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Posts posted by Azhari

  1. 12 hours ago, Sid Debian said:

    Now as I promised. I not really know what's addon's names you're using so I'll use the same designations like I had used before.
    But I shall warn you, if your source mod is binarized you can't override such references because you could not find necessary info from .cpp file!!!!

      Reveal hidden contents
    class CfgPatches {
    	class MyModdedM200_Addon {	// MyModdedM200_Addon -> culd be whatever name you preffer. BUT no special symbols & whitespaces! Like: MyModdedM200_Addon = GOOD, !MyModdedM200 Addon! = BAD
    		units[] = {};
    		weapons[] = {};
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = {"DZ_Data","DZ_Scripts","Awesome_M200"};	// use the source addon with model and etc, here we set only the link to config file with M200
    class CfgWeapons {	// Means that in this section only weapons!!!! for Magazines required another class
    	class Awesome_M200;	// Intent the game load info from this reference as class instance and feture inheritage from Parent class Awesome_M200
    	class MyModdedM200 : Awesome_M200 {
    		scope = 2;								// This means that game see and may use that class instance
    		displayName = "This is my Modded M200"; // Any your's desired name
    		descriptionShort = "She feeds only with .408 catriges. So let's feed her a bit :D"; // Any your's desired description


    I hope that will helps you a bit.

    Thank you for your help.. so I contacted the mod maker and he helped me alot. I used the wrong pbo extractor. It extracted the configs as bins and not as cpp. Mod maker showed me how to do it properly and now I got it. Thank you very much!

  2. So basically what I want to know is, can I somehow get files from a modded weapon, change just like the description from the gun to something else and then repack it?

    For example lets say a mod has a m200 cheytac with the item description "This is a m200" or something and I want to change it to "This is a m200, it takes .408 ammunition.

    I was able to unpack the pbo's but I can't get to the item names and descriptions, I guess it's in the config.bin but I can't read it and somehow I cant convert it to cpp with the cfgconverter.
