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Posts posted by Marrond

  1. Shoot a Zombie in the chest and it won't die.

    I shoot it in the arm and it dies. I shoot it in the leg it dies and I shoot it in the chest - suprise, it dies. I play since 4 days already. I think crossbow was buffed from the last time you've used it. If it hits the target then the target is basicaly dead. Didn't try to use it against players since never encountered any while I was wielding a crossbow but I'm pretty sure it will get target uncautious after 1st shot at worst. Gonna investigate this after I die (got plenty of EQ and I'm not as easy target as I've used to be)

  2. if it did more damage

    What more dmg do you expect? Right now it's 1shoot1kill wherever you hit - feet, head, doesn't matter. You think it should explode or launch tactical nukes?

    (P.S. IRL composite arrow easily goes through half-centimeter steel plate at ~50m range)

  3. It is quite a good weapon in my opinion' date=' but it should be possible to loot the arrow back from downed enemies


    It is possible if you see the bolt. However it should be done so bolt appears in body loot and can be collected back easily. What is now is just riddiculous as when you click to hide body the bolt vanishes under ground too.

  4. Being completely off and not even centered?

    There's such thing as requiring skill and being broken. Sure it's possible to hit things with it' date=' I do it all the time, however the irons are just flat out broken. Aim at a zombies knees for a headshot!


    Sorry but you're just bad. Terribly bad. I play ArmA2 with DayZ (never played ArmA before) for 4th day already and I can headshoot everytime I use damn crossbow. It doesn't even need to be centered anyhow. Just stand against the wall, and shoot few times from diffrent ranges to calibrates it. There should be 3 dots for diffrent ranges to have perfect xhair but one dot in center of your screen is more than enough if you don't feel that weapon. Also it's SO DEADLY. It's 1 shot one kill no matter you hit head or the feet.

    There are only 2 problems with Crossbow right now:

    1) it's effective range is 30m which is means you have to go REALLY close

    2) there should be a damn Quiver. And even if there was none then single bolt shouldn't take 1 crate in inventory while damn heli rotor take 4 crates...

    Only problem I find is that so far Zeds mainly fall on the bolt so I can't retrieve (In theory you only need a few bolts if you are careful and collect all your bolts). I suppose in real life your bolts might become damaged in use so makes sense not all are returned.

    It's quite hard to break Crossbow Bolt these days. It's not wood anymore. They're made nowdays with composite materials or carbon fiber. Anyway they're way stronger and elastic than in Medieval. I'm using sport bow IRL - it's not easy to destroy a modern arrow.

  5. The game needs a shout function imo. Whats the range of direct chat' date=' 20m?


    My range finder shows exactly 47m. At 48m there's completely no voice no matter how hard you scream into your mic. We tested it out today as I fixed my mic related issue. It's quite nice distance. Obviously sniper will not be able to communicate but that range is almost as long as a hangar I believe (eye measurement).

    This is useless unless you're sitting face to face with your target. So you're at the distance point where rules change to "FasterTriggerWins" instead of "Friendly or headshoot"?

    80m in game is pretty far.

    It's not 80 unless my range finder is wrong. However I like this piece of EQ due to built in NV and range measurement for pointed target.

    And no, there shouldn't be side chat how it was before. There should be radio item that would allow you to talk with people within 1000 or 5000m (or 2 radios one civilian with shorter range and another military with long range and huge antena :D)

  6. Today we're hanging @ Stary Sobor military tents since my friend died... AGAIN. I found already GPS and few things for him but he needed weapons, ammo and few other things. I was covering the area with my DRM and then a wild camo guy appeared. We decided to not shoot guy yet as he was acting pretty smart - like someone was covering his back. I asked my friend to talk to him over direct chat voip that we're friendly and don't want trouble but I will shot him down as soon as he will do something against my buddy. We found out he was pretty ok and had backup too somewhere in bushes (didn't see the guy but didn't want to risk firefight so I didn't stand to look for him still patroling the area with my scope). Guys took what they wanted, even offered us some of ammo and we managed to leave each other in peace. This is what I like. However I would like a radio item so we could pick the same channel and talk within 1000m area (that would be amazing but Rocket propably won't introduce that)

  7. Hi

    I'm new to ArmA (had it for like 1 year already on my Steam but didn't have time nor will to check it since I lacked people to play with) - could someone explain how to set mic in it? People say they cannot hear me while I talk using Direct Channel (and any other channel). I have multiple input devices (I capture PS3, X360 and Wii gameplays with diffrent connectors -HDMI, Compound and Composite) and I believe this is the case. How can I set my Xonar Asus to be default for ArmA?

  8. Oh and another thing - one of helis didn't have any items dropped. Sometimes they can be found under the heli (someone posted youtube vid about this but that solution didn't work for us either) - we couldn't get to juicy loot so I hit the ground and I was sneaking like mad to get that loot. I was near the tail, looking to heli's front and missclicked W with E (was on the left side) - rolled into Heli and that caused to broke my bones, getting uncautious, bleeding. I would propably die if there was no mate with me. He patched me up when I reached 6k blood extremaly fast and you won't believe. Loot actualy DID appear on the floor arround Heli. We found M107 and Ghilie camo suit (and FL rifle and M14 rifle with colimator). And then someone attacked us, killed my friend with headshoot. He didn't manage to press alt+f4 in time (by the way it's so unlucky that I'm again on 3 person server and get attacked in the middle of fucking nowhere xD) so he died AND his body disappeared. I managed to kill that bastard and take his Bizon SD. Funny thing is I went back to the first chopper after that and... found another Bizon o.o (and it wasn't there for 100%)... I went back to 2nd chopper where my friend was killed.... and another suprise - in the same place, near tail - another Bizon SD magicaly reappeared o.0 So now I have 1 Bizon SD in my backpack (I run with DRM) and 5 clips for it. 64 bullets each... silenced... (dear bandits, prepare your anus for ultimate Splinter Cell PENETRATION!)

  9. So I've noticed that Helicopter crash sites aren't particularly random' date=' I've seen one in the same spot on at least 2 different servers. This got me thinking that if we could bring together a map, we might be able to scope out all possible sites.

    So if anyone wants to chip in by marking the location of any crashes you've found, we can start compiling a map of their locations. I've only got one location currently =/


    I can add 2 locations to your map - both near south west from Veresnik hill (south from between Vybor and Kabanino) in the same square I believe. I have seen one from Deer Stand and when I came closer I saw another one . Also I've found there a tractor with broken engine and fuel tank.

    I thought same as you that these locations aren't so 'random', checked 40 servers staring at the same place with no result. Bad luck or they're actualy that random ;)

    I logged out to do some work arround home and when I logged back on the same server 30 minutes later both of them were gone. I'm not sure if they disappeared or in those 30 minutes there actualy was server restart.

  10. I believe there should be an item called "Radio" or "CB Radio" and enable us to global chat with others (both with text and voip) after we obtain it as well as few channels to pick - or maybe radio limited to few squares you're in but that's propably too much work to put in (however it would be nice addition in ArmA3). + private channel with ultra rare barrack spawn military radio as a bonus.

    By the way today I was on some server and there was only Direct, Vehicle and Group chats enabled and I saw people writing global on side chat (Aqua color text) - and there was only 3 or 4 of them. And there were over 40ppl on that server so I guess not only I didn't know how to use side chat after patch?

  11. When I've played my character for hours on end' date=' I have the best gear, cars and equipment, I just don't want to die. Thus the paranoia. Sure, you could be friendly, but you could be a bandit, and I could be dead. Thus, I shoot on sight, [u']unless the person uses direct chat. So... Use the direct chat more people! You'll die less.

    By the way - can anyone tell me where to set mic in ArmA? The guy I play with say he doesn't hear me so we have to use TS instead because I can't find any mic-related settings in game o.0

  12. I was friendly to everyone. Made only 1 friend by that. Now I kill on sight, just because we're inland and there is no 'friendly' - there's just bullet going straight to your head. Anyway due to my friendly nature I help people away from their sight. Too bad there's no global chat anymore. People propably shit their bricks when I sit miles away with my sniper rifle and taking down zombies rushing at them xD However if we meet face to face I aim straight for the head.

  13. So wait' date=' hoppers hop straight into barracks? Don't you need to approach building from distance for it to spawn loot?

    I have logged in in barns and houses countless times and they were always empty so whats the point jumping straight into barracks if they might be empty?


    As newbie I can answer your question already what I've noticed from my own experience while learning game's mechanics (I play 3rd day in ArmA2 ever). When you login in a place where loot is supposed to be but noone was there already - loot will not spawn. If someone was there (but isn't now) and took few things loot stays. So you can server hop and take what is left (good way to take AKM and lots of ammo for this since noone wants AKM while they're at barracks).

    Another way you can abuse DC serverhop mechanics is that you spawn in untouched barracks, go out for a distance, quit to lobby, join again, run to the barracks and furthar along it's side to spawn loot, quit to lobby and rejoin to despawn zombies, go inside and take a loot.

    Serverhopping is quite dickhead move but same is camping those places all day since they're only place with NV items. (greeting for all retarded snipers camping whole day at NWA and for clan members who just kick you out of their servers anyone who join so they can loot in peace)
