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Everything posted by thenazeus

  1. thenazeus

    Battleship in a field!

    Same guy who got equipment from a hacker called devboss in an earlier stream?
  2. thenazeus

    So I took the plunge...

    great story, but I thought there were no humvees in this mod?
  3. I had one similar experience a couple days back. I was in a apartment building in berez, waiting for an bandit to come up the stairs ( I know he was hunting me). Then I see him and I open fire with my ak-74 and fire about 10 bullets into him. He turns and shoots a short burst at me with his m4 and I die instantly. Almost made me quit playing this mod.
  4. thenazeus

    Guns in action

    MP5SD6 and a makarov.
  5. thenazeus

    A hero's Story

    Cool story bro/sis.
  6. thenazeus

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    ETA is 6 to 24 hours