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Everything posted by floomoo

  1. floomoo

    A few thoughts on.. (Difficulty, Modding, etc)

    That's definitely not a ramble. That looks to me like a transcript from one of the nightly discussions about DayZ I engage in with my buddies and twitch viewers. My personal preference (that is entirely my own and I'm not forcing it on anyone else) is to keep the game punishing. Make the game a difficult layered survival game where patience and careful logical thinking will allow players to survive the longest and gain the best loot, either crafted or found. Balance all of those core survival pillars of the game (eating/drinking, keeping warm, not getting sick, treating sickness, avoiding/engaging infected) more towards the difficult side but not impossible. Then once the game has robust modding support after v1.0, the community will tailor the game into what they want and the player base will go with what suits their preference. There will be easy mods with thermal AS50's on the coast and golden guns galore, as there will be even more difficult ones that will remove guns all together and make infected extremely dangerous beings. Yes, this will split the player base but I find that argument trivial. Players will go where they want and play what they want at any given time. If tomorrow some huge amazing polished zombie survival game that was pretty much a 'Walking Dead' simulator with all the bells and whistles dropped in outta nowhere then you could likely lose a fair chunk of the player base to that. The next craze that all the kids wanna do could be cheese making, who knows? I'd argue that with mod support the game will sprout out in many different directions and take it's various forms to cater for what people want, but at least they will still be in the DayZ player base and community. Under the DayZ umbrella, not somewhere else. I think you're on the right path Brian (and the DayZ dev team). Dean wouldn't have singled you out as the future lead if you weren't. And if all else fails, go with your gut feeling. It's an amazing and underused tool. If you ever want a good ol' chin wag, healthy debate and/or robust feedback on DayZ, I'd be quite keen to have a casual yarn with you sometime. Just look up floomoo, on the forums here, Steam, Twitch, Youtube, Twitter and even on Facebook. Cheers!
  2. Hey survivors! Doing a stream on twitch today with quite frankly no-one watching, until someone did start watching and thought it would be great fun to stream snipe me. He also admitted to hacking in my stream chat. Here's a couple of screenshots on the chat from my tablet that I use while streaming. I spoke with him afterwards through the stream while he typed replies. My main question was "What's the point in stream sniping? I don't get it." His reply, "because it's funny". I'm not asking for any official action to be taken, as far as I'm aware stream sniping is not bannable and I also have no in-game information or in-game proof on his hacking apart from his word here in the twitch chat. Just want him to be known. So if you stream, keep an eye out for twitch username "Lionsssss". He's bad news. And I've learnt my lesson to have a different in-game name to my twitch username from now on. Never thought it would be an issue seeing as I stream very little and I'm a nobody. Take care out there! floomoo
  3. Oh shit guys it's going down... In the Blue (cyan) corner we have the honourable, the faithful, the razzle dazzle Fraggle! And in the red corner we have... Why Zed Two-Fifty... Yup. FIGHT! #BrownNosing
  4. floomoo

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Where does this entitlement come from? *SLAP!* No, once isn't enough... *SLAP!* ...Still not really enough *slapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslap*
  5. Hey guys, While playing Breaking Point over the past few nights, I've gone full bandit (not something I usually do). And it's paid off, in gear. So I thought I'd post up these screenies to both brag, and start a discussion. So, here's the most geared up I believe I've ever been. http://sphotos-h.ak....518204501_n.jpg http://sphotos-b.ak....590713785_n.jpg That's my current loadout, likely to be lost when I next change skin. I invite other players to either type out or post screenies of the most geared-up you've ever been! Cheers guys, floomoo P.S Couldn't get the photo's to embed in the topic, so I gave up lol. NOTE: This is the Breaking Point mod of DayZ which has many weapons and additions. Calm your tits, the gear is allowed.
  6. floomoo

    [Screenies] Most Geared-Up Player Ever!?!?

    Well I was just meaning gear on the player, not so much the vehicles/tents side of it otherwise the list is endless lol. Yeah I agree that NVGs, Rangefinders, and GPS is missing from the loadout, but in Breaking Point they do seem very rare, if even in the mod at all. I've come across a GPS in a barracks but only once.
  7. I had that feeling the first 2-3 times I murdered someone. Then it just got easier and easier. Then I went to court, and it got in the media and got messy. Now I just play DayZ all day.
  8. I wish I had it in me to beat down the keys of my keyboard and thrash about complaining and whining endlessly like some people here can, because it really does help and further contribute to the big picture... But I can't. Just happy that somethings being made at all, and behind the curtains are people working very hard on this project for little/no beans. :beans: Happy-fucking-chappy :)
  9. floomoo

    United Regiment oF DayZ

    i like turt-leZ
  10. floomoo

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Much like some others I hope that some servers remain 1.7.6 so I can play there.
  11. floomoo

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Just sitting back watching and reading some of the comments and arguments people are having with one another. It's sad to see what is usually a friendly and helpful community turn like this over (in my opinion) something that isn't a huge deal. I can see it really does mean something to some people here and means nothing to others, but my point is don't throw your beans at each other over it.
  12. floomoo

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    Just downloading now, and the media behind it seems great. Perhaps a good map to tie me through till SA. One question, what DayZ Code is it running? The latest
  13. floomoo

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    So happy! This was LONG overdue!
  14. floomoo

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    This. Is. Amazing. Exactly what needs to happen.
  15. floomoo

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Everyone! Had a great year playing DayZ, watching it grow and meeting many great people in-game. Raise your beans to 2013!
  16. Nice one! Stay strong Rocket! Happy thoughts!
  17. Running around = Maintain monotone voice. Finds Coyote Backpack = Breath in super fast and dramatically, then quickly go back to monotone.
  18. floomoo


    Hackers should be placed in giant blenders and just fucked about. IRL that is.
  19. floomoo

    Epic Helicopter Backflip [HD]

    I flipped a chopper once. It crashed. I survived though, I got flung out, bandaged up, and a friend came and picked me up lol I would've linked the video of it happening but I wiped my MSI Captures form my HDD coz I was running outta room :(
  20. floomoo

    Bandit and Hero Camo

    I'm really hoping character customization does get set in the standalone game. Nothing gives me more immersion than owning my character to the way I want him to look, not just some game preset. For now though, these extra skins would be awesome :) Just to get the ball rolling.
  21. Starting the post with 'like' was your first mistake... I'm not even gonna go into the rest.
  22. Hey guys, Just logged into my usual server only to have a guy teleport to me, shoot at me (he missed) and when I said friendly he replied "fuck you clan fag". All happened only 10 minutes ago. The smoke coming from his gun when firing and no-one standing behind that smoke was a clear giveaway for a invisible hacker. Plus there only being 7 total players on the server and he just happened to be waiting for me to log in at my remote campsite. I'd say my tent I'd been working hard to fill up is now raped and flattened by this fuckwit. His in-game name was 'Sean'. So against all odds, in spite of no-one caring, no-one lifting a finger against hackers, and the fact that if Sean was banned there are still thousands more hackers, I'm posting this anyway. Cheers guys, Andy (floomoo)
  23. This game is just fucked now. I work hard to get my stuff running as in tents and vehicles etc, only to have one hacker break it all down. But what for? The 'giggle-factor'? Grow up hackers, I just wanna play my gaimz brah.