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About robertbough86

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    On the Coast
  1. How's it going everyone, appreciate any help! So basically I modded the files for Expansion AI (it kinda works but is jacked up) So I wanted to install Dolphin AI bc it seems a lot easier to mod, but the problem is the modded Expansion AI settings are going to clash with the new AI MOD that requires a default Expansion AI. I was going to just wipe out Expansion AI and redownload/subscribe then I realized it would delete all the bases and stuff off my server lol. So I've been searching for a default/unedited file and settings for Expansion AI. If anyone has the file/settings unaltered and wouldn't mind helping out I would owe you big time. I thought I had a back up of them, but after searching for hours I've determined I guess I didn't lol.
  2. SERVER FEATURES: (IP: + GPort: 2400 Server Name: Snake Farm - Vanilla + AI) NO HACKING which includes Admins using Admin Tools! Admins never use admin tools to get items nor fix crashed Cars/Helicopters. (Very strict about that so it's a fair experience for everyone. Nothing worse than Toxic Admins) Unlimited Sprint Auto Run Ear Plugs Advanced Map Navigation GPS Mini-Map Compass HUD 2D and 3D Markers Added Vehicles for Convenient Travel Flip Vehicle Mechanic Improved Base Building Party System AI Bot Integration: Encounter AI Survivors randomly across the map for an unpredictable twist! Some Bots are so convincing; you might mistake them for players! Navigation Disclaimer: Unlock in-game navigation features by finding necessary items like GPS, Map, and Compass. Stamina Disclaimer: Combat, jumping, and aiming still impact your stamina. Note: No public Discord currently, but find our reporting email in-game with the "B" key. Come join: Snake Farm - Vanilla + AI for a classic DayZ adventure with the perfect blend of quality of life features, and the suspense of encountering AI survivors! We Currently have a Small Clan, and a Rogue Duo running around so there is a little action on this New Server. Currently the Server Cap is 20 Pop but once we see enough people coming in we will def upgrade the Server pop to 40 or 60. Were friendly especially to new players, willing to Sherpa you if you need help. If you kill us and take our shit, it's all yours no ones going to be a little bitch about it and use admin tools to get revenge. We will come back at you thought fairly/straight up. In fact whoever kills one of our clan members first gets a dope Mystery Package! So come test your skills out, you'll need them. If you have any Questions feel free to hit me up at sarusn04@gmail.com!