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Everything posted by Endarz

  1. Endarz

    What do you want to see in DayZ 2024?

    I am really torn for what I would like to see in DayZ next year. On one hand, seeing the return of legacy/no-longer-spawning content and game mechanics would make me happy, and I am sure that the devs will continue to bring things back as they have previously. Things like the Improvised Short Bow, all the various melee weapons, spray paint and vehicles like the V3S and the Bus coming back would be cool. On the other hand, I would like to see improvements to base building. Not just more things to play with, but changes to how the base building meta works currently I would appreciate. Those looking to turn abandoned buildings into their bases should be able to do so without using a big ass gate that swings through the building mesh and requires a whole demolition squad to break into. I honestly do not believe that base building belongs in DayZ period; however, since we have it, I think the devs can observe the current meta and make it fit into the game world better with some additions. Curious to see what the future holds. For what has been accomplished now, though, the devs deserve a pat on the back. Simply incredible seeing how far this game has come since 2014.