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About tankis

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    On the Coast

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  1. Hey I am based in the UK and looking for a Server that would have a time in the US possibly GMT -5 to -7. How much would we be talking about, I see you have offer for 40 Person Server for $25. How long is this offer on for? Let me know when possible. Thanks in advance. Tankis
  2. tankis


    Ran the Wilderness again, disconnected to lobby and then back into the game which worked, but still have disconnected from the Server itself so not sure whether this will still work. Will have to try later on but fingers crossed it will work, came close to death 2500 Wellness!
  3. tankis


    Absolutely rediculous! Ran out of the Wilderness, logged when I was just south of Pavlovo near the Deer Stand. Came back on after a little while, back into the Wilderness. Just stupid, that fix should have been applied in a hotfix which they have waiting for Monday. I understand its Alpha, and totally respect that, but its just stupid the fix is there but waiting with it considering the amount of players stuck in this limbo and the hours spent trying to get out! Love the game, don't mind the bugs, but this one is just crazy stupid! Any chance of a teleport out of this damn wilderness, as I don't fancy logging onto multiple servers to get the debug forest as I've done many times and hours and hours of running in the wilderness, and don't want to lose my gear as a respawn will probably put me back in the same place. Missed clan gaming for the last 2 days straight, don't want to miss again tonight. Cheers.
  4. tankis


    Did the above, logged onto a Server, said the following: You are running and the Server is This was on a few Servers, tried a 1.7.1 Server and spawned me in the Wilderness still! Absolutely gutted with this, I understand Alpha but this is annoying a fix is there, it should be implemented with a hot fix for the many players bugged like this, espesh over the weekend! Need to be spawned near the likes of Cherno of something, if only.
  5. tankis

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Can't find the CA2 Server? Any idea's anyone?
  6. tankis

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Stuck as well, currently been running in Wilderness South East for around 20 minutes. Logged due to food going down as was just about to go to supermarket when it happened! Updated through Six Updater as well, but all is matching as my brother updated through it as well and all was fine. Anyway to force teleport back to civilization without losing backpack and items as I have decent stuff and aint died for many hours. Cheers