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About ceru15@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Shops aren't impossible in Arma II; it's not a limitation of the engine to have scripted NPCs and the ability to have a fake currency. The RPG-servers have banks, currency, etc :L It's really difficult to say what the engine is limited to.
  2. ceru15@hotmail.com

    How about some T34?

    The roads in Arma II usually allow the vehicles to go at top-speeds. Oddly enough ground impacts the speed of everything severely (I'm saying a drop of 15-30kp/h usually, while not making it any more difficult to maneuver.) Honestly I would rather have more vehicles that aren't armed before seeing the T34... or even the Huey. Still waiting on those mechanical bikes and ATVs :)
  3. ceru15@hotmail.com


    A small percentage of zombies with guns would be totally realistic. The zombies in this mod are after all infected people' date=' in a world with guns. And sickness is a gradual proces. So why not have some zombies who are 'half way'. Personally, i thought it worked great in STALKER. I know its a inconventional idea, but it is 'realistic', in a way. [/quote'] How you can put 'Zombies' and 'realistic' in the same sentence is beyond me. Even if we were talking about traditional zombies/infected, they don't have the capacity to use hand-eye coordination so seeing a zombie use a gun in any sense just seems too ridiculous. Urgh, the STALKER Zombies were terrible shots that hip-fired in your general direction. Considering in Arma II most of the military and police-men have years of training I would assume they'd have a well-enough instinct as a zed to understand, 'I squeeze, gun fires.' The real-issue is that the game won't meet everyone's expectations. 'Real-Ghoul fanatics' want slow-moving invincible walkers that can only die when the brain is completely destroyed as well as screw anyone over if they manage to give a living human so much as a paper-cut. The average zombie lover wants a challenge where the zombies aren't slow as bricks but aren't the teleporting speed-racers that they are. Stalker fans want something rather unique in zombies where they're actually capable of remembering skills they've spent years acquiring (I swear a Romero-movie had a ghoul fire a gun.) For me personally I want slow-walkers with the combination of assault rifle hip-firing zeds :S
  4. ceru15@hotmail.com

    Respawned at place of death with all my gear.

    Same for me in the same place; I spawned on-top of my clone and had all my gear when re-spawning alongside the dead-body. Strangely enough it allowed me to kill-off a bandit spotting another bandit I killed previously in the army-encampment (Insult to injury the bandit I killed after re-spawning then got kicked.) Maybe it's haunted grounds that do some odd-events... like an anomaly! EDIT: Oh, and I was on: US1
  5. ceru15@hotmail.com


  6. ceru15@hotmail.com

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    No, I wouldn't like to see murderers lose their bandit skins just yet. If the humanity system is changed around I wouldn't mind.