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Everything posted by redreversed

  1. redreversed

    Who is loving the new update for Namalsk?

    Yeah, I completely agree with you.
  2. redreversed

    Terrible freezing

    I've had this problem for a nice long while(atleast a year maybe)so its got to do with arma 2, not dayz. Its even still happening after a fresh windows install so its probbably a hardware issue. What happens is that the game freezes after a while, sometimes it takes only a few minutes sometimes it takes long for it to happen. It freezes for maybe 5 seconds or less, unfreezes for 1, and then freezes again and it continous on like that until eventually it usually stops happening(after maybe up to 10 minutes?). On the task manager it says its not responding. This one is very annyoing and has gotten me killed hundreds of times. I would at least like somebody to tell me how to find out whats the actual problem. I have a similar problem in Minecraft and league of legends...
  3. redreversed

    Terrible freezing

    Anyone? Changing game settings doesn't seem to have any effect. I really need help at least identitifing the problem.. is it CPU?RAM? :/
  4. redreversed

    Terrible freezing

    No, just a few.Minecraft, arma and league of legends. There may be more, but Im not sure which. Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.5GHz 6144MB RAM ASUS HD7750 Series Just...shut up.. This issue has been annoying me too much to joke about it.Sorry :P
  5. 1.I've had this problem for a nice long while(atleast a year maybe)so its got to do with arma 2, not dayz.Its even still happening after a fresh windows install so its probbably a hardware issue. What happens is that the game freezes after a while, sometimes it takes only a few minutes sometimes it takes long for it to happen. It freezes for maybe 5 seconds or less, unfreezes for 1, and then freezes again and it continous on like that until eventually it usually stops happening(after maybe up to 10 minutes?). On the task manager it says its not responding. This one is very annyoing and has gotten me killed hundreds of times. I would at least like somebody to tell me how to find out whats the actual problem. 2.The second problem is recently.. two or three days ago when I started playing dayz(only on new map namalsk) Direct chat doesnt work for me, or I cant see it or hear it.People see mine but I can't see theirs.And its still happening after I reinstalled arma 2 and arma 2 OA. This one has also gotten me killed, as people warned me and I didn't hear them... It also annoys other people as if I team up with someone we have to talk over side channel(if there is one).
  6. redreversed

    Two very annoying problems

    Seems like noone will reply unless you keep bumping to get to first page :/
  7. redreversed

    Two very annoying problems

    Okay, so I have done the ramdisk thing ( )And now while it still happens just as frequent, the freezing is a little different. Instead of long freezes with tiny half a second to second breaks, it is now short freezes with bigger breaks between them and it seems to go on longer though (but Im not sure if im right about that) Anyone have any ideas? :/
  8. redreversed

    Terrible fps

    Try this , it helped me
  9. redreversed

    Favorite DayZ map?

    Namalsk by a looooooong shot.Only regret I have is that I played the Namalsk(night stalkers) campaign before it came out for dayz... now I cant have the fun for exploring the map anew.
  10. redreversed

    Two very annoying problems

    I did, and It did great. It is definately not the gpu drivers as I had a different graphics card not long ago when it was also doing this. And I don't know, I start DayzCommander with administrator, would that be enough? (btw sorry for very late reply, I was quite busy)
  11. redreversed

    Two very annoying problems

    Could someone please help?Its absolutely game breaking for me... I don't even need a solution, a way to find out what is actually causing the problem would be great. :/
  12. redreversed

    Two very annoying problems

    1.Yeah its good enough.I run arma 2 on 100% with about medium-high settings.. I have digital copy from steam.
  13. redreversed

    Zombies are too Powerful

    ..Am I the only that can get fucked up by zombies quite easily?xD
  14. redreversed

    Made fun of my age, dead in seconds.

    This just proves how wrong you "adults" are when you say you're the mature ones.
  15. redreversed

    Day Z vs The War Z

    Um.. so its just different personal tastes..and well all the points are stupid except the last one.
  16. redreversed

    Endgame too boring

    I find that when playing this game, once you're in the north (aside from a few places) you won't really find much people. I got so desperate to actually have someone to find me that I started to throw flares around because I have all this lovely gear and feel pretty lonely. I wouldn't mind shooting at eachother, thats always fun but teaming up is fine too.This is the moment people like to go back to cherno or elektro to shoot a few people. I know Im gonna get a bunch of people saying to team up with friends, and I have but we got bored too. There is no endgame at all. Now a bunch of people are gonna say stuff like "Find people and heal them and stuff."No, thats not fun. What you do in this game... Find loot. You use that loot to find better loot.Once youve got all that nice loot, you try to make a vehicle. What do you use it for?To get more loot! There needs to be more of an endgame...not organised though. I don't want special pvp places or arenas.It just needs something. Forgive me that I do not know what that something is... EDIT:Please do not read this as me just complaining.I'm just saying what I think is an important issue.I do not expect this to be fixed soon or anything like that.:)
  17. redreversed

    Endgame too boring

    Its feedback. Like I said in an another post, every feedback is being burried under "Im quitting cuz of this stupid pvping". Im not shouting for it to be fixed now.
  18. redreversed

    Endgame too boring

    I know, but the point I was trying to make in my first paragraph was that its hard to die if you don't enter towns or cities and it feels cheap to just TRY to die. Maybe what would fix that is more ways to die.Actually, I would absolutely love more ways to die!
  19. redreversed

    Endgame too boring

    I'm giving feedback, you're supposed to do that. It just seems like all the proper feedback is buried under "Im quiting dayz cuz of all this pvp crap"
  20. redreversed

    Endgame too boring

    I understand that, but there needs to be more tools for endgame. Hatchet cults and rescue squads don't exactly sound like fun, sorry. I wanna try the mad doctor so much haha!
  21. redreversed

    Duping: 3/4 of High Level Gear is Duplicated

    He obviously admitted that he was wrong to do that.-.-
  22. Yeah, absolutely true. Me and a friend tried playing completely fair, never using abort even if we are about to get massacared by zombies. Yeah it was honestly hard not to press abort when u had great gear.