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Everything posted by REDLethality

  1. REDLethality

    Issue with Model

    I dont know if this is in the right area, if not please let me know. But Ive been working on a Helmet and trying to get it match right with the players head. Everything looks good in Buldozer but when I load into game, it spawns on the players hip. No where near where its supposed to be. I dont know what I am missing. I have redone the whole thing a dozen times over. I got masks working and pretty much copied what I did from there but Cannot get this to work. The models have the selection of "Zbytek" and has "head" for placement. I have both Config.cpp and Model.cfg how I wanted them. Config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class SS_SoarHelmet { units[]= { }; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]= { "DZ_Data", "DZ_Characters", "DZ_Characters_headgear" }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Clothing_Base; class Clothing: Clothing_Base { }; class Inventory_Base; class Mich2001Helmet; class SoaR_Helmet_Base: Mich2001Helmet { scope=0; displayName="SoaR Tactical Flight Helmet"; descriptionShort="A tactical flight helmet to be worn when in Helicopters, or hell whenever you feel like it. Gear made by RED!"; attachments[]= { "NVG", "helmetFlashlight" }; inventorySlot[]= { "Headgear" }; simulation="clothing"; vehicleClass="Clothing"; itemInfo[]= { "Clothing", "Headgear" }; model="SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\SoaRHelmet_g.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "zbytek" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\data\black glass\HGU.paa", "SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\data\black glass\HGU.paa", "SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\data\black glass\HGU.paa" }; class DamageSystem { class GlobalHealth { class Health { hitpoints=80; healthLevels[]= { { 1, { "DZ\characters\headgear\data\HelmetMich.rvmat" } }, { 0.69999999, { "DZ\characters\headgear\data\HelmetMich.rvmat" } }, { 0.5, { "DZ\characters\headgear\data\HelmetMich_damage.rvmat" } }, { 0.30000001, { "DZ\characters\headgear\data\HelmetMich_damage.rvmat" } }, { 0, { "DZ\characters\headgear\data\HelmetMich_destruct.rvmat" } } }; }; }; class GlobalArmor { class Projectile { class Health { damage=0.25; }; class Blood { damage=0; }; class Shock { damage=0.5; }; }; class Melee { class Health { damage=0.25; }; class Blood { damage=0; }; class Shock { damage=0.25; }; }; class Infected { class Health { damage=0.25; }; class Blood { damage=0; }; class Shock { damage=0.25; }; }; class FragGrenade { class Health { damage=0.5; }; class Blood { damage=0; }; class Shock { damage=0.25999999; }; }; }; }; class ClothingTypes { male="SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\SoaRHelmet.p3d"; female="SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\SoaRHelmet.p3d"; }; soundImpactType="plastic"; class AnimEvents { class SoundWeapon { class pickUpItem { soundSet="pickUpPot_SoundSet"; id=797; }; class drop { soundset="BallisticHelmet_drop_SoundSet"; id=898; }; }; }; }; class SoaR_Helmet_HGU: SoaR_Helmet_Base { scope=2; displayName="SoaR Black Visor"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\data\black glass\HGU.paa", "SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\data\black glass\HGU.paa", "SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\data\black glass\HGU.paa" }; }; class SoaR_Helmet_HGU1: SoaR_Helmet_Base { scope=2; displayName="SoaR Black Visor"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\data\black glass\HGU1.paa", "SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\data\black glass\HGU1.paa", "SS_SoarHelmet\data\SoaR_Helmet\data\black glass\HGU1.paa" }; }; }; Model.cfg: class cfgSkeletons { class DayzTemporarySkeleton { skeletonInherit = ""; isDiscrete = 0; SkeletonBones[]= { "pelvis" ,"", "launcher" ,"pelvis", "weapon" ,"pelvis", "propweaponbody" ,"weapon", "propweaponslide" ,"propweaponbody", "propweaponmag" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon01" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon02" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon03" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon04" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon05" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon06" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon07" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon08" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon09" ,"propweaponbody", "propweapon10" ,"propweaponbody", "lefthipextra" ,"pelvis", "righthipextra" ,"pelvis", "propbeltleft" ,"pelvis", "propbeltright" ,"pelvis", "propbeltcenter" ,"pelvis", "turningaxis" ,"pelvis", "propbackpackmain" ,"pelvis", "propbackpacktop" ,"propbackpackmain", "propbackpackextra" ,"propbackpackmain", "propbackpackleft" ,"propbackpackmain", "propbackpackright" ,"propbackpackmain", "spine" ,"pelvis", "spine1" ,"spine", "proprifleunderarm" ,"spine1", "spine2" ,"spine1", "proprifleback" ,"spine2", "propvestleft" ,"spine2", "propvestright" ,"spine2", "propvestfront" ,"spine2", "propvestlower" ,"propvestfront", "spine3" ,"spine2", "propvestupper" ,"spine3", "propvestback" ,"spine3", "neck" ,"spine3", "neck1" ,"neck", "head" ,"neck1", "prophelmet" ,"head", "prophelmetvisor" ,"prophelmet", "propmouth" ,"head", "propmask" ,"head", "propglasses" ,"head", "prophelmetchin" ,"head", "propcamera1st" ,"head", "headcutscene" ,"head", "eyeleft" ,"head", "eyeright" ,"head", "face_browfrontleft" ,"head", "face_browfrontright" ,"head", "face_browmiddle" ,"head", "face_browsideleft" ,"head", "face_browsideright" ,"head", "face_cornerleft" ,"head", "face_cornerright" ,"head", "face_eyelidlowerleft" ,"head", "face_eyelidlowerright" ,"head", "face_eyelids" ,"head", "face_eyelidupperleft" ,"head", "face_eyelidupperright" ,"head", "face_forehead" ,"head", "face_cheekfrontleft" ,"head", "face_cheekfrontright" ,"head", "face_cheeksideleft" ,"head", "face_cheeksideright" ,"head", "face_cheekupperleft" ,"head", "face_cheekupperright" ,"head", "face_chin" ,"head", "face_chopleft" ,"head", "face_chopright" ,"head", "face_jawbone" ,"head", "face_jowl" ,"head", "face_liplowerleft" ,"head", "face_liplowermiddle" ,"head", "face_liplowerright" ,"head", "face_lipupperleft" ,"head", "face_lipuppermiddle" ,"head", "face_lipupperright" ,"head", "face_nostrilleft" ,"head", "face_nostrilright" ,"head", "face_tongue" ,"head", "beard" ,"head", "hair" ,"head", "leftshoulder" ,"spine3", "leftarm" ,"leftshoulder", "leftarmextra" ,"leftarm", "leftarmroll" ,"leftarm", "leftelbowextra" ,"leftarmroll", "leftforearm" ,"leftarmroll", "leftforearmextra" ,"leftforearm", "leftforearmroll" ,"leftforearm", "leftwristextra" ,"leftforearmroll", "lefthand" ,"leftforearmroll", "prophandl" ,"lefthand", "lefthandring" ,"lefthand", "lefthandring1" ,"lefthandring", "lefthandring2" ,"lefthandring1", "lefthandring3" ,"lefthandring2", "lefthandpinky1" ,"lefthandring", "lefthandpinky2" ,"lefthandpinky1", "lefthandpinky3" ,"lefthandpinky2", "lefthandmiddle1" ,"lefthand", "lefthandmiddle2" ,"lefthandmiddle1", "lefthandmiddle3" ,"lefthandmiddle2", "lefthandindex1" ,"lefthand", "lefthandindex2" ,"lefthandindex1", "lefthandindex3" ,"lefthandindex2", "lefthandthumb1" ,"lefthand", "lefthandthumb2" ,"lefthandthumb1", "lefthandthumb3" ,"lefthandthumb2", "rightshoulder" ,"spine3", "rightarm" ,"rightshoulder", "rightarmextra" ,"rightarm", "rightarmroll" ,"rightarm", "rightelbowextra" ,"rightarmroll", "rightforearm" ,"rightarmroll", "rightforearmextra" ,"rightforearm", "rightforearmroll" ,"rightforearm", "rightwristextra" ,"rightforearmroll", "righthand" ,"rightforearmroll", "prophandr" ,"righthand", "righthandring" ,"righthand", "righthandring1" ,"righthandring", "righthandring2" ,"righthandring1", "righthandring3" ,"righthandring2", "righthandpinky1" ,"righthandring", "righthandpinky2" ,"righthandpinky1", "righthandpinky3" ,"righthandpinky2", "righthandmiddle1" ,"righthand", "righthandmiddle2" ,"righthandmiddle1", "righthandmiddle3" ,"righthandmiddle2", "righthandindex1" ,"righthand", "righthandindex2" ,"righthandindex1", "righthandindex3" ,"righthandindex2", "righthandthumb1" ,"righthand", "righthandthumb2" ,"righthandthumb1", "righthandthumb3" ,"righthandthumb2", "leftupleg" ,"pelvis", "leftuplegroll" ,"leftupleg", "propthighleft" ,"leftupleg", "leftkneeextra" ,"propthighleft", "leftleg" ,"propthighleft", "leftlegroll" ,"leftleg", "leftfoot" ,"leftlegroll", "lefttoebase" ,"leftfoot", "rightupleg" ,"pelvis", "rightuplegroll" ,"rightupleg", "propthighright" ,"rightupleg", "rightkneeextra" ,"propthighright", "rightleg" ,"propthighright", "rightlegroll" ,"rightleg", "rightfoot" ,"rightlegroll", "righttoebase" ,"rightfoot", "camera" ,"", "righthand_dummy" ,"" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sections[] = {}; sectionsInherit=""; skeletonName = ""; }; class SoaRHelmet:Default { skeletonName="DayzTemporarySkeleton"; sections[]= { "zbytek" }; };//</Modelclass> };//</CfgModels>
  2. REDLethality

    Issue with Model

    Its showing correct when in preview but then in game it bugs the hell out. But idk either rn. Just a headache Thanks though