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About transnapastain

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    Feel free to contact me for information. I'm a team player, willing to work together.
  1. transnapastain

    Dayz Roleplaying server

    I appreciate your input, all of those things are, inevitably true and a few of them I had not considered! You're probably right about running a custom map vs an existing mod, and my post was a bit discombobulated due to me writing it while I was a little tired, so it didn't make as much sense as it could have, sorry about that. I suppose my first task would be to figure out how to input custom weapons, locations and such using Vilayer's interface, personally, I'd be fine with never developing a large player base, but running it for myself and friends, but regardless, adding in custom bits tot he map and loot tables is going to be essential. Thanks again!
  2. transnapastain

    Dayz Roleplaying server

    Greetings, I am in possession of a server hosted by Vilayer and am very interested in getting a DayZ RP community together. I know similar things have been done with the DayZRP mod, and I'd like to do something akin to that, only US based. I have the server set up, what I need is the following: - Interested players, obviously an interest in RPing and not simple death matching and killing on sight would be beneficial. - Players or user familiar with the modification of the server files using Vilayer's ACP. I'm very new to this, I've got an idea, but I need help with the technical side of it. I would like to have custom weapons, like those found in Breaking Point, as well as buildings and other options. Other RP like options, such as those in DayZRP and possibly Epoch/Civilian would be useful as well. Of course, I'm not suggesting stealing said materials if they aren't for use by others. Or, if anyone knows how to run a Breaking Point private hive through Vilayer, I'd appreciate that advice. I have the server files, but no idea what to do with them! I have TS and Skype, simply reply here if you're interested. Thank you!
  3. transnapastain

    DayZ Private Roleplay Server. Gauging Interest.

    This is a little bit of a gravedig, and if that's a problem, I'm sorry, but I was wondering if this idea was still being pursued?
  4. transnapastain

    You were kicked: Battleye corrupt memory #0

    The last server I was kicked off of I noticed, down in the corner where notifications appear, that it was trying to update battleye, said something about the server requiring BE 1.158, followed by "attempting to update" and then "Unable to update BE Master (2)" Of course, the BE website says current version 1.157...
  5. transnapastain

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Additionally, when this happened to me, I was rather hungry and thirsty. Logged back in, I'd managed to find some food, ate it, and watched the icon return form red to green. Logged out and onto a different server, icon was red again. This happened numerous times with both food and drink as I moved form server to server. At one point, a zombie broke my leg just after I had eaten (again). Logging out and back into another server, I found that my thirst had, again, returned to red, but my leg was still broken. ..awesome. I know we aren't getting our gear back, I'm not even asking that, I'm totally cool with it, but I was hoping for some kind of response on this, please, if possible? I hardly see the point in respawning (which I did, but that is what it is) and regearing if its all going to disappear again. Also, before anyone decides to remind me, yes, its alpha, yes there are bugs. I'm aware. However, asking questions about bugs, and if they the cause is known, and if a solution is coming/possible, isn't wrong. I assume that's why there's a bug report section of the forum. Also, I'll note that, in the above, Chicago 15 is NOT one of the servers I visited. It was Chicago 110, Chicago 35, and us47.
  6. transnapastain

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Also happened to me Date/Time: 7-8-2012 Aprox: 1620 hours (EST) What happened: Logged out from server Chicago 32 to server Chicago 15. Upon logging in all items were gone from inventory, to include backpack primary and secondary weapon. Logged out from Chicago 15 and onto US43. Upon logging in, no items were present in inventory. Where you were: Outside Krasnostav What you were doing: Logging in/out *Current installed version: 1.7.5 *Server(s) you were on: Chicago 32, Chicago 15, US 43.
  7. transnapastain

    sheep in dayz .. ?

    Shit. We'll I tried...I tired to distract him, to get him to move on and stop paying too much attention to the sheep...but I guess he's not having it. The sheep know too much? Now you know too much. That...I can not abide. :P
  8. transnapastain

    Crashed UH-1Y Dissappointment

    Haha, yeah shit happens man. My friend and I actually fund three crashed choppers the otehr day and not a single one of them had any lot. Either it failed to spawn (two of them also had no zombies) or it had already been picked clean. Was I disappointed? Sure. But thats how it goes.
  9. transnapastain

    sheep in dayz .. ?

    da faq did I just read? That video did nothing to make me think sheep were dangerous....except that the dude in the video was sniper bait that whole time. Do you seriously need to know what sheep are for? I'd think it'd be obvious...just...don't ask the Kiwi players. :P
  10. transnapastain

    How to find a Vehicle?

    I've been playing for 2, maybe 3, weeks. I found my first vehicle today. I've ridden in one before, since I run with a clan from time to time but that hardly counts, since I didn't find them. To the person who parked his off road pick up in the forest north of Stary....waaaaay to close to the road. Thank you. Your truck is safe.
  11. transnapastain

    Bandit heartbeat? What is it and how it works?

    I think this explains a "thumping" sound I've been hearing in game, but had no idea what it was. I also wish to know more about this Followed the link in second reply but didn't see any information of relevance.
  12. transnapastain

    Shoot on Sight

    I very, very much prefer PVE play (as maybe you can infer from my sig). I also very much like living. After the amount o murdering I've endured (and I'm not complaining, simply justifying) I've become a little twitchy. If circumstances permit, I'll simply hide from you and move away. If I know I have an advantage, I'll initiate contact via direct comms, generally asking you to get on the ground and informing you that I"m friendly. Generally, I'm willing to give someone enough time to type out a reply, because I'll assume you don't have a mic. If I can see you don't have a weapon, chances are I'm not going to kill you regardless. If you can't hurt me, why should I hurt you? Your reaction is what determines my next decision. If you refuse to comply or reply, you're probably going to get shot. If you turn tail and run, you're probably going to get away, because if you're running away from me, you aren't being aggressive towards me, and we're good. If you comply and/or reply and make no hostile moves, I'll gladly work with you. If you need something and I have it, I'd be happy to give it to you (I constantly hand out medical supplies, ammo and food if I have anything to spare) I have murdered 2 players in my week of playing. Both refused to reply or comply with my request. Genuinely, I felt bad abut each kill, I take no pleasure in killing players, nor do I engage in hunting survivors or killing newly spawned players for fun. Yes, I'm aware I don't have the "right" to order you to do anything. You don't have an obligation to comply. That doesn't really change anything, in my mind. I don't know you, I don't trust you. You don't have a reason to trust me, either, but we have to start somewhere, I'd rather it be on my terms I'm sure you'd do the same, in my place. :P Edit: Guess I could add, too, that even though I'm a PVE player by nature, I'm not at all saying that the PVE/PVP system in this games needs to be fixed. Part of the tension, as I know was mentored before, is not know what the otehr guy is going to do. Part of what makes his fun is that initial mistrust. As I said, you have no more reason to trust me, than I, you. I find that fun. Yeah, I hate being killed, but I dont feel like my PVE preference needs to be force don everyone else.
  13. transnapastain

    Does respawning leave a corpse?

    I'm assuming hospitals are the buildings with a glass front with the med sign on them that you cant actually enter? Thats all I have been able to find and only once did I find a blood pack. I've been specifically spending time/lifes running through major cities looking for morphine so I know where to find it and in about 15hrs I have not found a single one. I refuse to look at a map other than the one you can find but it would be nice to know im looking in the right spots just having crappy luck. Yes, thats a hospital. You can break the glass in the front with a firearm or by throwing a whiskey bottle at it (However, I tried this last night in Cherno and the glass would not break...hit it with my hatchet, threw the bottle at it, and shot it....nothing) Anyways, you can also climb to the roof (at least at the hospital in Cherno) and find what you need....look for cardboard boxes or loot piles.