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About Kanzero

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kanzero

    Stable Update 1.23

    How hard is it to click the permission and give us Win 7 usage back? Come on guys, a lot of us can't play. Anyone reading this?
  2. Kanzero

    Windows 7 no longer supported

    I played yesterday and it was fine on Windows 7. Nothing has changed since then.
  3. Is there a way to fix this? There is no technical reason why Windows 7 is blocked. The game can work perfectly fine on it as it it did before update 1.23. Oh and please don't start with the comments how old Windows 7 is and how I should upgrade. It works perfectly, let's leave it at that. When I bought the game it was for Windows 7. I consider preventing me, without any technical reason, from playing the game I paid for extremely rude.
  4. Kanzero

    Stable Update 1.23

    This is absurd. Please provide us with a way to continue playing on Windows 7. I don't care about videos supported only by Win 10. There is no technical reason for blocking Windows 7. I will not change my OS and you will lose a customer. This is extremely rude and unwarranted.