the last several hours now as we restock and plan to meet up. In the past we would just respawn until we hit nearby eachother then group up and move out. If only one of us dies we used to respawn until we got nearby then would run up and gear out by pvping in military areas. Now, we spawn halfway across the map and just revert to solo play. Solo play was good the first few weeks, but at this point it just isn't fun. There is no stressful action anymore as we all know how to sneak by zombies or lose aggro like it is nothing. We are competent enough to avoid other players, or get the drop on them and kill them. It just isn't fun. The fun thing to do is group up then find other groups to get into skirmishes with. Adding something that reduces that element has removed the fun for us. Really, that is the current problem with the game. There isn't really any end game content other than group pvp. Once you have the game figured out there isn't any challenge to anything else.
  5. Stooby

    Pending Update: Build

    Alright, this change list is starting to look pretty damn good. Can't wait to play it.
  6. Stooby

    Pending Update: Build

    He said ending your session normally is logged in a different way than alt f4 or network dropping. So, it sounds like changing servers repeatedly and only staying for a few minutes won't affect your hive reputation.
  7. Stooby

    Pending Update: Build

    Camonets would be awesome. They should be super rare, though. Don't need vehicle hoarders being able to hide their stuff too well.
  8. Stooby

    Pending Update: Build

    @Rocket 2 questions/suggestions: I know you have been actively trying to remove side chat from all servers. My question is why? This doesn't provide an unfair advantage to players on one server over another. If players don't like side chat they can go to a different server. Also, if people are talking in side chat you can turn VON down in the audio options and still hear people that talk to you in direct comms. If anything, I think you should let server hosts decide and see what people like. I know that my home server had side chat enabled and was incredibly popular. They got in trouble and had to remove it, and now the server isn't always full it is usually half full as people moved elsewhere. That server used to be a hotbed of activity mainly because it was noob friendly. They could ask questions while they were learning to play. They could coordinate with each other to meet up and scavenge together. They could even set up things like bus rides from Cherno to Stary Sobor and NW Airfield for noobs. And bandits liked it too because they could attempt to attack the groups as they formed. As a result of being able to communicate before you ran into each other face to face people were much less likely to shoot first as well. I wouldn't want every server to have side chat, but I think this is one thing that could be left up to server admins. I'm sure this has probably been discussed ad nauseum, but I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in there as well. I think some variation in rulesets is nice. First/Third person for instance is a nice bit of diversity. Nameplates, obviously, do need to go. They make sniping way too simple and they also make it too easy to find players. I also think servers shouldn't be able to turn on map markers that allow you to see exactly where you are on the map without a GPS. I think it would be nice if map markers could be made local only as well. Maybe squad/party only when that system is implemented in the standalone game. My second question is this: would it be possible (I understand not within the mod itself) for BI to update arma 2 to have servers report a little more information when they are queried for refreshing? For instance, it would be absolutely awesome if the query would return the current time for the server. Then six launcher or DayZ Commander could show the current time of the server. This would be great, as it can be very difficult to find servers that are at night and have more than a dozen players in them. I LOVE playing at night in full servers (even though I don't have NVG). It can take forever to find a night server with 20+ players in it, though. Another thing that could be useful would be the time that has elapsed since the last server restart. I'm sure there are more things that can be useful, but right now these are the two things I would love to see before joining a server. And, finally, I just want to reiterate how much I want players to emit a noise when they first join a server. Any noise would be fine, I like the idea of snoring like they are waking up. I can't tell you how many times I have died to someone logging in shooting me in the ass. Thanks!
  9. Stooby

    Pending Update: Build

    Really, you think someone appearing from the ether behind you to shoot you in the back isn't "quite bad for imersion," but someone making a snoring noise as if they woke up is bad for "imersion". If you log out somewhere where players are likely to be, you deserve to be shot. If you are a new player, learn to not log out in populated areas. Plus, it sort of evens the playing field. When you are logging in, you can see the players in front of where you are logging in during the receiving data load screen. If you are standing there, you have no indication a player is logging in around you. And, sorry, I would love to be able to sit in my boxers all day and read 60 pages of dayz bickering, but I have to work.
  10. Stooby

    Pending Update: Build

    @Rocket: Can we get an audible noise when someone logs in. Like they make a snoring sound or something that is distinct and is audible out to 30 meters or so. This will help prevent people server hopping to shoot you in the ass. The barracks are incredibly dangerous because even after you clear them, there are so many server hoppers that you can get shot in the back frequently.
  11. Stooby

    Server Day and Night

    This is definitely needed. It is virtually impossible to find a night server with people in it. My friend and I spent a few hours one night joining servers trying to find a night server that had more than 10 people in it. And, no, the timezone in the name doesn't work because admins will reset the server and change the time so it stays daylight. Night is the most fun time to play because it is the most intense in my opinion. Nothing is quite as exciting as sneaking through Cherno and then a flare or chem light lights up right next to you when you didn't even know a player was there. The server list needs to have the server time.
  12. They should just modify the map and turn it into an island.
  13. Stooby

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Armchair lawyers attack! I'm sure HFB is shaking in their boots.
  14. Don't be stupid and train your zombies to people. I had an idiot do that to me yesterday. I was in a deer stand and this guy was running from zombies. He saw me in the deer stand and climbed up training a bunch of zombies up there. I was getting my ass beat by zombies but I managed to escape the deer stand. The whole time the guy was whining that I wasn't helping him out. I had 4 shots in my shotgun, I wasn't going to waste them to help his stupid ass out. I left him up there to die to the zombies he dragged over while yelling into direct chat that he would get me for this. I find that the people that whine about other players being dicks are often times the same people that play the game like damn morons. I take no pity on you guys. If you are running through Cherno and you get shot, tough shit. If you are training zombies toward someone and you get shot, tough shit. Learn to play the game.
  15. I'm a big fan of the bandit skin. I think it should persist across deaths and only go away if you don't murder someone for a certain amount of time. When rocket gets a full humanity system implemented they can switch to that, but for the time being I think the bandit skin is good. And this is coming from a bandit. If you have a weapon and I see you, you will be killed. They should also make it so if a player deals you damage first you can defend yourself without taking a murder. And, yes, this can be abused by shooting at a survivor and intentionally missing then killing them after they shoot you. If you have the balls to let them take a free shot at you, you deserve the opportunity to grief.
  16. Not a terrible idea. A white arm band that you can equip, but if you murder someone it turns red from the blood. After a certain amount of time with no murders it will go back to white. And it persists even if you die. Game would need to filter out self defense kills and not mark you a murderer for legitimate self defense. It is more subtle than the bandit skin, but still visually distinct. And any custom suit you find removes the arm band. So if you find ghillie suit or camo you can equip them to make you harder to spot, but it also takes away your identifier as friendy/enemy.
  17. Stooby

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I think you should have our own player profile page where all these statistics are available. Some statistics I would love to see on my personal profile: 1. Average life expectancy (remove deaths where you died with 0 blood loss in my opinion because when you play with other players you tend to hammer that respawn button so you can at least spawn within 30 minute run of each other) 2. Total time alive 3. Total zombie kills 4. Total zombie HS 5. Total murders 6. Total bandit kills 7. Total number of lives 8. Times killed by zombie 9. Times killed by player 10. Times killed by other (excluding 0 blood loss deaths) 11. Assign a reasonable value to all loot and compute total value of all loot scavenged 12. I don't know how detailed your DB is, but it would be cool if we could see a map of where we tend to go. If you log our position every time it saves or something you could create a map of those positions. 13. Map of all the locations we have died.
  18. Stooby

    Entire Server Killed

    Yeah I had the same thing happen to me a few minutes ago on a different server.
  19. Stooby

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I don't think there's any way the game will be able to differentiate between someone pressing ALT+F4 and their internet going down. Actually it's probably possible' date=' when you hit alt-f4 you can see that the screen shows 'Shutdown...' (at least when you're stuck in an infinite loading). It shouldn't be very hard to implement a system that checks if the person exited the game or if the client was disconnected because no more data was being sent. If mIRC can separate the two, I'm thinking a modern game can too. [/quote'] You could tell, but then people would just create programs that simulated getting dropped from the server or they would pull the plug or reset their router.
  20. The grocery store in Cherno is typically a decent place to stock up on weapons, food, drink and it is surprisingly desolate. The nearby firehouse tends to draw all the bandits, not to mention the residential park north of their with the med station which seems to be a constant warzone. I typically get to the grocery store and get the hell out of town. Cherno is a great place to be if you want a bullet in the back. Elektro has the fire station on the north east edge of town, I like to jump in there then get the hell out of there as fast as possible, as I find navigating Elektro much more dangerous than Cherno. My favorite place to spawn is Balota. North of the airstrip is the air controller tower. If you approach that from the north, get in and then get the hell out (skip the hangars they are too exposed), you can get some good kit. If I spawn in Kamenka I hit the deer stands north of town and then head to Pavlovo for my basic loot. North of that is Zeleno which is a great town for scavenging. I typically stick around there until I get kitted out. The grocery store there has been phenomenal for me. There is also the lumber mill and farms nearby and a deer stand just south of town. This is my favorite place in the game to scavenge. You just have to be a little careful you do get bandits roaming through the area as they head north. With the deer stands south of there and green mountain northeast, some bandits tend to sweep through on their way to the air field.
  21. Stooby

    Is it possible to trust?

    Even though the bandit skin isn't realistic, I think it is a good idea. If you kill X number of people you stand out as a bastard that should be hunted down. It would encourage teamwork because if someone is a known murderer they stand out. You can be a bandit if you like, and get all that sweet easy loot, but you also make yourself a target to every single person that comes across you. The bandit skin should stick with you across deaths, the only way to get rid of it should be doing good things. This game would really be great as an MMO. No level system (of course), just a much larger map. You should be able to build fences around an area that stops zombie spawns. Guilds would form and claim land. Some guild would eventually claim some prime loot area as their home and everyone would have to go to war with them to capture it.
  22. Stooby

    Is it possible to trust?

    I still err on the side of trust, but it has bit me in the ass quite a few times. When I get sick of it all I find a Lee Enfield and climb a tower in Cherno and start taking my frustration out on the poor survivors just trying to make it in this harsh world. Then when I run out of ammo I jump to my death and play normally again.
  23. Food seems pretty good to me at the moment. Usually I have to do quite a bit of scrounging to find any food. Last night on a few characters I couldn't find food at all. On my current character I went into a grocery store and got an ALICE pack and filled it up to the brim with food and soda. I could see it being a bit more rare. Nothing like being forced to constantly scavenge cities because of lack of food. I still haven't cooked any food, though. I can never seem to find matches. I have only found a pack of matches once, and on my way out of the building I was shot by a sniper. The only bug (other than the usual engine bugs) I have encountered is the invisible bodies. I can hear the flies buzzing, search the area, no body. I am guessing it is related to player bodies despawning after some time limit. I was finding flies buzzing with no bodies everywhere in Cherno, but as soon as I went inland I haven't seen it at all yet. If I kill someone and hide the body the flies have stopped every time. So I am guessing it has to do with despawning without the body being hidden.