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Everything posted by calichescot

  1. calichescot

    Slowly losing blood

    Hello everyone! I'm currently experiencing an issue with bleeding that I hope someone may be able to help me with. My character caught an infection earlier through an intense fight with some zeds, and has started coughing. Now I understand that blood is supposed to decrease with an infection to around 9999 and stay at that level, however, my blood has now dropped to around 7000 and its still falling about 3 a second. Bandages don't help, and I've been hit by a zed on purpose in order to create a bleed to bandage to stop it decreasing, but after it was stopped my blood continued to drain. Anyone got any ideas on what could be causing this, and more importantly, how it can be resolved?
  2. calichescot

    Slowly losing blood

    Dear god! Where on earth will I find antibiotics now... that's brutal :D Do you know if infections disappear by themselves or do they always need treatment? Thanks for the help Nipos, I did look through the change log but must have missed it.