I'd like to one-up your idea. Clearly in an apocalyptic situation, there would be no one to run the power plants, and as such, no electricity on any large scale. What if power plants could be repaired and fueled? Much like vehicles? Generators would obviously create a lot of noise, and therefore attract zombies galore. The power plant would also not run at full capacity, meaning it would only provide electricity to a specific radius (whatever that may be). But here are the pros i can think of. 1) A good end-game goal (rocket has stated that these are lacking and he intends to create more) 2) A good team cooperation goal (there are few of these, other than now we have extra meat-shields!) 3) Cities that have been powered would be night-playable (though not impossible now, just terribly difficult without NVGs) 4) ???? Suggestions? Cons: 1) perhaps not possible to implement in arma2's engine? 2) ???? Suggestions?