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Everything posted by 100radsbar

  1. One thing I would like to see in the mod, and the stand alone version, is that you can sling your rifle on your shoulder (or across your back), and equip the axe, for silent kills/harvesting wood. Without the need to drop your rifle, or the need to put the rifle in your backpack. I do not know if the game engine can do that, but it would be a nice addition. Also if possible, fine-tune the hit detection when using axe to strike down zombies/infected. I do not quite know the backstory of DayZ, but since this is set in some Post Apocalyptic Warsaw Pact country, NATO weapons should be scarce, to non-existent. Hunting Rifles, like Mosin, shotguns, AK's & and other CIS weaponry should be the dominant weapons around.
  2. 100radsbar

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    One thing they definitely should fix, before adding more stuff, are the zombies ability to walk through objects, doors, etc. I mean they are zombies.....not ghosts. The whole tent issue should also be fixed, they should stay in the game, so the players who are trying to survive as long as possible can make a small base of operations, to stash equipment/food/medics. It should still be loot-able, but perhaps letting the players booby-trap the tents to avoid intruders
  3. 100radsbar

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Ammo is not a problem, my current character has killed 75 Zombies. 5 or 6 are with a G17 sidearm, the rest I have killed with the axe. So crawl towards the Zombies, and whack'em with the axe, one hit silent kill. I rarely have a rifle in my inventory, and if have have to enter a small town to loot, i stash my rifle (if I have one) in a building, and use the axe when going through town. The best time of day to loot small towns with lot of Zombies is after 9-10 pm, or very early in the morning when it is not pitch-black, and you actually can see anything, and where you can crouch-walk without alerting the Zombies, and if they get to close chop them down easy-peasy. The only worries I have are other players shooting me...or running me over with a car...those bastards....
  4. 100radsbar

    Dear Newbies Wandering The Coast

    I like the story. People have a tendency to use more energy/time on fucking each other over, than actually helping each other. You have to pretty stupid, to try and steal from someone, or kill someone, who just helped you out. I have had help from 3 players during my time in DayZ. - One gave me morphine for my broken leg, I offered what I had in return if he wanted it (Bloodbags, food, painkillers etc.) He declined, because he was fully stocked. I thanked him for the help, and we went our separate ways. - Another helped me near the Coast he had found 2 bicycles and we planned to drive over to where he had a car. I accidentally drove into him and wrecked his bike, and injured him. :( I used my only bandage to stop his bleeding, he gave me a piece of meat, and a can of soda, and we parted ways, on friendly terms, he took the remaining bike :) The last, was a bandit, who helped me in Cherno (or Electro I don't remember). We got some stuff and left the city to meet his group, a sniper got us both north of the city. :( So even someone branded as a bandit can be helpful to others. If I wasn't getting shot all time, or run over by a car, by other players, I would be able to get more equipment, so I could help other people. But more likely i will get a bullet between the eyes when I actually get the opportunity to help some other player.....
  5. 100radsbar

    you sir, are an ahole

    Perhaps if people would help each other instead of killing everything that moves, even unarmed players, the game could be more enjoyable for more people. As many other players, I avoid heavily populated servers, and after getting shot too many times, and run over by a Jeep, I avoid other players in general. That said, I have met 3 helpful players, 1 gave me morphine for my broken leg, 1 helped me get a bike, and 1 (a bandit even) helped me out in Cherno, we were shot by a sniper though north of Electro.
  6. 100radsbar

    Day Z Wallpapers

    So you took an image from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series and added a DAYZ logo.....?! So unless you made the original picture from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I would not go as far and say that you have made anything.
  7. 100radsbar

    A few questions

    Depends on how you play. I have survived some time time now with the same character, using the (for me) sensible approach: Lay low and sneak. I avoid city areas during the day-time, and keep to the less populated areas where snotty-nosed bandits like you are more scarce ;) If you throw a flare Zombies will go to the flare, you obviously don't carry it around....
  8. 100radsbar

    A few questions

    If it is daytime, yo ned to crawl when you are near Zombies. That is te best way to avoid detection. If you find an Axe use that as your primary weapon to kill the Zombies, it is a 1 hit silent kill that wont alert the others. You can kill the Zombies quite easily when crawling/prone with the Axe. I have killed 33 Zombies with the Axe, and so far I have dropped 2 rifles i found, since i prefer the Axe. I keep a .45 Cal Revolver for self-defense if I meet a hostile player. Roadflares and chemlights should make decent decoys, since the Zombies should be attracted to the light, so you cam make a quick escape.
  9. 100radsbar

    Ingame Communication

    Go for goats, and pigs/ Wild Boars, just run up to them and give them a whack with the Axe. Goats give 4 pieces of meat (as far as I remember) Pigs/Wild Boars give up to 5 pieces of meat.
  10. 100radsbar

    Ingame Communication

    The Axe/Hatchet is very effective and silent. It has a good range and kills with 1 hit. I have survived with it 3 game-days, and killed 22 Zombies with the Axe. I have a .45 revolver for self-defense against other players. Go prone/lie-down when using the Axe, Zombies often won't hit hit you with their first blow when you lie down, also the Axe, if timed properly, can hit them before they get close enough to hit you. The "monkey" Zombies that crouch-jump, and crawl, are easy to kill since they need to stand up before they attack you. I generally stay away from the big cities also, no need to seek out trouble actively, trouble will find you eventually :) The airfields, and ruined castles have some OK loot. Once you find some matches, and have a hunting knife, and an Axe, food is not going to be an issue. There are lot of animals to kill to get some meat, and with the axe you can chop wood, and with the matches you can make a fireplace to cook the meat.
  11. Who needs a gun when you have an Axe. I have killed 22 Zombies with the Axe, I have a Colt .45 never fired it though. I came across a M1014 yesterday, but preferred to leave it in the Dear-Stand and kept my Axe equipped. You can head-shot a Zombie up on the Dear-Stand, if you crouch. I was spotted by a Zombie when crawling up the ladder, and he would not leave, so instead of a bullet, from the M1014, or Colt .45, he got a swift bash in the face from my trusty Axe. The Axe has a good range, and if you lie on the gorund the Zombies are easier to kill
  12. 100radsbar

    Need Help In Stary Sobor!

    I can get to quite quickly Stary Sobor just south of it, I have 2 packs of blood, I can post in here, when I am online. If you still need the blood, I don't know how to use the blood-packs though. I also have 2 Makarov Mags I don't need Just a quick non-important info: Stary Sobor means Old Sobor, and Novy Sobor, means New Sobor :)
  13. 100radsbar

    Need Help In Stary Sobor!

    A little tip when fighting Zombies: Go prone/lie down, use the Hatchet/Axe and chop them down while lying low. They often don't hit you the first time when you are lying on the ground, 1 hit with the Axe drops them instantly. I am currently on day 2 with the same character, and I have a revolver with 6 rounds, and the Axe. I have killed 15 Zombies with the Axe so far, and not fired a single shot. I found a M1014 in a Dear Stand today, but I let it be and kept my Axe equipped.
  14. 100radsbar

    Name change?

    Please let us know if you keep your stuff, etc. when creating a new profile/name. Mine is presently stuck as Root, and I would like to change it to my forum name. :)
  15. I agree, it is a good weapon. If you lie prone, most Zombies are easy to kill with it.
  16. 100radsbar

    SKS for DayZ?

    Good idea with more post Soviet era guns. The SKS uses 7.62x39 like the AK-47. But has better accuracy, and longer range. More to read here: http://world.guns.ru/rifle/autoloading-rifles/rus/simonov-sks-e.html
  17. 100radsbar

    Dayz Full Game "Must Have Feature"

    I haven't played the Mod yet, so my suggestions are based on what I have seen on numerous Youtube videos, I have spent the last couple of years playing and modding S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl, so my suggestions are somewhat influenced by that games mechanics :) 1: Simplify the inventory system (I see that people use a lot of time to micro-manage the limited space they have, moving things back and forth to get a can of beans, and often getting shot, or attacked by a Zombie while doing it). 2: Zombies. In my opinion the Zombies move too fast, if they are Zombies they are re-animated corpses, that means that their bodies are decaying, and therefore not able to run at those amazing speeds they do now. As far as I have seen the players can run fast also, and for very prolonged time (if not indefinitely) thus enabling them to outrun the fast Zombies. - My suggestions is: Make the Zombies slower, let them use walk/fast walk speed. Have some sort stamina that runs out at some point forcing the player to rest a while before being able to run again. This stamina could depend on amount of gear carried, bleeding, hunger/drink level, etc. This could create a more intense feeling for the player if you carry lots of stuff, and your are in need of a drink, and then being chased by a group of Zombies, you would either have to stop to drink, or drop some gear to be able to outrun the Zombies. Having them moving slower you could perhaps make them more resilient to bullets, so that the players need to headshot them to kill them, but if you hit them any other place it just slows them down for a bit. 3: The Mod needs some way for people to interact with each other. Perhaps by holstering your weapon, or some sort of greeting animation you can indicate you are friendly. Or you can make use of the voice communication, I do not know how it works in the game, but if it was possible, you could press the speak button, and the people (and Zombies) with-in 100 meters could hear you, that way you would be able to say don't shoot, or, I am friendly, or the other guy could say: You have 2 minutes to get lost before I shoot, or respond that he is friendly too :). I come from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games/mods, and there you get a verbal response from NPC's when you get to close with your weapon out, and if you get within an arms length still with your gun out and try to talk to the NPC he will hit you in the face so that you drop your gun. 4: Also some sort of trade/barter option would be nice, so that the players can trade goods, like 2 bandages for a can of food, or whatever they decide to trade. You could then have a Leaderboard for the top-trader. That would be the guys who play the survival game, instead of the shoot-all-that-moves game. I do not know how that works in-game, or if the games engine allows for this though :) 5: Weapons reload animations could do with a workover. That is all for now, next step for me is to get Arma 2 CO ordered, and DayZ downloaded :)
  18. 100radsbar

    Zombie movement - the zig-zag shuffle.

    I think the Dev's should figure out if they are Zombies, or infected people. If they are Zombies they should not be able to sprint as fast as they do now. Since they are corpses that are reanimated somehow, and their body is in a decaying state. If they are infected with some virus making their brains revert to some primal instinct eating and killing everything they see, if would be more plausible for them to be able to run at the exceptional speed they do now. If they are Zombies they should move slower, no more than a fast walk. An idea could be to implement stamina, so that you are able to run away from Zombies, but not indefinitely like now, but when your stamina runs out you will have to rest, thus giving the Zombies an opportunity to catch up with you.
  19. I have not tried the Mod yet, but seen a number of videos on Youtube. There are a few things that at present keep me from getting started. 1st of all it is the incredible speed at which the Zombies move. You have people who have died, somehow their bodies are re-animated, but they are in a decaying state, that would also mean that their muscles, and sinews are slowly decaying, which would make it very difficult for them to move at the sprinting speeds seen in the game, I mean I am alive and can't move as fast, and change direction as fast as them :) I would prefer slower moving Zombies (Like in Walking dead, etc. but more of them, so if you are spotted you will face a lot of them, not just a small group. 2nd, the Mod needs some way for people to interact with each other. Perhaps by holstering your weapon, or some sort of greeting animation you can indicate you are friendly. Or you can make use of the voice communication, I do not know how it works in the game, but if it was possible, you could press the speak button, and the people (and Zombies) with-in 100 meters could hear you, that way you would be able to say don't shoot / I am friendly, or the other guy could say: You have 2 minutes to get lost before I shoot. You get my drift. :) I come from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games/mods, and there you get a verbal response from NPC's when you get to close with your weapon out, and if you get with-in an arms length still with your gun out and try to talk to the NPC he will hit you in the face so that you drop your gun. Also some sort of trade/barter option would be nice, so that the players can trade goods, like 2 bandages for a can of food, or whatever they decide to trade. You could then have a Leaderboard for the top-trader. That would be the guys who play the survival game, instead of the shoot-all-that-moves game. In my opinion the people who play this game just to shoot all other players, should go back to Counter-Strike. Since from what I can see, and read, this game is not about shooting all living and undead that moves, but surviving the Apocalypse. The debug window is unnecessary, since it serves no purpose in-game. I don't know if some sort of Karma system can be implemented, if you kill people that have holstered their weapon should have some negative effect, perhaps when reaching a certain limit (lets say 5) 50 hungry Zombies surround you :) In real life you have your conscience to guide you, and you are faced with flesh & blood real people, in the game it is only pixels you kill, and some guy from another country you piss off. Because of that players will have to have some form of punishment if they behave badly, the game mechanics will have to be their conscience, and a guide on how to behave in the virtual game world. Also if you die your Karma should be reset, after a day or two, so if you get offed by Karma, the 5 person killed will reset to 0. I think most people will play this game for the survival element, not just to kill everything that moves. And playing the survival element should somehow be rewarded, and the Counter Strike players should not.