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Nachyo Cheese

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About Nachyo Cheese

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  1. Nachyo Cheese

    Owner of two 100 slot servers, I need a friend!

    I would love to join you. Skype: roflquoffle
  2. Honestly I don't see why people are like this I'm a 16 year old bandit that is mature and not some dumbass who camps cherno looking for killcount. Not every "minor" is some COD playing douche. Give them a chance and btw if you still need a clan add me on skype as roflquoffle
  3. Im 16 It would be great to have another person with me. Add me on skype roflquoffle if you wanna play
  4. Nachyo Cheese

    Bandit looking for clan

    Hello everyone, I've been playing for just about a month now and decided it was time to find a dedicated group of people to play with. I was in a clan but it fell apart and was never good. I'd like to join a group that's pretty established on a server. I'm mostly a sniper but can play other parts. I'm 16 years old. If anyone has a clan I can join or if anyone wants to play along side me add me on skype as Roflquoffle
  5. Nachyo Cheese


    looking back i can snicker then I was pissed
  6. Nachyo Cheese


    I was updated I went downstairs and found a silenced mp5 without ammo though so idc about the gun. Thanks for the help anyone got an extra ghillie suit for me :P
  7. Nachyo Cheese


    So I was in the Elektro firestation muckin around when I find a Rimmington. I'm satisfied with the loot for now so I go down the stair and find a player I had tons of supplies on me about 7 morphine 7 bloodbags and loads of other stuff so I shot. To my surprise I found a ghillie suit on this guy. I've wanted one for a while so I went to put it on immediatly. As soon as I put it on I spawn into an ocean then quickly go back...my pack and inventory are empty. So I grab all of the stuff off this guy and go downstairs where I find the stiff that was in my pack all the medical supplies on the ground but no camo and my Remmington was gone. WTF happened there? I thought Rocket fixed this.
  8. Nachyo Cheese

    Items back from bug

    Haha yea but I learned it the super heard wAy with ones on the best guns in the game and it wasn't even my fault someone else put it in the bag
  9. Nachyo Cheese

    Items back from bug

    Hello everyone, I recently found my first helicopter crash site and found a as50 a sniper that I've been wanting for a while to back up a clan. I lost it when my friend tried to put it in my Alice pack though it just dissapeared we looked everywhere. I presume this is a bug and I was wondering if there is any way to get the rifle back. Can they roll back my account?
  10. Nachyo Cheese

    Looking for a young DayZ group!

    Hey I'd love to join im 16 add me on Skype as Roflquoffle if you wanna join up.
  11. Nachyo Cheese

    NotoriousNation [DayZ clan] | Recruiting

    Hey I added you on stream Im experienced but I just died so I have to start over. Im pretty good with a sniper.
  12. Nachyo Cheese

    Is it worth it?

  13. Nachyo Cheese

    Any clans that would take someone like me?

    Can i join the party here. I've been playing for a while and would like to find some people to play with. I'm 16 so yea.
  14. Nachyo Cheese

    Is it worth it?

    I spawned in the debug plains and cant get out. With the new patch coming that is going to fix this is it worth it to respawn my character? I was very well of got a gun, pistol, tons of ammo and food/water for dayZ. So my question is with this patch will my current character be respawned back to the normal world or will i have to create a new character anyway? So is it worth it to respawn so i can play until this new hotfix is out?