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Everything posted by JonsonDoe

  1. Firstly, thanks for taking the time to read my post and considering helping. Secondly, I have created a Satmap, Mask & Heightmap in QGIS that are 230000 meters by 230000 meters, a large map, I am trying to create a map the size of Chenarus. I import my Satmap, Mask & Heightmap into Terrain Builder, add a MapFrame, set my Location Settings, but I am having problems with the Settings I need for the Sampler Settings. The settings I am unsure about given my map size are; Terrain sampler Grid Size (m): ? Cell Size (m): ? Terrain Size (m): ? Satellite/Surface (mask) source images Size (px): ? x ? Resolution (m/px): ? Satellite/Surface (mask) tiles Size (px): ? Disired overlap (px): Texture layer Size (m): ? If anyone is able to spread some light on these settings and what I need to set them to given my map size it would be much appreciated. ChatGPT tells me; Given your map size of 230000 x 230000 and considering the settings for Terrain Sampler, Satellite/Surface (mask) source images, and Texture layer in DayZ's Terrain Builder, here are some approximate guidelines: Terrain Sampler: Grid Size (m): This typically represents the overall size of the grid you're working with. For a large map like yours, you might use a grid size that covers the entire map area. For instance, you could set it to 230000 m or slightly larger to encompass the entirety of your map. Cell Size (m): This refers to the size of individual cells within the grid. For a large map, a smaller cell size might provide more detailed sampling. A value like 1 meter or smaller could be suitable for precision. Terrain Size (m): This should match the overall dimensions of your map, so it would be 230000 m x 230000 m in your case. Satellite/Surface (Mask) Source Images: Size (px): The pixel size depends on the resolution of your source images. If the satellite/surface images are high-resolution, you might have images with dimensions like 230000 x 230000 pixels. However, the actual size in pixels will depend on the resolution of your images and how they align with the map size. Resolution (m/px): This refers to the ground resolution of your images. It's the real-world distance represented by each pixel in the image. To calculate this, divide the size of your map in meters by the size of the image in pixels. For example, if your map is 230000 meters wide and the image is 230000 pixels wide, the resolution would be 1 meter/pixel. Satellite/Surface (Mask) Tiles: Size (px): This should match the size of the source images and their resolution. If your source images are, for instance, 230000 x 230000 pixels, your tiles might be of similar dimensions. Desired Overlap (px): Overlap helps with blending and consistency between tiles. A value of 10-20% of the tile size in pixels (e.g., 23000 - 46000 pixels for a 230000-pixel tile) could be a starting point for desired overlap. Texture Layer: Size (m): This relates to the dimensions of the texture layer you're working with. It should match the overall map size, so in your case, it would be 230000 m x 230000 m. These settings are approximate and can be adjusted based on the specifics of your project, the resolution of your source imagery, and your desired level of detail. Always consider testing different configurations to find the settings that best suit your project's requirements. The problem is; Terrain Sampler: Grid Size (m) only allows me to choose 8192 x 8192. Satellite/Surface (Mask) Tiles: Size (px) only ollows me to choose 2048 x 2048.