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Everything posted by da_blade

  1. da_blade

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Well a question to see if this pertains to this matter! Do server owners or their admins have the right to dictate to us what you can or can't have in the way of vehicles, if they have most of them in "their" camp? My group and I are running into this situation right now! We relocated to a server after helping an admin catch a hacker in a different server who destroyed our camp and killed me! The admin is an admin for both servers and invited us to move to his main server, so we did. But only later to find out that the server owner doesn't believe that anyone other "his group should have certain vehicles"!! Well last night one of my friends stumbled across their base and took a vehicle. Well!!, this morning I log in and find our whole camps tents emptied and loot all over the ground and even some tents driven over!! I'm not looking for revenge on them this is just a game. I just want it on record what they've done to us so....if they ban us you will know what its really for! We don't hack or condone hacking!!!!! Thanks for everything you have a great mod and I can't wait for the stand alone to come out!! peace
  2. da_blade

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I ALWAYS find Antibiotics if I break the glass of a hospital and go inside. Am I just lucky? :) Since I have yet to have an infection in game and feeling oh so generous today; what server are you on. You can have mine. In boxes or spawned separately? Dude ive broken the glass 8 times an played for 5 1/2hrs. tryn to get antibiotics still don't have them and I was tired of listening to my guy cough so I logged off! =( Hopefully I will go back and try again today! Its a big city ,Berezino, and I have great gear that I don't want to lose!!!! Besides all my friends are on the west side of the map! =( If we could meet up if ya don't mind I'd be in your debt! =p
  3. da_blade

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Would it be possible for you to increase the spawn rate of Antibiotics? I was hit by a zed now all is cough and my bloods at 6k!! =(( Ive even tried server hopping, something I Never do, and no Antibiotics ever spawned!! Thanks!! Keep up the great work!!
  4. da_blade

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Rocket excellant job on the DayZ mod!! I just beg of 2 fixes if you may!! I had great gear , ghilli skin, M24 with 5 mags, M1911 with 6 mags, 2 blood bags, winchester shotgun with 30rds of ammo, etc. ,and was in need of some food! I entered a house and the entrance was very hard to get through!! Needless to say I agro'd a zed so I backed in an proceeded to kill him. Well of course I agro'd the whole town! LOL So, with the new range, 1 hit me. I backed in further to bandage and was RAPED by 2 who glitched through the back wall!! =(( I did make my way back to Pustoshka looking for items and loot on my way north but sadly I couldn't get into 1/2 the buildings due to zeds spawning in them! =( Well a friend grabbed my M24 but my dead body disappeared so I lost everything else! If you may, please remove the zombies from buildings and try to fix that attacking through walls!! THX!! Keep up the GREAT WORK!!