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Everything posted by warrenbeitz

  1. warrenbeitz

    Tool Proposal - Flare Gun

    I've been drooling about this for a while. Would make night combat freaking awesome. And they would be pretty popular near the coast, all boast have them.
  2. warrenbeitz

    Sidearm Flare Gun Suggestion

    Parachute flares... the thing I desire most in this world :D
  3. warrenbeitz

    Fully populated night servers / More NVGs

    If everyone has NVG whats the point of nighttime??
  4. warrenbeitz

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    How is that Ironic or humorous?? I play totally different at night then I do during the day. I think everyone does. I can cross open spaces, use flares to lure zombies, while avoiding the light myself to not be seen. This is the Alpha, its for testing. Why not try a week of no NVG to see if it changes things? If it doesn't, put them back in no harm done. If there's a rise in players playing night time, people are happy about it, then that's good. Why are people so against trying something new? Rocket took guns away from spawn, and people bitched about that, but I think it was a good thing and now every has adjusted.
  5. warrenbeitz

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    It doesn't make the game "fair" by any means. You still have different weapons, different group sizes. It adds a new playstyle to the game, one that is removed by NVG. Besides, NVG is more COD noobmode then not having them, so please drop that argument.
  6. warrenbeitz

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    I agree with OP. I'd like a week or so with no NVG. The clan I'm in for sure would start playing night. Everyone arguing for NVG probably has a pair already. And whats the point of them?? You have them, you see like day. Go play a day server if you wont play night without NVG. Night time without NVG is awesome, super intense and adds an entire new dynamic to the game. Open fields are now viable, allowing new approaches to places, PVP changes into cat and mouse of trying to light up/mislead the other player with flares. NVG just turns it back into a daytime server, rendering nighttime moot.
  7. You wouldn't, but most would. I love playing at night, super tense and exciting. Would love to have the option to turn NVG off on our server. Level the playing field.
  8. Our group has collected a number of vehicles, and while I like to use them aggressively, they're basically gone forever if you use them. What I would like to see is this **Vehicles need to be fueled AT gas stations. Forcing you to actually take risks** Right now, I take the truck with 20 fuel cans to the most remote tank I know of and safely fuel it up with no risk. Have fuel for days