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About FlangeHamm3r

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  1. I died from the same thing last night as I didn't realise the whitelisting was in effect. Hope I get rolled back too, I'd found some pretty sweet loot (for once) which is important for us lone wolf players, we need all the help we can get against heavily armed squads of people!
  2. FlangeHamm3r

    Things that kills realism

    Side Chat. Seriously, if you want to know who that is at the tents in Stary, get close enough for them to hear you and ask them. And obviously the apocalypse will have groups of heavily armed survivors arguing about who f***ed who's mom and who's a faggot for hours and hours and hours. It's important, when there is a possibilty of starving to death or getting ripped apart by the infected, to establish who is and isn't a f****g noob before you do anything else.
  3. Hi - I'll PM you a whitelist application later today, thanks Bud :) Awesome server, I get no lag (ping of about 22), so far seem to be a reasonable group of other players using the server. Definitely one I will be staying on :)
  4. Hi - I've signed up for your forums but your website keeps telling me that the link you've sent me to activate my account is invalid. Would a PM with some details help??
  5. I was playing on a server that died recently and on the very first public server I went on after that I played for an hour and then everyone got teleported into the sea. Brilliant. So I'm looking for somewhere else to play and, as I live in Yorkshire, this looks promising. I prefer vanilla DayZ without extra loot or vehicles or (in one case on a private hive I was playing on) a secret base full of helicopters and loot that the admins have hidden just outside the map. Questions: Is this server anti-hack protected or at least adminned a lot? Is the server whitelisted or can anyone just join?
  6. Hi - used to play on your server a while ago, gave up DayZ for a while, looking to get back into it. Name: DrLoktor Location: The UK GUID: 9f728110e69ca947b02152191717b9a2 Thanks dude!
  7. Does that 4 Hueys include the 2 that are in that "hidden" compound along with the big truck? :) It's ok you can trust me to keep it a secret; I'm a doctor.
  8. FlangeHamm3r

    Players 30+ years old

    I'm a 38 year old who's been playing DayZ for a couple of months now and gotten good at the "lone survivor" thing, but it has got a bit boring. I am looking for some folk to play with; just registered on your Fogeyz site too, hope to see you on there.
  9. FlangeHamm3r

    The reason why it's "shoot on sight"

    Decided to stop playing for a while after today's random asshole encounter. Got well kitted out for a change, see a guy in Zeleno running into the supermarket with a train of infected behind him, trying to lead them off with a smoke grenade. I was heading that way myself so decided to stay where I was and wait for him to either run away or get killed. He runs out of the market and straight towards my position although he can't see me at this point as I'm crouching behind a shed. He runs past, does see me and instead of trying to get away decides to stop and open fire on me while the infected climb all over him. I manage to shoot him dead but then of course his zombie train is all over me and he clipped me with at least one bullet so I quickly go into shock, pass out and get eaten alive. So well done you fuckwit; If you had kept running you could have lost the zeds and we'd both still be alive but because you absolutely had to stop and try and kill one more player now we're both dead. I'm going to play something else for a month; I can't take any more stupid for the time being.
  10. FlangeHamm3r

    How To Use an In-Game Map

    Be really careful when approaching other people's markers on the map - I've seen an empty tent set up with a marker on it saying "Camp Here" and a sniper watching over it. So it was more like "Camper Here". Unfortunately for the sniper my angle of approach was from behind his position so I saw him first. Thanks for the rifle :)
  11. FlangeHamm3r


    Find and shoot an animal. Farm animals tend to appear on farmland (goats, cows and sheep), wild pigs can be found in the forest and rabbits are everywhere but I'd ignore them unless you're desperate as they aren't easy to shoot and you'll waste ammo trying to kill one on the run for a tiny bit of meat. Once it's dead walk up to it and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to open the context menu. "Gut Animal" should be right at the top, you need to select that. An animation will play and a message will tell you that "X has been gutted and there are now X steaks on the carcass". Open gear and take the steaks. Go to a forest, stand with your face up against a tree, open your gear and right-click on the hatchet. Select "Gather wood", if you're in the right place you should have a pile of firewood added to your gear. It takes up 2 slots so make sure you have space. Next find a gap on a bit of ground. Open gear, right click on your matches and select "Make fireplace". Once the fire is made use the context menu (scroll wheel) to select "Light fire". Then use the same menu to select "Cook meat". This will cook all the steaks in your active menu, not any that are in your backpack. Meat has to be in your active gear in order to be cooked. Once cooked you eat it the same way you eat beans but it will give you a lot more blood back. I think it takes you longer to get hungry again if you're eating steak but that might just be my imagination. Put out the fire as soon as you are done with it unless you need to warm up first. Be sensible about where you light it; if it's night then be deep in a forest, I've seen them on the side of hills facing cities at night - you might as well have a big flashing neon sign that says "I have meat, matches, a hatchet and a hunting knife. Would you like to kill me and take them?". The smoke from a fire is visible in daylight so avoid lighting a fire near anywhere you think may be occupied (unless it's a decoy fire). It will also attract nearby infected so really don't light one near a village.
  12. How did you know there were 76? Also: try Alt+Print Screen, should only screenshot the active window
  13. FlangeHamm3r

    What is the easiest way to lose zombies?

    I usually find that if you die and wait for them to finish eating your corpse then they wander off. Failing that you could do what someone did to me yesterday in Elektro which is to run straight at another player with some infected on your tail shouting "Zombies, I have zombies, fresh zombies here..." and then when some break off to attack the other player shout "Enjoy the fucking zombies, they're fresh!!" and then run off into the distance still shouting. It was like being attacked by a Monty Python sketch...