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About calichescot

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  1. Hi, Been lone-wolfing it for ages now with a bit of medic help here and there, but fancy starting up or joining a group of UK or EU players. I also need to find a reliable server where I can store my stuff (the last one I tried deleted all my equipment on reset) so if anyone could help me out in both regards that would be awesome. I usually play good but don't mind a bit of banditry, particularly against players who don't seem all that friendly. Anyway if anyone's interested, reply to the thread or PM me. Cheers.
  2. calichescot

    SEAL Teams Group Recruitment

    1. How old are you? 25 2. How long have you played dayz? About 6 months. 3. How available are you? Pretty much online most of the day and evening. 4. Can you be mature and tactical when need be? At my age I'd hope so! 5. Do you have sufficient map knowledge? Yeah I know It pretty well as I've played the game for months now. 6. What role do you prefer to play in a squad? Sniper/Recon, but as I have played the game as a lone wolf for such a long time I can fill any sort of role thats needed. 7. What is a role of a sniper/recon in your opinion? Observation, observation, observation! And keeping an eye on your buddies backs. They should only engage if they are 100% sure of the situation on the ground. The only bad thing is that I'm Scottish so there might be a bit of distance between us. Also I dont use Skype but I do have a mic so we could still chat over Steam or something. PM me if you want to team up.
  3. I'm in Stary now, PM me if you still want help.
  4. calichescot

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    Happened to me today, logged into SP1 and ended up in the degbug plain with no gear. Decided to quit and try another server, and ended up spawning on the coast without my AS50, NVG's and all the other things a 20 day player would be expected to have. Has anyone tried to kill themselves? I remember there was a bug a while back that reset my character, but when i got killed and joined another server I returned to my previous character in its original location.
  5. calichescot

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Dr Fox ready to help those in need, located centrally so PM me if anyone needs help.
  6. calichescot

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm afraid I havent had the honor of whitelist yet (never got around to applying), but I am still very much willing to help. There are a few fellow medics on here that will vouch for me, let me know if you need a hand. I can make it, might be a bit of a wait until I get there although the further south you can crawl the sooner I can join you. All out of antibiotics I'm afraid, sorry.
  7. calichescot

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Special thanks to Kalskirata (Pandarine) for getting me out of that sticky situation!
  8. calichescot

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey sorry guys I seemed to be having trouble with my Battleeye last night but its since been resolved. Anyone on hand to help out?
  9. calichescot

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Fellow medics, While on a mission to retireve some more medical supplies from Cherno, I got sniped while moving through the woods. Stupidly, I disconnected as soon as my character went down, but now when I try to log in I get stuck at the hour glass. Long after five minutes my character is still unconscious. Would anyone be around to administer an epi-pen to see if it wakes my character up? I think its a bug but this might do it. Failing that I would be grateful if a fellow medic would put me out of my misery (i cannot respawn as controls are disabled) and look after my loot until I can come back and pick it up.
  10. calichescot

    Stuck at timer?

    Ok so logged onto a server while in shock from an injury, waited for the timer to pass, but once the hour glass is empty nothing seems to happen and I'm still unconscious. Been waiting for well over 10 minutes but still nothing. Any ideas on what I can do?
  11. calichescot

    Character gone after update

    I also had this issue but respawn fixed it for me. This thread should be stickied.
  12. calichescot

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just so happens I'm close to Stary Soulshaper2, have added you on steam
  13. calichescot

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sent you a message.
  14. calichescot

    Refilling Jerry Cans

    It looks to me these guys are having the same problem - see 3:30.
  15. calichescot

    Refilling Jerry Cans

    Thanks eric, unfortunately the option to refill simply doesn't appear when im next to a petrol tank. Guess maybe its a bug or the server.