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Egro Goodies

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About Egro Goodies

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    On the Coast
  1. Egro Goodies

    *Self* Blood transfusion

    Maybe have it have half the effect of a bloodpack + a penalty('s)
  2. Egro Goodies

    *Self* Blood transfusion

    Well maybe a blood limit can be put in when you self transfuse maybe something like like 6000-7000?
  3. Egro Goodies

    *Self* Blood transfusion

    Hello This suggestion is probably submitted a few times but i tought i submit it again. As the title says "Self blood transfusion", I was thinking about the ability to administer bloodpacks to yourself and when you do, you see an animation that you're searching for a vein. Then you see an animation that you administer the blood and and hold up the bloodpack. after this you will be done and use a bandage to patch yourself. This procedure will require a bloodpack and a bandage (obviously) and the whole procedure will take 20 second (maybe a 40 seconds). This way you cannot transfuse yourself when you are beng hunted by zombies and/or players. So? What do you think?