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Everything posted by Deakin

  1. I got the same issue, every time I long into my main server I pass out and before I can wake up I lose my connection to the server. And one other thing I notice when I'm passed out my internet is dead I can't do anything until I exit the game.
  2. Okay so I've been playing for about a month now and when I went to log in today I logged in with someone elses gear and it was some good gear too!!! I'm not sure what to do about it but now I'm wondering if someone else is going to spawn in with my stuff? If so that really sucks for that person.
  3. The update flatted my tents and stole my bike!!!! Damn you update I will have my vengeance!!!!!
  4. Deakin

    Tents Wiped?

    Yeah when I logged in today my tents were flatted and my bike was missing, now I'm not sure if a bike can actually flatten a tent so it is possible that someone found my camp but I very much doubt it because it was so far out of the way and hard to get too no one would have a reason to be where my camp was. So I'm saying that I got ass raped by the update.....again!!!!
  5. Deakin

    Dead Player bodies disappearing?

    I know what causes it, the bodies disappear when the person who died leaves the server. I was playing with a friend a few days ago and he got killed buy a sniper and when we went back to recover his loot the sniper got him again, after that he logged out of the server as I was standing near his two corpses they both disappeared.